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LOPEZ, CLARISSA M. LEA-4 - LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS WITH CRIME MAPPING POLICE PATROL, PLANS AND OPERATION POLICE PATROL PATROL – a regular repeated circuit of in guarding normally performed by the police over a particular are either on foot, mobile or other means of patrol mobility for purposes of crime prevention, law enforcement and peace and order maintenance. - The patrol force is tasked with the primary responsibility of safeguarding the community by way of the protection of persons and property, the preservation and suppression of crimes, apprehension of criminals, enforcement of laws and ordinances and performances of the other necessary services. - This unit is considered the nucleus of the police organization from the special services branch-out and therefore; it is not to be subordinated to any other units within the police organization. - It is the Backbone of the Police Service considering that it is responsible for the over-all police function or total job. Field operations – is directed by the field commander to his subordinates’ commanders and it is aimed toward the accomplishment of the primary police tasks as the following: a) Patrol b) Investigation c) Traffic Control d) Vice Control e) Juvenile Delinquency Control CRIME TRIAD OPPORTIUNITY CRIME – will not exist if lack of either opportunity or capability and desire but there is exception when desire was eliminated and still having opportunity so as crime will exist. ONCE the three (3) are present and interact at the breeding grounds of crime (like for instance poverty, ignorance of the law, injustice abuses, lose family values and fear) this already concern of the government. Objectives of Police Field Operation (Patrol) Serve and Protect – includes the objectives of protecting lives and property and providing all other services which is required or expected from police officers. Participative Law Enforcement – involves the readiness to actively cooperative with or engages in teamwork effort with the community, other government agencies or other police units or elements in law enforcement and maintenance of peace and order. Prevention of Criminal and Delinquent Behavior – this activity is particularly aimed at the ways and means of reducing the desire to commit crime. It is responsibly of the police to identify would-be- offenders, delinquents and would-be delinquents before an arrest becomes necessary. The field officers in their contacts regularly carry this out with juveniles whose behavior patterns are not yet indelibly impressed and who may still vulnerable to change. The police officer should take steps to help the child to redirect energies into lawful and socially acceptable channels. Repression of Criminal and Delinquent Behavior – this particular objective is included to cause or influence people to refrain from committing crime for fear of being caught and prosecuted. The theory is based upon the assumption that people will not commit crime if they believe that their identification and arrest are a certainly. Identification, Apprehension and Conviction of Offenders – the work of policeman does not end after he has identified and have apprehended the offender and was able to put him behind bars. As a law enforcer, it is still incumbent upon him to actively participate in prosecution because his work is not finished until the criminal is convicted of his crime. Traffic Flow and Collision Reduction – pedestrian and vehicular traffic must be free flowing and collision-free so that people may move safely from one place to another. The police objective is to determine the causes of congestion and to relieve it. This involves the investigation of traffic accidents and application of the three E’s of traffic namely: Education. Engineering and Enforcement. Definition of Patrol – a regular repeated circuit of in-guarding normally performed by the police over a particular area either on foot, mobile or other means of patrol mobility for purposes of crime prevention, law enforcement and peace and order maintenance. PURPOSE OF PATROL 1. Prevention of Crime 4. To Regulate Conduct 2. To eliminate Actual or Suspected Wrong Doing 5. To Maintain Peace and Order 3. Enforcement of Laws DESIRE CAPABILITY CRIME
FUNCTIONS OF PATROL OFFICER 1. Roving Surveillance 3. Inspection 2. Called for service AREAS COVERED BY POLICE OPERATION 1. Residential area 3. Fishing/Agricultural area 2. Commercial area Brief History of Police Patrol The beginning of police patrol is perhaps as old as organized society. Basically, man has always needed protection, first from animals, and then from his own kind. His first attempt to protect and secure himself and his family involved in barricading the entrance to his cave. As mankind multiplied, man groups themselves together in small communities where the business of securities and prevention became a community affair. As the communities got larger, the need arose to develop a specialized group agency to provide protection. The key to development of police patrol is closely associated with the congestion of population. Where the population is sparse or spread-out the justification of a police patrol becomes less warranted. But as the towns became cities and cities grew in population, both the justification and need for police patrol becomes greater. Ancient Times - In the old testaments (Songs of Solomon, Isaiah and Jeremiah) and the New Testament (Mathew and John), there are references to “watchmen” whose duty was to protect the city and arrest of offenders. - Ancient Egyptians were the first people to use police dogs on patrol, their police were called “Medjays” and although they were civilians, an Egyptian military officer headed them. - In Rome, Augustus formed the Vigiles of Rome, a group of over two thousand men whose duty was to keep the peace and fight fire. Middle Ages ENGLAND - The existence of Shire Reeve: