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Week: Period: Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN (Based on Official Letter No. 2345/BGDDT-GDTH dated June 07, 2021 of the MOET) UNIT 14: STAYING HEALTHY Lesson 1 - Period 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledge and skills - understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle; - correctly say the phrases and use How does he / she stay healthy? - He / She _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s lifestyle; - use How does your _____ stay healthy? – He / She _____. in a freer context; - use the phrases do morning exercise, play sports, drink fresh juice and eat healthy food in relation to the topic “Staying healthy”. 2. Competences - Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle correctly and fluently. - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks. 3. Attributes - Raise their knowledge of using healthy food and drinks. - Show their awareness of doing morning exercise regularly. II. MATERIALS - Pupil’s book: Page 24 - Audio tracks 31, 32 - Teacher’s guide: Pages 222, 223, 224, 225 - Website hoclieu.vn - Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 14) - Computer, projector, … III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To identify what healthy or unhealthy food is. b. Content - Game: Healthy Food or Unhealthy Food c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly identify what healthy or unhealthy food is. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Game: Healthy Food or Unhealthy Food - Tell pupils they are going to identify what healthy and unhealthy food is. - Show pictures of food and - Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Pupils listen to the Pictures of healthy food and unhealthy food
explain healthy or unhealthy food. - Show the pictures and have pupils identify whether the pictures are healthy or unhealthy food. - Invite volunteers to give the answers. If they give the correct answers, they will get stickers from the teacher. - Give comments and praise pupils. teacher’s instruction. - Pupils look at the pictures and identify whether the pictures are healthy or unhealthy food. - Pupils give the answers. - Pupils listen to the teacher. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. b. Content - Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 31) Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters and say what they can see in the pictures. If pupils use Vietnamese, repeat their responses in English. Step 2: Play the recording and encourage pupils to point at the characters while listening. Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen, point to the sentences and repeat. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Step 4: Draw pupils’ attention to the question How does he stay healthy? and the answer He does morning exercise every day. Explain that they are used to ask and answer questions about someone’s lifestyle. - Pupils look at Pictures a and b. Pupils identify the characters and say what they can see in the pictures. - Pupils listen to the recording and point at the characters while listening. - Pupils listen to the recording again, point to the sentences and repeat. - Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Context a: Lucy and Nam jogging, and Lucy’s brother doing morning exercise in the park Nam: I want to stay healthy, Lucy. I eat vegetables and drink a lot of water. Is that your brother over there? Lucy: Yes, that’s my brother, Tom. He also wants to stay healthy. - Context b: Lucy and Nam talking about Lucy’s brother, Tom Nam: How does he stay healthy? Lucy: He does morning exercise every day. Nam: Yeah, me too. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 3. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION (10 minutes) a. Objectives
- To correctly say the phrases and use How does he / she stay healthy? - He / She _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s lifestyle. b. Content - Activity 2. Listen, point and say. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly say the phrases and use How does he / she stay healthy? - He / She _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s lifestyle. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 32) Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures, say what they can see in the pictures and identify the activities the characters do. Step 2: Play the first part of the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat the phrases under the pictures in chorus and individually until they feel confident. Use the flashcards for do morning exercise, play sports, drink fresh juice and eat healthy food to practise the phrases. Step 3: Have pupils point at Picture a. Draw pupils’ attention to the speech bubbles and elicit the missing words (does morning exercise). Draw pupils’ attention to the change in verb form in the answer (does instead of do). Play the next part of the recording a few times for pupils to listen to and repeat the sentences in Exchange a. Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for Pictures b, c, and d. Then let pupils practise asking and answering questions in pairs. Go around the classroom to offer help if necessary. Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. Extension: Elicit additional vocabulary items related to the topic from the pupils, then use them to play a miming game. After a correct guess, ask How does he / she stay healthy?, to encourage pupils to provide answers using the vocabulary in - Pupils look at the pictures, say what they can see in the pictures and identify the activities the characters do. - Pupils listen to the first part of the recording and repeat the phrases under the pictures in chorus and individually. - Pupils point at Picture a. Pupils pay attention to the speech bubbles and elicit the missing words. Pupils listen to the next part of the recording and repeat the sentences. - Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions. Then pupils practise asking and answering questions in pairs. - A few pairs point at the pictures and ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. - Pupils elicit additional vocabulary items related to the topic and play miming game. - Picture and word cues: a. a woman doing morning exercise, and the phrase do morning exercise b. a man playing sports, and the phrase play sports c. a woman holding a glass of fresh juice, and the phrase drink fresh juice d. a boy with a bowl of healthy food, and the phrase eat healthy food - Speech bubbles: How does he / she stay healthy? - He / She _____. Audio script: a. do morning exercise b. play sports c. drink fresh juice d. eat healthy food a. A: How does she stay healthy? B: She does morning exercise. b. A: How does he stay healthy? B: He plays sports. c. A: How does she stay healthy? B: She drinks fresh juice. d. A: How does he stay healthy? B: He eats healthy food.
the game. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ talks and interaction - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes) a. Objectives - To use How does your _____ stay healthy? - He / She _____. in a freer context. b. Content - Activity 3. Let’s talk. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can use How does your _____ stay healthy? - He / She _____. in a freer context. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 3. Let’s talk. Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Ask questions to help them identify the context. Step 2: Point at the first picture and elicit the question (e.g. How does your sister stay healthy?) and an answer (She does morning exercise.). Then write the answer on the board. Repeat the same procedure with the other pictures. Get the pupils to say the four completed sentences. Step 3: Put pupils into pairs to ask and answer questions about how their family members or friends stay healthy. Go around and offer support where necessary. Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. - Pupils pay attention to the pictures and answer the questions to identify the context. - Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions. Then pupils look at the sentences on the board. Pupils say the completed sentences. - Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer questions about how their family members or friends stay healthy. - A few pairs come to the front of the class to ask and answer questions about a family member’s lifestyle. - Picture cues: activities people do to stay healthy and healthy food and drinks - Speech bubbles: How does your _____ stay healthy? – _____. Suggested answers: How does your mother / father / sister / brother stay healthy? He / She drinks fresh juice / does morning exercise / eats healthy food / plays sports every day. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupil’s interaction and performance - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes) * Start preparing for the project: Tell pupils about the project on page 29. Ask them to make a healthy habit circle about what they eat, drink and do to stay healthy. Tell them they will present their healthy habits to the class at Project time. * Option 1: Game: Lucky fruits (ppt) - Tell pupils they are going to look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions about how someone stays healthy. - Divide the class into two groups. - Have two pupils from each group take turns to choose a fruit and ask and answer the question. - If the group chooses a lucky fruit, they will get points and continue the next turn. E.g. Pupil A: How does your sister stay healthy? Pupil B: She does morning exercise. - Continue the game with the other pupils.

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