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60 BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION EXERCISE – 3: Achiever’s Section Composition of Blood 1. Consider the following four statements and select the correct option stating which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F) (i) Proteins contribute 6 – 8% of the blood plasma. (ii) Plasma contains very high amount of minerals. (iii) Plasma without clotting factors is called serum. (iv) Glucose, amino acids, lipids, etc. are also present in the plasma as they are always in transit in the body. (a) F-(i), F-(ii), T-(iii), T-(iv) (b)T-(i), F-(ii), T-(iii), T-(iv) (c) T-(i), T-(ii), F-(iii), F-(iv) (d) F-(i), T-(ii), F-(iii), T-(iv) Ans. (b) Sol. Proteins in the blood plasma contribute 6-8% of its total amount. Plasma does not contain high quantity of minerals. It has major content of water in it and minor quantities of ions, enzymes, proteins, glucose, lipids and dissolved gases. Plasma without clotting factors is called serum. 2. Human blood maintains homeostasis in the internal environment of the body by (1) replenishment of nutrients and oxygen and elimination of metabolic wastes from the extracellular fluid. (2) replenishment of oxygen and elimination of CO2 . (3) increasing the blood sugar level and conversion of urea into amino acids and destruction of worn-out RBCs. (4) maintenance of ion concentration in the blood and body fluids by eliminating nitrogenous wastes. Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 Ans. (c) Sol. The human blood maintains homeostasis in internal environment of body by transfer of substances from and to extracellular fluids in the body tissues. This includes the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to body tissues and elimination of waste through extracellular fluid. It maintains the ion concentration in the blood and body fluids as well. 3. Consider the following statements (A - C) each with one or two blanks. (A) (1) are the most abundant cells (60 - 65 per cent) of the total WBCs and (2) are the least (0.5 -1 percent) abundant. (B) Platelets are cell fragments produced from (3). (C) During clot formation, fibrins are formed by the conversion of inactive (4) in the plasma by the enzyme (5). Which one of the following options, gives the correct fill ups for the respective blank numbers from (1) to (5) in the statements? (a) (1)-Neutrophils, (2)-basophils, (4)-fibrinogen, (5)-thrombin (b) (3)-mast cells, (4)-thrombokinase, (5) prothrombin (c) (3)-megakaryocytes, (4) prothrombin, (5) –thrombin (d) (1)-Basophils, (2)-neutrophils, (3)-reticulocytes Ans. (a) Sol. A. Neutrophils are the most abundant cells (60 - 65 % of the total WBCs and basophils are the least (0.5 -1 percent) abundant. B. Platelets are cell fragments produced from megakaryocytes. C. During clot formation, fibrins are formed by the conversion of inactive fibrinogen in the plasma by the enzyme thrombin. 4. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given. Column I Column II a. Eosinophils i. Involved in inflammatory reactions b. Basophils ii. Allergic reactions c. Neutrophils iii. Responsible for immune response d. Lymphocytes iv. Phagocytic cells (a) a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii
61 BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION (b) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii (c) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii (d) a-ii, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv Ans. (c) Sol. Eosinophil are involved in protection against parasitic infections and also in allergic reactions. Basophils are responsible for inflammatory reaction. Neutrophils are phagocytic in nature and lymphocytes are responsible for immune response. 5. Study the given figure and identify the cells labelled as A, B, C and D (a) A-Eosinophil B – Erythrocyte C-Neutrophil D-Basophil (b) A-Eosinophil B-Lymphocyte C-Neutrophil D-Monocyte (c) A-Erythrocyte B-Basophil C-Neutrophil D-Lymphocyte (d) A-Eosinophil B-Monocyte C-Neutrophil D-Lymphocyte Ans. (d) Sol. An eosinophil is a granulocyte that has a double-lobed nucleus in its cell. A monocyte is an agranulocyte which has a big prominent kidney-shaped nucleus in its cell. A neutrophil is an agranulocyte which has a 3-5 lobed nucleus. A lymphocyte is an agranulocyte having a large nucleus with very little cytoplasm. 6. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given. Column I Column II a. Eosinophils i. 0.5-1% b. Basophils ii. 2-3% c. Neutrophils iii. 6-8% d. Lymphocytes iv. 20-25% e. Monocytes v. 60-65% (a) a-i, b-ii, e-iii, c-iv, d-v (b) b-i, a-ii, e-iii, d-iv, c-v (c) c-i, a-ii, b-iii, d-iv, e-v (d) b-i, c-ii, d-iii, a-iv, e-v Ans. (b) Sol. Neutrophils are the most abundant of all and comprise 60-65% of white blood cells. Eosinophils comprise 2-3% of WBCs. Basophils are least among all and comprising 0.5- 1%. Lymphocytes consist of 20-25% of WBCs. Monocytes comprise 6-8% of leucocytes in the blood. 7. Match the types of WBCs in blood of man. Column I (Type of WBC) Column II (Shape of nucleus) i. Neutrophils p. Kidney-shaped ii. Eosinophils q. S-shaped iii. Basophils r. 3 to 5 lobes iv. Monocytes s. 2 lobes t. Disc-shaped (a) i = r, ii = s, iii = q, iv = p (b) i = r, ii = t, iii = p, iv = q (c) i = t, ii = r, iii = q, iv = s (d) i = q, ii = p, iii = t, iv = r Ans. (a)
