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A [ 2 ] DB-HOMEO H41E-2022 (Paper Code – 221601) Set - A ©UîæÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤æ â×Ø Ñ 3 ƒæ‡ÅðU ¥çÏ·¤Ì× ¥¢·¤ Ñ 300 Time for Marking Answers : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 ÙôÅU Ñ 1. §â ÂýàÙ- ̃æ ×ð ́ 150 ÂýàÙ ãñ ́UÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ 2 ¥¢·¤ ·¤æ ãñUÐ 2. ÂýàÙô ́ ·ð¤ ©UîæÚU ÎðÙð ·¤è çßçÏ â`Õ‹Ïè çÙÎðüàæ Áô OMR ©UîæÚU-àæèÅU ·ð¤ ÂèÀðU çΰ »° ãñ ́U, ŠØæÙ âð ÂçÉ ̧U°Ð ÂýàÙô ́ ·ð¤ ©UîæÚU, Îè »§ü OMR ©UîæÚU-àæèÅU (¥æ‹âÚU-àæèÅU) ÂÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤èçÁ°Ð 3. ç·¤âè Öè ÌÚUãU ·ð¤ ·ñ¤Ü·é¤ÜðÅUÚU Øæ Üæò» ÅðUÕÜ, ×ôÕæ§Ü ȤôÙ °ß¢ S×æÅüU ßæ¿ ·¤æ ÂýØô» ßçÁüÌ ãñUÐ Note : 1. This question paper has 150 questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 2. Read carefully instructions regarding method of answering questions given on the back side of the OMR Answer-Sheet and indicate your answers on the OMR Answer-Sheet provided. 3. Use of any type of Calculator or Log table, Mobile phone and Smart watch is prohibited.
A [ 3 ] DB-HOMEO 1. Tropical eosinophilia is characterized by the following, except : (A) Cough (B) Asthmatic attacks (C) Increased appetite (D) Paroxysmal dyspnoea 2. What is the incubation period of typhoid fever? (A) 5 to 14 days (B) 20 to 30 days (C) 1 to 3 days (D) 16 to 20 days 3. The order of frequency of joints involvement in ankylosing spondylitis is : (A) Costal, shoulder, hip, spinal and sacroiliac joints (B) Shoulder, costal, hip, spinal and sacroiliac joints (C) Hip, spinal, sacroiliac, costal and shoulder joints (D) Sacroiliac, spinal, hip, costal and shoulder joints 4. Brittle, thinned out, flattened is the characteristic feature of : (A) Pernicious anaemia (B) Iron-deficiency anaemia (C) Hemorrhagic anaemia (D) Thalassemia 1. ÅþUæòç·¤Ü §¥æðçâÙôçȤçÜØæ çÙ`ÙçÜç1Ì ×ð ́ âð 緤ⷤè ÀUæðÇ ̧U·¤ÚU çßàæðáÌæ ãñU? (A) 1æ¡âè (B) Î×æ ·ð¤¤ÎæñÚðU (C) Öê1 ×ð ́ ßëçh (D) ÂñÚUæòç@âS×Ü çÇUSÂðçÙØæ¤ 2. ÅUæ§È¤æ§ÇU