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Nội dung text ĐỀ THI - BÀI THI CHUYÊN SỐ 11 - 2009 CHUYÊN.pdf

Thầy Giáo Trần Thanh Tùng; page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG; �� 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms) Page 1 of 6 TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO 10 SỐ 11 – G9C2324 Môn: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN Ngày thi: 7.5.2024 và 8.5.2024 Thời gian làm bài: 105 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề (Đề thi gồm 125 câu hỏi; gồm 5 phần; Tổng điểm: 100) Họ và tên: .................................................. Học sinh lớp: .......... Trường: .................................. PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION TOTAL: 15 POINTS You will hear a student called John talking to a professor about a design competition he is entering. Look at questions 1-5 and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (5pts) Question 1: Students entering the design competition have to ______. A. produce an energy-efficient design B. adapt an existing energy-saving appliance C. develop a new use for current technology Question 2: John chose a dishwasher because he wanted to make dishwashers ______. A. more appealing B. more common C. more economical Question 3: The stone in John’s ‘Rockpool’ design is used ______. A. for decoration B. to switch it on C. to stop water escaping Question 4: In the holding chamber, the carbon dioxide ______. A. changes back to a gas B. dries the dishes C. is allowed to cool Question 5: At the end of the cleaning process, the carbon dioxide ______. A. is released into the air B. is disposed of with the waste C. is collected ready to be re-used You will hear an expert snowboarder called Brad Mitchell talking about the sport of extreme snowboarding. For questions 6-15, complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase. (10pts) EXTREME SNOWBOARDING Question 6: Brad says there are no _______________ to warn extreme snowboarders of dangers. Question 7: Brad advises snowboarders always to follow the _______________ when descending. Question 8: Brad always wears a _______________ when he goes into the mountains. Question 9: According to Brad, you need a lot of _______________ to set off down the mountain. Question 10: Brad particularly enjoys doing several _______________ when he is going down a slope. Question 11: Brad says at first he found it difficult to do a good _______________ on steep slopes. Question 12: Brad says you must never ______________ if you feel you’re about to fall. Question 13: Brad advises against putting your weight on your _______________ in a fall. Question 14: Brad always carries a _______________ in case he is in difficulty following a fall. Question 15: In the future, Brad would most like to try _______________ snowboarding. PART TWO PHONOLOGY TOTAL: 5 POINTS Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. (2.5pts) Question 16: A. rough B. tough C. cough D. dough Question 17: A. wicked B. naked C. beloved D. confused Question 18: A. forgive B. beehive C. divergence D. demise Question 19: A. island B. postal C. aisle D. debris Question 20: A. conjunction B. hallelujah C. lumberjack D. majestic
Thầy Giáo Trần Thanh Tùng; page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG; �� 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms) Page 2 of 6 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. (2.5pts) Question 21: A. stability B. immensity C. advocacy D. explanatory Question 22: A. vacant B. result C. deplete D. retain Question 23: A. inhabitant B. interpreter C. imitation D. initiate Question 24: A. disfavour B. cartoonist C. contagious D. disembark Question 25: A. mirage B. orchard C. preface D. advert PART THREE LEXICO GRAMMAR TOTAL: 40 POINTS Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. (10pts) Question 26: Ambra: “I’m exhausted.” Robert: “______. You’ve been up since dawn.” A. Not a moment B. No wish C. No wonder D. No worries Question 27: Class has just finished; Rabbi and Syed are saying goodbye to each other. Rabbi:“See you tomorrow.” Syed: “______” A. Before long B. So long C. Too long D. For long Question 28: If they refuse to meet us halfway at this point, we should not ______ them again in the future. A. stand up B. deal with C. keep to D. run into Question 29: When Mrs. Kirsch was leaving the building, she ______ sight of two suspicious-looking men quarrelling in the car park. A. got B. caught C. lost D. took Question 30: The government stopped the local companies from importing low-quality milk powder ______ of public health. A. in the interest B. to the best C. for the attention D. on the safe side Question 31: Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are ______ with what we do. A. contented B. interested C. excited D. shocked Question 32: Why don’t you raise your hand to ______ the teacher’s attention instead of shouting like this? A. attract B. pull C. take D. pay Question 33: He has just enrolled on a ______ course in cooking because he is getting married next month. A. speedy B. quick C. crash D. fast Question 34: Too many people work in the public ______ in this county, in my opinion. A. division B. zone C. area D. sector Question 35: Don’t touch that wire or you’ll get an electric ______. A. shock B. fire C. charge D. current Question 36: Climatic change may, in due ______, render weather lore obsolete. A. time B. course C. occasion D. moment Question 37: The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one in John Street. ______, they do free home deliveries too. A. Furthermore B. However C. On the whole D. Notwithstanding Question 38: This outback area is a far ______ from the city's concrete jungle. A. cry B. voice C. scream D. echo Question 39: Julia finally ______ a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money. A. did B. brought C. delivered D. made Question 40: Some of these plants are more ______ to frost damage than others. A. dedicated B. susceptible C. sensible D. interrelated Question 41: There was so much ______ beforehand that it would have been difficult for the film to match up with our expectations of it.
