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03. PLANT KINGDOM 1. Who is regarded as the "Father of Indian Phycology'' (a) Prof. M.O.P. Iyenger (b) Prof. J.N. Mishra (c) Prof. R.R. Mishra (d) Prof. R.N. Singh 2. Phycology is the study of (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) All the above 3. Who is popularly known as the "Father of Phycology'' (a) Fritsch (b) Papenfus (c) Smith (d) Morris 4. The classification of algae is based on (a) Type of pigment (b) Nature of cell wall material (c) Nature of reserve food (d) All the above 5. Sexual reproduction and mobile cells are absent in (a) Chlorophyceae (b) Myxophyceae (c) Rhodophyceae (d) Phaeophyceae 6. Botanical name of sea palm is (a) Polysiphonia (b) Postelsia (c) Ectocarpus (d) Macrocystis 7. Agar-Agar is obtained from (a) Gigartina (b) Gelidium (c) Gracillaria (d) All the above 8. Iodine is obtained from the members of (a) Green algae (b) Brown algae (c) Red algae (d) Blue-green algae 9. Example of coenocytic algae is (a) Vaucheria (b) Chara (c) Nostoc (d) Polysiphonia 10. In the life cycle of which group flagellated cells are not formed (a) Chlorophyceae (b) Phaeophyceae (c) Rhodophyceae (d) Both (b) and (c) 11. Spirogyra cells contain (a) One chloroplast and one pyrenoid (b) One or more chloroplast, each with one pyrenoid (c) One or more chloroplast, each with many pyrenoids (d) None of the above 12. Cells of Spirogyra are (a) Uninucleate (b) Binucleate (c) Multinucleate (d) None of the above 13. Filaments of Spirogyra are (a) Uniseriate and unbranched
(b) Uniseriate and branched (c) Multiseriate and unbranched (d) Multiseriate and branched 14. Spirogyra is a (a) Fresh water and free floating alga (b) Marine and free floating alga (c) Fresh water and locomotory alga (d) None of the above 15. Maximum number of chloroplasts recorded in Spirogyra is (a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 20 (d) 16 16. Which structure of Spirogyra is flagellated (a) Physiologically different male gametes (b) Physiologically different female gametes (c) Zygospore (d) None of the above 17. Pond silk' is the common name of (a) Ulothrix (b) Spirogyra (c) Vaucheria (d) Oedogonium 18. Chloroplasts of Spirogyra have (a) Smooth margin (b) Wavy margin (c) Smooth or wavy margin (d) None of the above 19. In Spirogyra meiosis occurs in (a) The developing zygospore (b) During conjugation process (c) During vegetative reproduction (d) During gamete formation 20. In Spirogyra during the germination of zygospore how many haploid nuclei take part (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) All four 21. Which one of the following is a non-vascular embryophyte (a) Thallophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Pteridophyta (d) All the above 22. The largest bryophyte is (a) Funaria (Moss) (b) Marchantia (c) Megaceros (d) Dowsonia 23. Who amongst the following is regarded as the "Father of Indian Bryology'' (a) Prof. K.C. Mehta (b) Prof. D.D. Pant (c) Prof. S.R. Kashyap (d) Prof. P.N. Mehra 24. Heteromorphic alternation of generation is commonly found in (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bryophyta (d) All the above 25. Venter is the part of (a) Sporogonium (b) Sporangium (c) Antheridium (d) Archegonium 26. Archesporium is
(a) A diploid tissue responsible for the formation of sporogenous tissua (b) A part of archegonia (c) A haploid tissue responsible for the formation of gametophytic cells (d) None of the above 27. In which of the following groups would you place a plant which produces spores and embryos but lacks seeds and vascular tissue (a) Fungi (b) Bryophytes (c) Pteridophytes (d) Gymnosperms 28. Bryophytes are of (a) Great economic value (b) No value at all (c) Great ecological importance (d) A lot of aesthetic value 29. Among the following which is not characteristic feature of bryophyte (a) Motile sperms (b) Presence of archegonium (c) Water essential for fertilization (d) Photosynthetically independent sporophyte 30. Last stage of gametophytic generation is (a) Gametes (b) Zygote (c) Spore mother cells (d) Spores 31. Primitive types of stomata are found in the (a) Leaves of moss plants (b) Axis of the moss plant (c) Apophysis of capsule of moss (d) All the above 32. Paraphysis in moss are (a) One celled and club shaped (b) Multicelled and club shaped (c) One celled and bottle shaped (d) Multicelled and bottle shaped 33. Protonema is (a) Fossil pteridophyte (b) A part of the sporophyte of Funaria (c) The juvenile phase of the moss gametophyte (d) None of the above 34. The mode of nutrition of moss sporophyte is (a) Autotrophic (b) Parasitic (c) Saprophytic (d) Semiparasitic 35. Spore dispersal by sensor mechanism takes place in (a) Funaria (b) Selaginella (c) Fern (d) Pinus 36. Leafy gametophyte is formed from protonema in (a) Marchantia (b) Riccia (c) Funaria (d) Anthoceros 37. In moss, reduction division takes place in (a) Capsule (b) Archegonia (c) Antheridium (d) At the tip of rhizoids 38. Which is not a part of moss capsule (a) Peristome (b) Protonema (c) Theca from operculum
(d) Annulus 39. Anchorage organs of Funaria are (a) Unicellular rhizoids (b) Adventitious roots (c) Multicellular rhizoids (d) True roots 40. A feature common to gametophytes and sporophytes of mosses and ferns is (a) Independent existence (b) Autotrophic nutrition (c) Unbranched habit (d) Branched habit 41. Which one of the following belongs to vascular cryptogams (a) Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Gymnosperms (d) Angiosperms 42. Who among the following was a paleobotanist (a) P. Maheshwari (b) S.R. Kashyap (c) Sahani (d) V. Puri 43. Heterospory is found in (a) Selaginella (b) Isoetes (c) Marselia (d) All the above 44. Vessels are not present in the xylem of (a) Pteridophyta (b) Gymnosperms (c) Angiosperm (d) Both (a) and (b) 45. Heterospory is production of (a) Sexual and asexual spores (b) Large and small spores (c) Haploid and diploid spores (d) Diploid and tetraploid spores 46. Which statement is true (a) Spores and gametes are invariably diploids (b) Spores and gametes are invariably haploids (c) Only gametes are invariably haploids (d) Only spores are invariably diploids 47. Heterothallism refers to (a) Fusion is not accompanied with zygote formation (b) Fusion between morphologically similar strain (c) Fusion between the strains of structurally similar and physiologically different (d) All the above 48. An advantage which made seed bearing plants so greatly surpass the ferns in colonizing the land, is the evolution of the (a) Ability to photosynthesize (b) Fibrous root system (c) Woody stem (d) Non-swimming sperms 49. In which of the following plant diploid stage generally dominates (a) Algae (b) Ferns (c) Mosses (d) Fungi 50. Which groups depend on external source of free water (a) Algae, mosses and ferns (b) Algae, mosses and gymnosperms (c) Mosses, ferns and gymnosperms (d) Only algae and mosses 51. Monoecious condition is found in (a) Cycas

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