Õé1æÚU ·¤è a¤c×æØÙ ¥ßçÏ @Øæ ãñU? (A) z âð vy çÎÙ (B) w® âð x® çÎÙ (C) v âð x çÎÙ (D) v{ âð w® çÎÙ 3. °ð ́ç·¤ÜæðçÊ梻 SÂæòç‹ÇUÜæ§çÅUâ ×ð ́ ÁæðÇ ̧Uæð ́ ·¤è Öæ»èÎæÚUè ·¤è ¥æßëçîæ ·¤æ ·ý¤× ãñU Ñ (A) ·¤æðSÅUÜ, ·¢¤Ïð, ·ê¤ËãðU, ÚUèÉ ̧U ·¤è ãUÇ÷UÇUè ¥æñÚU âñ·ý¤æð§çÜØ·¤ ÁæðÇ ̧U (B) ·¢¤Ïð, ·¤æðSÅUÜ, ·ê¤ËãðU, ÚUèÉ ̧U ·¤è ãUÇ÷UÇUè ¥æñÚU âñ·ý¤æð§çÜØ·¤ ÁæðÇ ̧U (C) ·ê¤ËãðU, ÚUèÉ ̧U ·¤è ãUÇ÷UÇUè, âñ·ý¤æð§çÜØ·¤, ·¤ôSÅUÜ ¥æñÚU ·¢¤Ïð ·ð¤ ÁôÇ ̧U (D) âñ·ý¤æð§çÜØ·¤, ÚUèÉ ̧U ·¤è ãUÇ÷UÇUè, ·ê¤ËãðU, ·¤æðSÅUÜ ¥æñÚU ·¢¤Ïð ·ð¤ ÁæðÇ ̧U 4. Ö¢»éÚU, ÂÌÜæ, ¿ÂÅUæ ãUæðÙæ 緤ⷤè çßàæðáÌæ ãñU? (A) ƒææÌ·¤ ÚU@ÌæËÂÌæ (B) ¥æØÚUÙ ·¤è ·¤×è âð °Ùèç×Øæ (C) Ú@Ìdæßè °Ùèç×Øæ (D) ÍñÜðâèç×Øæ
A [ 4 ] DB-HOMEO 5. Following are the renal complications of both Type I and Type II diabetes mellitus, except : (A) Pyelonephritis (B) Renal arteriosclerosis (C) Polyneuritis (D) Renal failure 6. The year of publication of Volume 1 of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India is : (A) 1970 (B) 1972 (C) 1971 (D) 1969 7. Which of the following oils is used in the preparation of liniment instead of olive oil? (A) Sesame oil (B) Rosemary oil (C) Sandalwood oil (D) Almond oil 8. The common name of Dulcamara medicine is : (A) Indian nettle (B) Greater celandine (C) Blue cohosh (D) Woody nightshade 5. çÙ`ÙçÜç1Ì ÅUæ§Â I ¥æñÚU ÅUæ§Â II ÇUæØçÕÅUèÁ ×ðçÜÅUâ ÎæðÙæð ́ ·¤è »éÎðü ·¤è ÁçÅUÜÌæ°¡ ãñ ́U, çâßæØ Ñ¤ (A) ÂæòÜèÙðÈý¤æ§çÅU⤠(B) »éÎðü ·¤è Ï×Ùè·¤æçÆU‹Ø (C) ÂæðçÜÙðçÚUçÅUâ (D) »éÎðü ·¤è çßȤÜÌæ 6. ãUæð`ØæðÂñçÍ·¤ Ȥæ×æü·¤æðçÂØæ ¥æòȤ §¢çÇUØæ ·ð¤ 1¢ÇU v ·ð¤ Âý·¤æàæÙ ·¤æ ßáü ãñU Ѥ (A) 1970 (B) 1972 (C) 1971 (D) 1969¤ 7. çÙ`ÙçÜç1Ì ×ð ́ âð ç·¤â ÌðÜ ·¤æ ©UÂØæð» ÁñÌêÙ ·ð¤ ÌðÜ ·ð¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU çÜçÙ×ð ́ÅU ÕÙæÙð ×ð ́ ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñU?¤ (A) çÌÜ ·¤æ Ìðܤ (B) ×ð ́ãUÎè ·¤æ ÌðÜ (C) ¿¢ÎÙ ·¤æ ÌðÜ (D) ÕæÎæ× ·¤æ ÌðÜ 8. ÇUÜ·¤æ×æÚUæ Îßæ ·¤æ âæ×æ‹Ø Ùæ× ãñU Ñ (A) ÖæÚUÌèØ çÕÀéU¥æ (B) »ýðÅUÚU çâÜðÙÇUæ§Ù (C) μÜê ·¤æðãUæðàæ (D) ßéÇUè Ùæ§ÅUàæðÇU

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