watchmen, police protection by use of able-bodied men. - The existence of “Hue and cry” - Establishment of the “Keepers of the Peace” BY king Richard; it is the appointment of the Knight to keep the King’s peace by guarding the gates and bridges and checking people entering and leaving the town. - The enactment of the “Statue of Winchesters” (Watch and Ward Act), which provided for watches who were stationed between sunset and sunset and surprise at the gates of walled town; Marching watches were also formed. - An act was passed by King Charles, which provided for the employment in London of thousand Night Watches or Bellmen to be on duly from sunset to sunrise; they were also called the “Charlie’s”, the local community called them “shivers and shakes” that triggered the formulation of Merchant Police by merchants. - The creation of the Bow Street Runners by Henry Fielding; it started with six (6) constables and with their effectiveness; they were called the Thief takers and the Robin Redbreast. - The formation of the Metropolitan Police by Sir Robert Peel who is regarded as the Father of Modern Policing System, by virtue of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1892. FRANCE - The French Police were given the powers and duties to control price, welfare, public moral and even sitting in the judgment of offenders. - Paris had two types of patrol: 1. Citizen Night Guard – Watchmen for the protection of the citizens. 2. Royal Guard – Formed for the protection of the King. - “Vivilat ut Quiescant”, regarded as the international police motto, which means in English, “He watches that they may sleep” - “Officers de Paex”, the origin of the word “Police Officer” UNITED STATES - During the Colonial times, American watchmen were also called ‘Leader heads”. - The first daytime and paid police service was adopted by Philadelphia. - The formulation of ‘Vigilance Committee in San Francisco; their motto is “Flat Justitia Ruat Coeium”, which means, ‘Heaven decrees, let there be justice”. PHILIPPINES - Evolved from the practice of different tribes who selected able-bodied young men to protect their villages. Not from themselves but from the attack of wild animals, which prey on their crops and livestock’s during the night. - These young men walk around to protect their village at night need not to work in the field. - This is the forerunner of the contemporary patrol function of the police for crime prevention. Origin of the word “POLICE” Originated from the Greek word “politeia” meaning government of a city. It applied to civil officers and not necessarily policemen. The Romans used the same word with slight conversion into roman intonation. “Politia”. Ultimately the French change the word to “Police” and applied it to individuals whose job was to enforce the law. Thereafter. The English and Americans borrowed the
French word and used it as a terminology for law enforces. Thus, the word “Police” is actually of French origin. “Patrol” originated from French word “Patrouiller” which means – to go mud puddles. Patrol is the Backbone of the Police Department. The patrol is tasked with the primary responsibility of safeguarding the community by way of the protection of persons and property. The preservation of peace, prevention and suppression of crimes, apprehension of criminals, enforcement of laws and ordinances and performances of other necessary services. This unit is considered the nucleus of the police organization from which the special services branch out and therefore, it is not to be subordinate to any other units within the police organization. It is the backbone of the police service considering that it is responsible for the accomplishment of the over all police function or total job. In small police stations or substations where there is no specialization as yet, the patrol force is responsible for all primary, secondary and even the administrative functions. DISTRIBUTION OF PATROL FORCE Factors that Determine Patrol Deployment: 1. Population – Knowing the resident or fixed population vis-à-vis the transient population is important in establishing the police- population ratio 2. Numbers and types of crimes and arrests 3. Location of crimes and arrest 4. Traffic collision statistics and patterns 5. Location of “frequent incidents” or hazards requiring concentrated police coverage such as sports arenas, stadiums, popular night spots, bars, theaters, transportation terminals and others places usually converge 6. Disproportionate concentrations of population. 7. Socio-economic factors. 8. Zoning plan of the city/municipality. PREPARATION IN PATROL General Preparation- the policeman value system must be in complete harmony with the objectives of law enforcement and sentence of fair play. First and foremost, in his preparation for patrol duty is attitude preparation. As much as possible negative and depressed himself. Pre-Patrol Preparation- prior to going on patrol the policeman should be armed with knowledge and equipment. In order to have knowledge of their task each day, there is usually a fall-in formation at headquarters or police precinct, which is, develop to the giving assignment and instructions. Other matters include information relative to the passage of new laws. Ordinance, latest court decisions, changes in jurisdictional boundaries. General special orders from higher headquarters or the introduction of new techniques to improve field performance. Vehicle Inspection- at any time that the officer assumes control of the patrol vehicle for his patrol duty, he must inspect and make sure of the following: 1. Clean windows/windshield and workable wipers 2. Sufficient gas/correct oil levels/strong battery 3. Correct tire pressure/spare tire/jack functioning brakes 4. Well-functioning engine 5. Functioning lights/siren 6. Weapons and rescue/first aid equipment inside rear compartment District Orientation Tour- once in field, field, the patrol officers strive to achieve a general familiarization and inspection tour of his AOR in order to orient himself of his pattern and characteristics. Fixed Surveillance – Although not means of transportation. It must not be overlooked as a type of patrol usually undertaken either in person or with the use of cameras or monitors or stop-frame photography. It makes it possible for the police to watch several locations at the same time for immediate response if necessary. Various types of listening and viewing devices are now in use in order to supplement routine patrol in line with the concept of proactive patrol. Patrol Equipment 1. Complete 3. Baton 5. Hand cuff 7. Clean sheet of paper 2. Firearm 4. Flashlight 6. Notebook 8. Hand radio NORMAL SHIFTING 1.0800H-1600H (8:00-4:00) 2.1600H-2400H (4:00-12:00) 3. 