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Nội dung text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 10(GIỚI TỪ).docx

Page 1 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : GIỚI TỪ CHAPTER 10 : PREPOSITIONS  CƠ SỞ LÝ THUYẾT 1. Dùng chỉ thời gian: o Đứng trước giờ: dùng : AT o Đứng trước ngày, thứ, tuần dùng : ON o Đứng trước tháng, mùa, năm, thế kỷ dùng : IN 2. Dùng chỉ nơi chốn: o Ñứng trước địa danh nhỏ, không nổi tiếng dùng : AT o Ñứng trước dịa danh lớn, nổi tiếng dùng : IN 3. Dùng cho một số trường hợp khác o Chỉ thời gian sắp tới dùng : IN. Ex: In three days : trong 3 ngày nữa o Vào buổi sáng : in the morning o Vào buổi chiều : in the afternoon o Vào buổi tối : in the evening / at night o Vào cuối tuần : at weekends 4. Một số giới từ thường dùng: o From : từ … Ex : I am from Vietnam, I get the book from the man o From … to … : từ … đến .. . Ex: From 4 o’clock to 6 o’clock; from my house to school o Next to = near : ở cạnh Ex: I live near her house o Behind : ở phía sau: Ex: the shop is behind the postoffice o In front of : ở trước Ex: my house is in front of the school o On : ở trên Ex :the book is on the table o Under : ở dưới Ex : the pen is under the book o In the middle of : ở giữa. Ex :the tree is in the middle of the yard o In : ở trong Ex: he is in the room o Out : ở ngoài: Ex: he is out of the room o Opposite : đối diện: Ex:my house is opposite the shop 5. VERB + PREP: (Động từ + giới từ) 1. VERB + TO - apologize to sb for sth - belong to - complain to sb about sb / sth - happen to - introduce to - listen to - speak / talk to sb - write to - prefer ... to ... - explain ... to ... - invite ... to ... 2. VERB + FOR - apply for - care for - pay for - look for - wait for - blame ... for - leave ... for - search ... for - ask ... for 3. VERB + ABOUT - care about - dream about sb / sth - think about - hear about: be told about - warn ... about - think about : xem xét 4. VERB + ON - concentrate on / focus on - depend on / rely on - live on - congratulate ... on 5. VERB + OF - consist of - die of - take care of - accuse ... of 6. VERB + AT - laugh at / smile at - shout at - look at / stare at / glance at - point at / aim at
Page 2 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : GIỚI TỪ - spend ... on - remind ... of - think of : tưởng tượng 7. VERB + IN - succeed in - arrive in / at 8. VERB + WITH - provide ... with - charge ... with 9. VERB + FROM - suffer ... from / borrow ... from - save / protect / prevent ... from 6. ADJECTIVE + PREP: (Tính từ + giới từ) 1. ADJ + TO - accustomed to - addicted to - harmful to - similar to / agreeable to - good / nice / kind / polite / rude /….to sb - important to 2. ADJ + FOR - available for - responsible for - famous for - late for 3. ADJ + ABOUT - angry about - anxious about - worried about - excited about - corncern about: lo lắng 4. ADJ + ON - keen on - dependent on 5. ADJ + OF - afraid of / full of - aware of / tired of - ashamed of - capable of 6. ADJ + AT - surprised at - quick at - bad / good at - brilliant at 7. ADJ + IN - confident in - successful in - interested in - rich in 8. ADJ + WITH - equipped with - bored with - busy with - acquainted with - corncern with : quan tâm 9. ADJ + FROM - different from - absent from - safe from  BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. She was very surprised________ the grade she received. a. at b. on c. of d. about 2. We might need more food, depending____ how many people turn up. a. for b. on c. at d. wit 3. Jane doesn't spend much money______ clothes. a. over b. about c. at d. on 4. She always takes good care_______ her children. a. for b. in c. of d. with 5. A sign warned motorists______ dangers. a. of b. for c. about d. a and c 6. They translated the letter ______ French. a. for b. with c. into d. about 7. I was disappointed________ the grade I received on my last essay. a. for b. about c. to d. a and b 8. The medical center is close ________ campus. a. to b. for c. up d. with 9. We went there_______ car and stayed there for the whole day. a. in b. on c. with d. by

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