Thầy Giáo Trần Thanh Tùng; page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG; �� 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms) Page 3 of 6 A. speculation B. gossip C. hype D. chatter Question 42: Their baby ______ a strong resemblance to its grandfather. A. holds B. withstands C. bears D. grabs Question 43: This protective coating has become ______ with age, resulting in the golden hue seen today. A. green B. red C. whitened D. yellowed Question 44: The injured is believed ______ in his car when the accident came up. A. to smoke B. to be smoking C. to have smoked D. to have been smoking Question 45: Given the present recession, it ______ to cut costs down to the bare essentials - the minimum you feel is necessary. A. pays B. takes C. values D. incurs Fill in each gap with the correct form of the words given IN CAPITAL at the end of each line. (10pts) Question 46: She was born and grown up in a(n) ______ fishing village in Ha Long Bay. PICTURE Question 47: The state utilities commission gave the ______ for the water company to raise rates. GO Question 48: Because he was a(n) incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. CORRECT Question 49: Victoria’s Secret plans to ______ its new designs next month. VEIL Question 50: Though best known for the funny and ______ roles that she plays on screen, offstage she is shy and rather serious. SPEAK Question 51: We all know only too well how ______ it can be to try hard but achieve nothing. HEART Question 52: We've just appointed a coordinator who will ______ the whole project. SEE Question 53: Economic advance still holds little promise of ______ for the average man in many countries. GOOD Question 54: It was just an old trick, but they performed it ______. FLAW Question 55: Despite the fact that you used a(n) ______ method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution. ERR Put the verbs given IN CAPITAL at the end of each line in their correct forms to complete the following sentences. (5pts) Question 56: I can’t stand ______ animals being treated cruelly. SEE Question 57: Edmond ______ the keys. I cannot see it anywhere. TAKE Question 58: The woman ______ last week has been freed by the police. ARREST Question 59: Lest anyone ______ my testimony, I have prepared my evidence. DOUBT Question 60: You ______ hard, you will get good results in the coming examination. WORK Fill in each blank with ONE preposition or particle to complete the following sentences. (5pts) Question 61: The survey was implemented to find ______ young people’s attitudes ______ love and marriage. Question 62: In this book the film director shares the fun she’s had in making films and lets the readers ______ ______ some of the secrets behind her success. Question 63: I was going to put ______ ______ election to the Students’ Association Committee, but then I changed my mind. Question 64: She persisted ______ saying that her car was superior ______ anyone else’s. Question 65: He prides himself ______ the fact that he is financially independent ______ his parents.
Thầy Giáo Trần Thanh Tùng; page: TIẾNG ANH THẦY TÙNG; �� 0901531555 hoặc 0931015333 (zalo/sms) Page 4 of 6 The following passage has ten words that need correction. Find the words and correct them. (NOTE: this exercise features questions 66-75) (10pts) Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Line 14 Line 15 Line 16 Line 17 DANIEL RADCLIFFE I first meet Daniel Radcliffe at the offices of his agent, just before he takes to the stage for an evening performance of The Cripple Of Inishmaan. He’s wearing tight jeans, no glasses, and is a super ball of energy. He is extraordinary polite, slim, well turned out. If you’d never seen him before, you might assume he was a children’s television presenter. But at the age of just 24 he has 16 movies behind him, eight of them Harry Potter blockbusters. It feels as if he’s been with us forever. The funny thing is, apart for the facial hair, he doesn’t really look any different from the schoolboy wizard whom made his screen debut in 2001. Yet over the past half-dozen years, it seems he has done everything he could to extinguish himself from Harry in the parts he has chosen to play. Radcliffe disagrees with this, said, ‘I pick films based on scripts and directors and parts. I’m not interested in making films I’ve seen before. There’s nothing more excitement to me when I read a script than originality. That’s all it’s governed by – there’s no master plan to distance myself from Potter.’ He says he doesn’t want to sound ungratefully. ‘I know that Potter is going to be with me for the remains of my life, so trying to stop people talking about that any more is stupid. It’s just a fact of your life, so you can’t get annoyed by it. You have to accept the fact that you were involved in this incredibly cool thing and despite you might not always be happy with the work you did on it, the opportunity it has given you to make a career in yourself is amazing.’ PART FOUR READING COMPREHENSION TOTAL: 25 POINTS Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that BEST fits the blank space in the following passage. (5pts) EXPLAINING THE ORDER OF THE OLYMPICS PARADE OF NATIONS The backbone of the opening (76) ______ at any Games is the parade of nations, the (77) ______ endless processional of every delegation into the stadium before the torch is (78) ______. (79) ______ there are always a diversity of outfits and glimpses of athletic stars, its sheer length can test even the most geographically fascinated fan. Friday night’s parade was scheduled to run (80) ______ nearly an hour, but as usual it was safer to bet the over. As it did four years ago in Sochi, Russia, this year’s parade of nations may (81) ______ some confusion for television (82) ______. That is because the teams always enter the stadium alphabetically – according to the alphabet of the host country. (83) ______ your preferred alphabet, though, there is always one bit of continuity that fans can rely on: Greece, the (84) ______ of the ancient Olympics and the first modern one, enters first, and the host nation – this year, a unified Korean team – marches in (85) ______. Question 76: A. show B. program C. ceremony D. demonstration Question 77: A. seemed B. seemedly C. seeming D. seemingly Question 78: A. lit B. lighted C. lightened D. enlightened Question 79: A. And B. While C. Despite D. However Question 80: A. for B. up C. in D. through Question 81: A. make B. put C. set D. cause Question 82: A. spectators B. viewers C. fans D. players Question 83: A. Regarding B. No matter C. Regardless of D. Irrespective to Question 84: A. home B. house C. host D. owner Question 85: A. final B. end C. stop D. last

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