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Unit 10: LIFELONG LEARNING A. PHONETICS I. Mark the rising () or falling () intonation on the questions. Then practise reading the questions aloud. 1. What is lifelong education? 2. Is it the beginning of a future trend? 3. Do adults and children learn differently? 4. What is a learning organization? 5. What are the different methods available for the evaluation of student learning? 6. Are there any lifelong learning centres in our neighbourhood? II. Mark the rising () or falling () intonation on the questions in the short conversations. Then practise reading the conversations aloud. 1. A: What is the Academy for Lifelong Learning at Saratoga Springs (A.L.L.)? B: A.L.L. is a nonprofit membership organization formed to meet the educational and cultural needs of its members. 2. A: Who are the members and where do they come from? B: The Academy is open to all persons who share a love of learning and enjoy getting together to continue their studies and live in the Saratoga. 3. A: Are scholarships available? B: Yes. half and full scholarships to cover class fees are available each term. 4. A: Will I be interviewed for lifelong courses at your centre? B: Yes. the interview is also the opportunity for you to ask us questions and find out more about the course. 5. A: What qualifications will I need to start a course? B: Entry requirements will differ according to the programme chosen, and there are various methods of assessing your potential 6. A: What are the study groups for LLL like? B: The study groups are small, usually no more than 25 participants and a leader. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box. lifelong initiative employable ultimate hospitality facilitate overwhelming opportunity adequate temptation 1. She took advantage of our _____________ and stayed a whole month without paying us anything. 2. Doing volunteer work offers you the _____________ to get valuable work experience. 3. The new computer-controlled traffic system should _____________ movement into the suburbs during rush hour. 4. The _____________ goal of this course is to make you fluent in English. 5. Medical students generally have a(n) _____________ amount of homework to do. 6. Acquiring education is a(n) _____________ process, not just confined to schools and colleges. 7. It is hard to resist the _____________ to buy a new car, but a used vehicle is much cheaper in the long run. 8. In 1968, 80 percent of _____________ women worked outside the home. 9. The equipment at the workplace was barely _____________ to the job we had to do. 10. The young worker showed a lot of _____________ in making an important decision that was required while his boss was unavailable.
II. Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete each sentence. motivate genius ultimate adequate facilitate voluntary flexible pursue 1. The job of ESL teacher is often described as that of a(n) _____________ of language use by learners in the classroom. 2. _____________, we are responsible for our own learning. 3. You shouldn't live merely in _____________ of your own happiness. 4. Adults who are _____________ enough will overcome the barriers of lifelong learning. 5. Recent research suggests that children born to teenage mothers are more likely to be poor, and to receive _____________ healthcare and education. 6. Health experts say that regular stretching improves one's _____________, and reduces injuries. 7. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were great scientific _____________. 8. She _____________ did a lot of work for the Red Cross. III. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets and prepositions where needed. I go to an experimental school with no classes or teachers - the adults are “advisers” who (1. take care) _____________ our learning. The first big (2. differ) _____________ from other schools is that there are no classrooms but one big room with the (3. appear) _____________ of a modem office. Students can (4. take part) _____________ group projects and can also (5. take break) _____________ when they want. There are no compulsory (6. exam) _____________ but the students’ academic (7. perform) _____________ is above average for the USA. I like the school because it is more creative type of (8. educate) _____________. If you (9. take advantage) _____________ the school, you learn a lot, like (10. cooperate) _____________ other people. IV. Fill in each blank in the following famous sayings about lifelong learning with the correct word from the box. learn discovery failure less result death flame pain education books Lifelong Learning Quotes 1. “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at _____________ - Albert Einstein 2. “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the _____________ I know.” – Michel Legrand 3. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I _____________.” - Benjamin Franklin 4. “All I have learned, I learned from _____________.” - Abraham Lincoln 5. “We learn from , not from success!” - Bram Stoker 6. “Change is the end _____________ of all true learning.” - Leo Buscaglia 7. “Learning is not child’s play; we cannot learn without _____________.”- Aristotle 8. “The real voyage of _____________ consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.” - Marcel Proust 9. “I have never let my schooling interfere with my _____________.” - Mark Twain 10. “Education is the kindling of a _____________, not the filling of a vessel.” - Socrates Note: kindling (n) = small dry sticks to start a fire
