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Su珂OCt:English‐ UNIVERSITY O'THE PUNJttB ' PART― II: Annual‐ 2018 :・ ・・ °°°・ °°0000000・ 000001 Lミ、1:191∵:∵:∵ :∵ :∵:∵ :1lf TIME ALLOWED33 hrs. ヽこndKo MARKS:100 PART―II: PAPER:I bn。:tittcecl l五 おwOrd Q.1.Attempt any thrcc ofthe fol10Wing questibns(100-150 words). 20+20+20=60 a) wt ut is tlre symbolic significance of the title Elephant? 珈 :11露‖rl雷霊ll鞣淵1 story Sredni Vashtar, is a sensitive child who uses situation. Discuss. 1淑鵬λttw昭:鴫TTザ仙T中∵ツ1‐ 1ツ θ17"鰐ι l潔 罵 ,‖露 翼 盤 ポ ル ′′ル お "S:訟 岬 OWめい B∝nttd Mdand亜 鳳llgly興り : 」′ I)iSCussthetlematiCC° nccl■ lS Ofthe shOlt story Rθ α′r′′′θ by Amit Chaudhri? 191Y電織 el暇零l織'yrwi盤:ql清 鴛l胤富 胤:T diStinction is quite soundi br a man Call have onc Without the other.By physical COuragc,We ‐lt#ギ僻驀i蠅蓮誡 :ll;翼』t嘱肌∫穏肌議 b∫∫ lTTl霜よ。 tttr鵬 踊∫∫燎嘗盟 ,嬌 ...d ttКnび ` OJy甲 ■lqIIIКS tt e調 honcst u・hcn his children are starving.True li 糧ri滞胤T∫∫嶋 脚蹄撚温 濃l胤 宙悧柵F∫∫im」∴肌奮淵撮懸鳳:精:脳轟:盤IЛ is tiuly brave. Questions a. Sr-rggest a suitable title. b. ["low are the types of courage ditl'erent? c. What is meant bY moral courage? ci. ['Iou' is moral collrage betlcr than physical conrage? e. Give a synonym for the word "tttockery"' Q.3 Write an essry not more than 350 words on the topic given below: llnvironmental Poll ution 25
SutteCtt English ̈ PAPER:I ・●・ ° ° ° ・ ・ °° 0● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ●● ● ●. 0 ° 0 0 11911191∵:∵ :∵:∵:∵ :∵ ::11 MAX.TIME:3 Hrs. MAXo MARKS:100 z\ttempt all questions. Do not exceecl the word limit. Q.l' Attempt any three of the following questions (100-150 words). 20+2t+20=60 a. Write a note on the mysterious elenrents associated with the portt'ait of Mrs. Grancy in the slrort story Tlze Moving.Finger by Edith Wharton. b. i{ow does Anlali appear to be a tragic character in the shorl story Real Time by Amit Chaudhry? c. I{ow does the unnamed narrator explole the theme of selfis}ure ss tn The Sroar by John Ivlegahern? d' \\4rat n-rakes the story The Bath so sad? How does Janet Frame por.tray the will to stluggie? e . Disclrss the thematic concerns of Biile.nnitmby J.G. Ballard. Q.2. Read the following paragraph and anslver the questions gir.en at the end: 3+3+3+3+3=15 r\n archeologist studies the past and frorn the evidence he can find, builds up a picture sf how people lived' FIe is able to t'econstruct the claily liyg5 of men and women who livecl thousands of years ago bv stud)'ing scientificallr the things ,,vhich those men and women have left behind. He prepares lists and compal'es their r.veapons and tools, their pots, needles and combs. as u,ell as the t'uined homes and graves of these pre-historic people ancl tirereby lealns 1'rom these relics of the past. From the weapons he judges the size of the animals that prirnitive men hunted; from the tools he evaluates what cralts they had masterecl; from the pots, neeclles. and combs he assesses the domestic skills of their wives; and frorn their glaves and more specifically the objects fo,nd inside the graves, he undet:stancls primitive man's hopes and fears of afterlife. With the archeologist's help it is nou, possible to give a substantial detail of 9,000 years of history, in the Middle East, and to fortn a reliable account of hnman evolution going back some hal1,million Years. Questions a. Suggest a suitable titlc. b, I{orv does an alcheologist learn about the lives of men and women who lived thousand.s of years ago'7 c. Describe iu your or.'rrr wolds some of the facts that an archeologist evaluates ffom the objects of rite pre-histc.:ric pcriod. d. To what extent has the alcheologist helped us in oru'study of vrorlcl history? e. Give a synonym foL "1.econstrllct,,. Q.3. write an essa), in no more than 350 words on the topic given belorv: 25 Choosing a Career
S LtL.B。 (05 Yearsヽ Part― II Annual Exam - 2019 UNIVERSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB ●000● ●●●●0000● ●0● ●00、 ● . lIV:ン::‖ ==∵ =∵ ..! Time:3 Hrs. Marks:100 = Q.l. Attempt a|ry three of the following questions:1I00-15 0) (20+20+20=60) a) In the story 'sredni vashtar' evil of human nature is clearly defined. Do you agree? b) 'The Billennium' is a futuristic story where the writer has depicted the darg.rih" hr*u, race would face. Explain yolu answer c) Discuss the title of the short story .The prisou, as a metaphor d) Describe the element of mystery in the story ,The Moving Finger, e) 'A Report on the Threatened city' is a social and political satire. Do you agree.Explain your answer. Q.2. Rcad thc following passage and answer the qucsrions given in the end: (3.r.3+3+3+3=15) As summer comes near, many children are really happy to forget about school for a few months. However, they might be taking that goal too seriously. studies have found that children typically forget between one and three months, worth of school learning during the summer months. spelling and math abilities suffer the most, while reading is not really influenced by the time off. The most probable reason for this is that most children read at least occasionally outside of the classroom, whether newspapers, magazines, books, or video game guides. However, their math and spelling skills only get exercised in the school setting. There are other educational systems that provide vacations while still keeping students' skills sharp. For example, in Japan students attend class for seven weeks consecutively, followed by two weeks of vacation. This continues throughout the year. In ltaly, studenls attend class six days Subject: English-II Paper: I P.T.0.
per week, but finish at 1:30 PM each day, so that school does not dominate their life the way that it does in America, where students attend high school from 7:45 AM until 3:00 PM each week day. ln areas where there are not enough classrooms-in Afghanistan or Somalia, for Y example-older students attend classes in the morning while the younger kids go to school in the afternoon. School administrators and educational specialists fear that the three-month summer vacation halts the continuity of learning. Just as students become accustomed to new math equations or new concepts in reading, writing, or critical thinking skills, they "shut down" for an extended period. When they go back to school after the long summer vacation, they take up to two months to return to their previous level of proficiency. And so the debate continues: whether to continue the status-quo in terms of vacations or to seek changes based on the Los Angeles or the Japanese models. Questions: a) why mostly the Math and spelling skills got affected in summer vacations? b) How American school system is considered as 'life dominating'? c) Why the Japanese and ltalian education systems are regarded as more efficient education systems? d) What is the significance of summer vacations in our country? e) How can . the proficiency of learning be increased during summer vacations? Q.3. Write an essay on ONE of the following topics not more than 300 words: (25) i) hnportance ofUniversity Education ii) Energy Crisis in Pakistan