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Problem Solving: How to Identify and Prioritize Problem by Fa’iq Ezza Sadewa PetaCareers 2022
What Does Problem-Solving Mean for You? Answer and Get the Chance to Win Gopay/OVO Credits for 2 people! Introduction Identifying a Problem Problem-Solving Frameworks Prioritizing Problems Surprise! Let’s have a little kick-start question first, shall we...?
“Problem solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing possible solution paths, and taking the appropriate course of action.” (MIT) Introduction Identifying a Problem Problem-Solving Frameworks Prioritizing Problems Surprise!
But, Why Problem-Solving? Introduction Identifying a Problem Problem-Solving Frameworks Prioritizing Problems Surprise! Problem solving is one of the most important skills in the 21st century! Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Benefits of Problem-Solving: Sharpen your Brain Enhance Creativity Satisfy Clients