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29/07/2019 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers https://medium.com/hackernoon/50-data-structure-and-algorithms-interview-questions-for-programmers-b4b1ac61f5b0 1/12 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers javinpaul Sep 23, 2018 · 11 min read There are a lot of computer science graduates and programmers applying for programming, coding, and software development roles at startups like Uber and Netflix; big organizations like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google; and service-based companies like Infosys or Luxsoft, but many of them have no idea of what kind of programming interview questions to expect when you’re applying for a job with these companies. In this article, I’ll share some frequently asked programming interview questions from different interviews for programmers at different levels of experience, from people who have just graduated from college to programmers with one to two years of experience.
29/07/2019 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers https://medium.com/hackernoon/50-data-structure-and-algorithms-interview-questions-for-programmers-b4b1ac61f5b0 2/12 Coding interviews are comprised mainly of data structure and algorithm-based questions as well as some of the logical questions such as, How do you swap two integers without using a temporary variable? I think it’s helpful to divide coding interview questions into different topic areas. The topic areas I’ve seen most often in interviews are array, linked list, string, binary tree, as well as questions from algorithms (e.g. string algorithm, sorting algorithms like quicksort or radix sort, and other miscellaneous ones), and that’s what you will find in this article. It’s not guaranteed that you will be asked these coding or data structure and algorithmic questions, but they will give you enough of an idea of the kinds of questions you can expect in a real programming job interview. Once you have gone through these questions, you should feel confident enough to attend any telephonic or face-to-face interviews. Btw, there is no point in attempting these questions if you don’t have sufficient knowledge of essential Data Structure and Algorithms or you have not touched them from ages. In that case, you should take a good course like Algorithms and Data Structures Part 1 and 2 By Robert Horvick to refresh your DS and algorithms skills. Algorithms and Data Structures - Part 1 A look at the core data structures and algorithms used in day-to-day applications. pluralsight.pxf.io Algorithms and Data Structures - Part 2 A look at the advanced data structures and algorithms used in day-to-day applications. pluralsight.pxf.io Top 50 Algorithms and Coding Interview Questions
29/07/2019 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers https://medium.com/hackernoon/50-data-structure-and-algorithms-interview-questions-for-programmers-b4b1ac61f5b0 3/12 Without any further ado, here is my list of some of the most frequently asked coding interview questions from programming job interviews: 1.Array Coding Interview Questions An array is the most fundamental data structure, which stores elements at a contiguous memory location. It is also one of the darling topics of interviewers and you will hear a lot of questions about an array in any coding interview, e.g. reversing an array, sorting the array, or searching elements on the array. The key benefit of an array data structure is that it offers fast O(1) search if you know the index, but adding and removing an element from an array is slow because you cannot change the size of the array once it’s created. In order to create a shorter or longer array, you need to create a new array and copy all elements from old to new. The key to solving array-based questions is having a good knowledge of array data structure as well as basic programming constructors such as loop, recursion, and fundamental operators. Here are some of the popular array-based coding interview questions for your practice: 1. How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100? (solution) 2. How do you find the duplicate number on a given integer array? (solution) 3. How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array? (solution) 4. How do you find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number? (solution) 5. How do you find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates? (solution) 6. How are duplicates removed from a given array in Java? (solution) 7. How is an integer array sorted in place using the quicksort algorithm? (solution)
29/07/2019 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers https://medium.com/hackernoon/50-data-structure-and-algorithms-interview-questions-for-programmers-b4b1ac61f5b0 4/12 8. How do you remove duplicates from an array in place? (solution) 9. How do you reverse an array in place in Java? (solution) 10. How are duplicates removed from an array without using any library? (solution) These questions will not only help you to develop your problem-solving skills but also improve your knowledge of array data structure. If you need more advanced questions based upon array then you can see also seeThe Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures, a bootcamp style course on algorithms, especially designed for interview preparation to get a job on technical giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook etc. And, if you feel 10 is not enough questions and you need more practice, then you can also check out this list of 30 array questions. 2. Linked List Programming Interview Questions A linked list is another common data structure that complements the array data structure. Similar to the array, it is also a linear data structure and stores elements in a linear fashion. However, unlike the array, it doesn’t store them in contiguous locations; instead, they are scattered everywhere in memory, which is connected to each other using nodes. A linked list is nothing but a list of nodes where each node contains the value stored and the address of the next node.

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