V. Fill in each blank in the text with the correct word from the box. recollection topic how self-motivation meaning experience mistakes develop skills what MASTER your Learning In his book, Master it Faster, Colin Rose uses the acronym MASTER to describe the six stages he believes are key to becoming an effective learner: Motivation, Acquire, Search, Trigger, Examine, and Reflect. These stages can be applied to any type of learning, either formal or informal. Motivation: Lifelong learning requires (1) ______________. You need to feel positive about learning and about your ability to learn. Acquire: Effective learning requires that you acquire information through reading, listening, observing, practising, experimenting and (2) _____________. Information is all around you: the trick is to acquire relevant and meaningful information and (3) _____________ this into knowledge and skills. Search: Learning is successful when we can search for a personal (4) _____________ in the information we’re acquiring. We find it hard to remember facts without understanding them or being able to put them into context. Trigger: Human beings are notoriously bad at retaining information. You cannot and will not remember all that you read, hear and experience. You can help to trigger (5) _____________ in a variety of ways. For example, you can take notes, practice, discuss and experiment with new ideas and (6) _____________ to help you learn and develop. Examine: You should regularly examine your knowledge to help reinforce in your mind (7) _____________ you have learned. You should always try to keep an open mind, question your understanding and be open to new information. Reflect: Finally, you should reflect on your learning. Think about how and why you learned, including (8) _____________ you felt about a particular (9) _____________ or situation, before and after you developed your knowledge. Learn from your (10) _____________ as well as from your successes and always try to remain positive. VI. Fill in each blank in the text with the correct word from the box. colleagues training blogs pace opportunities skills content value plan charities Tips For Lifelong Learning “Once you stop learning you start dying,” said Albert Einstein. It is a fact that our world is changing at an incredible (1) _____________. The only hope that we have of remaining relevant throughout our career is to always be learning. So what can you do to keep up?  Create your own “Lifelong Learning (2) _____________” focusing on all the things you can do for you! Use the following 9 tips to fill out that plan.  Read! You need to cultivate this habit, set aside time and read (3) _____________ that will be useful to you. Read about innovations in the world, read about what others are doing.  Set aside time for further education: your local college, university, any institution that offers training. Online sources like Coursera offer free, but valuable training (4) _____________.  Borrow training materials from (5) _____________. If they like it, and are willing to lend you the material, it is a good way to get cheap training.  Find online content that is relevant to you. Follow (6) _____________, get on Twitter and follow interesting people.
 Get involved outside your job area, in social committees, health and safety committees etc. You will meet and learn from colleagues with different (7) _____________ than yourself.  Get involved with (8) _____________ and not for profits. You will learn from people who work in totally different worlds than you.  Take advantage of any company sponsored (9) _____________ that you can. Understand the possibilities and maximize them. The more you learn, the more interesting you will become. It cannot hurt your career, and can only enhance your employability and your (10) _____________ to your employer. In our changing world I think this is critical for anyone! VII. Fill the appropriate heading given in each blank in the text. A. Lateral thinking skills C. Communication skills E. Search strategy skills G. Presentation skills I. Critical thinking skills B. Self-directed learning skills D. Project-planning skills F. Confidence-building skills H. Interpersonal skills J. Problem-solving skills Essential Skills of Lifelong Learning The set of skills we need to focus on to successfully develop lifelong learning skills are many and varied, but could include any or all of the following: 1. _________________________: Learning how to define a problem and then setting about locating, selecting, organizing, presenting and finally evaluation is an essential strategy. 2. _________________________: Learning not to take information, particularly that which is located online, as gospel is very important. Students need to be shown how to check and verify the authenticity of information. 3. _________________________: By providing students with opportunities to brainstorm together and find out different paths to follow to get to the end solution are important learning skills to incorporate into our everyday teaching. 4. _________________________: Being able to think outside of the box lends itself to self- directed learning and exploring. Students can gain much by completing exercises that force them to think beyond the obvious. 5. _________________________: Being able to present information in a clear and coherent way so that others can interpret it is an essential life skill. 6. _________________________: Learning to use social networking as a learning tool among our students is vital. While there is much discussion about responsible use of social media, are we teaching our students how to use these tools to expand their own learning? 7. _________________________: Appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication plus listening and questioning skills, being responsible and accountable for actions, awareness of social etiquette and expectations alongside self-management skills are essential for working as a member of a team. 8. _________________________: Developing an ‘I can’ attitude and assertiveness is so very important. 9. _________________________: By giving our students the opportunity to determine what and how they will learn is a valuable way for them to determine the path of their own learning. 10. _________________________: Being able to set standards for the scope of a project as well as setting and sticking to a time line for the completion of a project is an imperative skill to ensure learning continues throughout a lifetime. Notes: - lateral thinking = a way of solving a problem by thinking about it in a different way - critical thinking = the process of thinking carefully about a subject, not allowing opinions to affect you

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