62 BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION Sol. Different blood cells can be distinguished by the shape of nucleus, size of the cell and staining properties. Neutrophils have 3 to 5 lobed nuclei. Basophils have S-shaped nucleus. Eosinophils have 2 lobed nuclei. Monocytes have a kidney-shaped nucleus. 8. Formation of erythrocytes of foetus takes place in (a) Sarcoplasm (b)Blood plasma (c) Liver and spleen (d) Red bone marrow Ans. (c) Sol. Erythrocytes are the red blood cells formed in the bone marrow of adults. In a foetus, the development of erythrocytes take place in the spleen and liver cells. After 7 months of gestation, erythrocytes start forming in the red bone marrow cells through erythropoiesis. 9. Which of the following match is correct? Structure Percentage Function (a) 0.3 – 0.5 Phagocytic (b) 0.5 – 1.0 Secrete histamine and serotonin (c) 30 – 40 Defence against parasites (d) 30 – 40 Allergic reactions Ans. (b) Sol. The structure given in option ‘b’ is of basophil. Basophils secrete histamine, serotonin, heparin, etc. and are involved in inflammatory reactions. The structure given in option ‘a’ is of neutrophil. Its percentage is 60-65%. The structure given in option ‘c’ is of eosinophil. Its percentage is 2-3%. The structure given in option ‘d’ is of monocyte. Its percentage is 6-8% and is phagocytic in function. 10. Which of the following statements are incorrect? (i) Leucocytes disintegrate in spleen and liver. (ii) RBCs, WBCs and blood platelets are produced by bone marrow. (iii) Neutrophils bring about destruction and detoxification of toxins of protein origin. (iv) Important function of lymphocytes is to produce antibodies. (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iii) Ans. (c) Sol. Leucocytes disintegrate in blood, liver and lymph nodes. Neutrophils are phagocytic in nature i.e., they engulf harmful germs. Blood Groups 11. A child of blood group O cannot have parents of blood groups (a) AB and AB/O (b) A and B (c) B and B (d) O and O Ans. (a) Sol. If a child is of blood group O, it has I 0 I 0 alleles. This homozygous recessive combination of alleles is possible if one of the gametes of both the parents is I 0 . So, if both the parents are having blood group A or B due to heterozygous combination (I A I 0 or I B I 0 genotype) or both parents are of O blood group. The O blood group child cannot have any of the parents with AB blood group. Gametes I A I B I A I A I A I A I B I B I A I B I B I B Gametes I A I B I 0 I A I 0 I B I 0 I 0 I A I 0 I B I 0 12. The genotype of B group father of an O group child is (a) I O I O (b) I B I B (c) I A I B (d) I O I B Ans. (d) Sol. ABO blood grouping is determined by three alleles, I A I B and I O . Alleles I A and I B are codominant and code for A and B blood group respectively. The allele i is recessive and codes for O blood group. It is only expressed in homozygous condition. So, for B blood group father to have a child with O blood group, he must at least have one I O allele. Therefore,
63 BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION his genotype should be I O I B . The other I O allele will be contributed from the mother. 13. Detection of blood groups is done by agglutination test using antiserum. According to this method, if the blood shows coagulation with (a) antiserum B, blood group is AB (b) antiserum B, blood group is B (c) antiserum A and B, blood group is O (d) antiserum A, blood group is O. Ans. (b) Sol. If a person of blood A donates the blood to group B person. This will not be possible, because blood group A contains A antigen and blood group B contain B antigen. This may lead the agglutination reaction. Antiserum B contain B antibodies this will agglutinate that blood group which has B antigen on its surface. As blood group, B has B antigen on its surface. Blood Coagulation 14. Fibrinogen is a substance present in: (a) Bile and produced in liver (b) Blood and produced in liver (c) Blood and produced in RBCs (d) Bone and produced in bone marrow Ans. (b) Sol. Fibrinogen is a substance that is produced in the liver and then transported by platelets into the blood. Fibrinogen is inactive form of the fibrin which is involved in clot formation. 15. Identify the components labelled (A-D) in the given flow chart of the blood clotting process. A B C D (a) Thrombo- -plastin Prothrom- -binase Thrombin Fibrinogen (b) Fibrinogen Thrombin Prothrom- -binase Thrombo- -plastin (c) Prothrom- -binase Fibrinogen Thrombo- -plastin Thrombin (d) Thrombin Thrombo- -plastin Fibrinogen Prothrom- -binase Ans. (a) Sol. An injured tissue releases thromboplastin which with the help of calcium ions, proteins and prothrombinase form thrombin. Thrombin further acts on fibrinogen to form fibrin. This whole process is known as the cascade process for the coagulation of blood in the body. 16. A drop of each of the following, is placed separately on four slides. Which of them will not coagulate? (a) Blood serum (b) Blood from pulmonary artery (c) Whole blood from pulmonary vein (d) Blood plasma Ans. (a) Sol. Blood serum is blood plasma from which the fibrinogens and clotting factors have been removed. So, blood serum will not clot. Lymph, Circulatory Pathway 17. Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement 1: Lymph capillaries are free and blind at one end. Statement 2: Lymph does not flow in a circular manner. (a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1. (b) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1. (c) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect. (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect. Ans. (a) Sol. Lymphatic capillaries lie close to the blood capillaries and end blindly. Lymph does not flow in circular manner. Lymph from the lymphatic capillaries goes into the lymphatic vessels and then from the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct it

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