2400H-0800H (12:00-8:00) TEAM POLICING – It is an attempt to integrate the police and the community interest into a working relationship so as to produce the desired objective of peacekeeping in the community. Originated in Aberdeen, Scotland. Teams of five to ten men were assigned according to concentration of crimes and citizen-calls for police service; effective police community cooperation is critical to the success of team policing system. Public assistance and participation must be solicited actively. Characteristics of Team Policing 1. Geographic stability of the patrol force - the application of permanent patrolling to foster greater awareness and sensitivity to local police problems by team members. 2. Maximum Interaction between team members – members must be given opportunity to work closely together in solving problems. Members are encouraged to share information with one another through informal meetings or conferences.
3. Maximum communication between team members and community residents – team policing is intended to develop a greater sense of understanding and increased cooperation between members of the team and the community problems w/ the team. Organization Feature of Team Policing 1. Unity of Supervision – to encourage consistency and continuity of police policies and procedures and to provide greater uniformity in developing solutions to community problems. 2. High-level Flexibility in Decision Making- members is encouraged to share and exchange ideas and work together in solving problems within their area of responsibility. 3. Combined Investigation and Patrol Function 4. Unified delivery of service Team – policing: Cause and Effect 1. Reduced crime rate and increase crime clearance 2. Increased community participation in crime control 3. Reduced public fear on crime 4. Improved police community relations 5. Increased police morale and job satisfaction TYPES OF PATROL The performance of police tasks within a defined area is the responsibility of the individual policeman and the accomplishment of his duty will require his ability to be able to move and adequately cover or saturate his area of responsibility. The choice of patrol that is available to him whether foot or mobile, shall depend upon the existing terrain and conditions wherein he must seek the greatest advantage. Of course, his two feet are still the most available and practically way to move himself from one place to another but then, the necessity of effective aids such as vehicles, for greater mobility, must be availed of. However, in spite of the fact that each of the different methods of patrol have their distinct advantage. They also have nonetheless their disadvantages. 1. FOOT PATROL Its methods consist of the fixed post, line beat and random patrol. Foot patrol is restricted to small areas and used to deal with special problems of prevention and repression of crime that connot be adequately handled by policemen in mobile cars. Fixed foot is usually used for traffic, surveillance, parades and special events. Moving foot patrol is used where there is considerable foot traffic. As in business and shopping centers, bars, taverns, high crime areas, and specialized areas and in places where there are multiple family dwellings. Traditional but most effective. TYPES OF FOOT PATROL 1. One (1) Man Foot Patrol- applicable in highly peaceful community. 2. Two (2) Man Foot Patrol (BUUDY SYSTEM)- during emergency the other patrol officer can provide support to other in carrying out patrol from a standard seating procedure- “at least 2 persons”. ADVANTAGE OF FOOT PATROL 1. Foot patrol officers make more person-to-person contact and therefore they have a greater opportunity to promote good public relation (Among other patrol officers foot patrol officers are more favorably because they are very close to the civilian) 2. Since they have many friends on the beat they can have good source of criminal informants. (output production of number one) 3. They know the physical layout of their beat better. (can easily enter into alleys or small pathways) 4. Can provide immediate response in all services. (easily respond to call for assistance) 5. Can shake to situation where mobile cars easily notice when approaching crime scene. 6. With the use of handy to case they can maintain communication with the headquarters especially when asking or requesting assistance o-r reinforcement. (can communicate anytime) S- select I-investigate P- persuasive (proper strategy of technique) A-approach T- testing FOOT PATROL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUE 1. Don’t establish set pattern of patrol. - Task of patrol officers is to eliminate crime triad. - He should never depend on the same pattern because he will easily detect. - He should apply different strategy because criminal too studying the police movements. 2. When checking doors for force of entry used flashlight in the surrounding the door lock to see for fresh or noticeable jimmy marks. Jimmy marks- tool marks, fingerprint mark and any distinctive marks. -before entering the room you should examine the door lock first, if you are not violating the “golden rule”

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