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Nội dung text FG 12 - UNIT 3 - EXERCISES - ĐỀ.doc

1 FRIENDS GLOBAL 12 – UNIT 3: CUSTOMS AND CULTURE Exercise 1: Choose the best option 1. If the weather is fine, they (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow. 2. My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam. 3. If you are polite to others, they (will be/ are) nice to you. 4. Unless Sylvie (studies/ will study) hard, she will fail the exam. 5. My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework. 6. If the cable TV (doesn’t/ won’t) work, we will rent a DVD. 7. If you don’t want to stay at home, you (go/ can go) with me to the supermarket. 8. If you (will be/ are) a good listener, you will gain many friends. 9. Sylvie won’t attend the meeting if she (won’t/doesn’t) want to. 10. You can’t have this job unless you (have/will have) long working experience. Exercise 2: Choose the best option 1.  ……………………. (they / be) happy if Sylvie …………………(do) that? A. Will they be – does B. Will they be – do C. Are they – will do 2. Unless Sylvie …………………….(start) now, she …………………….(not finish) the project on time. A. start – won’t finish B. will start – don’t finish C. starts – won’t finish 3. Your mother …………………….(smile) happily if you …………………….(give) her some beautiful flowers. A. smiles – give B. will smile – give C. will smile – gives 4. Sylvie …………………….(take) a taxi to get home if it …………………….(rain). A. will take – rains B. takes – rains C. takes – will rain 5. If he …………………….(go) to the pub, he …………………….(come across) some old friends. A. go – will come across B. goes – comes across C. goes – will come across 6. The meeting …………………….(begin) as soon as all of them …………………….(be) ready. A. will begin – are B. will begin – will be C. begins – are 7. If my brother …………………….(study abroad), I …………………….(feel) happy for him. A. studies abroad – feel B. studies abroad – will feel C. study abroad – will feel 8. If Sylvie …………………….(go) to the supermarket, she …………………….(buy) some tomatoes. A. will go – buy B. goes – will buy C. go – buy 9. His parents …………………….(be) upset if he …………………….(smoke). A. won’t be upset – smokes B. are – will smoke C. will be – smokes 10. If you …………………….(be) thirsty, …………………….(drink) some grape juice. A. are – will drink B. will be – drink C. are – drink 11. What …………………….(happen) if you …………………….(not go) to school on time? A. happen – won’t go B. will happen – don’t go C. will happen – doesn’t go 12. Unless Sylvie ……………………. (hurry up), she …………………….(be) late for work. A. won’t hurry up – will be B. don’t hurry up – will be C. hurries up – will be 13. If you ……………………. (keep) eating too much, you …………………….(be) getting fat. A. keep – will be B. keep – are C. will keep – are 14. Sylvie …………………….(not know) the secret unless you …………………….(tell) her. A. don’t know – tell B. won’t know – tell C. won’t know – tells 15. If Sylvie …………………….(get) a haircut, she …………………….(look) much better. A. gets – look B. will get – looks C. gets – will look Exercise 3: Choose the best option 1. Will you write to me if I (give / will give) you my email address? 2. If we (win / will win) this match, we’ll be in the finals. 3. If the new Bond film (comes / will come) to our cinema, I (go / ‘ll go) and see it. 4. How (does / will) Sylvie get back tonight if she can’t find a taxi? 5. I (am / will be) surprised if this film (gets / will get) an award.
2 6. (Do you / Will you) make dinner tonight if I (do / will do) the shopping? 7. If I (hear / will hear) that song one more time, I (scream / will scream)! 8. What (do they / will they) do if they (don’t / won’t) pass their exams? 9. If I (go / will go) out tonight, Sylvie (will stay / stays) at home with my mom.  10. If we (stay / will stay) up late, we (are / will be) exhausted tomorrow morning. 11. If the weather (is / are) nice tomorrow, our family (will have / has) a picnic. Exercise 4: Rewrite these sentences with the given words 1. If you don’t cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 2. I will feel bored if Sylvie and David don't come to the party with me. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 3. We won’t invite them if they don't apologize. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 4. He will cry louder if his mom doesn't give him some toys. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 5. If Sylvie doesn’t promise to get home early, her father will get angry. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 6. If we don’t prepare a map, we will be lost soon. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 7. If Sylvie doesn’t save enough money, she won’t buy that house. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 8. You can’t get a handsome salary if you don’t have an IELTS degree. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 9. If you don’t eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 10. If he doesn’t learn English, he can’t transcript those English books. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. Exercise 5: Rewrite these sentences with the given words 1. If Sylvie finishes her homework early, he can watch TV. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 2. If she comes to the meeting, she will help you finish the project.  => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 3. If Sylvie apologizes, I will forgive her. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 4. If you finish your chores, you can go out for dinner. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 5. If Sylvie works hard, she will succeed. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 6. If it doesn’t snow, we will go hiking. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 7. If they come to the party, we will have a surprise for them. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 8. If it is not too hot tomorrow, we will have a party. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 9. If Sylvie finishes her book, she will publish it. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 10. If they win the match, they will advance to the finals. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. Exercise 6: Rewrite these sentences with the given words

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