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English 9 (i - Learn Smart World 9) UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE PAST I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 1. A. bake B. relate C. clay D. care 2. A. custom B. husband C. nuclear D. study 3. A. specific B. official C. society D. city 4. A. school B. childhood C. change D. sketch 5. A. breadwinner B. meanwhile C. weaker D. meal 6. A. housewife B. group C. proud D. around 7. A. kids B. connections C. parents D. holidays 8. A. relatives B. families C. memories D. cottages 9. A. married B. parked C. processed D. divorced 10. A. included B. dreamed C. repeated D. extended II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group. 11. A. single B. nephew C. childhood D. divorce 12. A. marriage B. housewife C. support D. cottage 13. A. nuclear B. official C. relative D. family 14. A. memory B. connection C. tradition D. extended 15. A. relationship B. eventually C. importance D. generation III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each following sentence.television 16. He is still living in that old house,________? A. does he B. doesn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he 17. Nowadays, many young women________ prefer to be single. They don’t want to get married. A. whom B. whose C. who D. which 18. My family is a nuclear family and________ Jenny’s. A. so does B. neither does C. neither is D. so is 19. Do you have any similar________ memories with your family? A. childhood B. children C. childhoods D. child 20. In the past, people________ usually be home for family meals. A. will B. may C. have to D. would 21. My parents tried to work hard________ they wanted to build a good family for us. A. because B. therefore C. however D. so 22. She was a businesswoman, she was________ busy to take care of her family. A. such B. so C. enough D. too 23. In the past, these houses________ by modern machines . A. wouldn’t be built B. weren’t built C. be not built D. not built 24. Life in the past was not as________ as it now. A. much busy B. much busier C. more busy D. busier 25. My grandparents used to live________ near that forest twenty-five years ago. A. old nice wooden house B. nice old wooden house C. wooden old nice house D. old wooden nice house
26. In the past, men had to go to work so that women could________ the children A. raise B. do C. take D. make 27. I think people used to be more willing to________ difficult times together. A. get over B. get through C. get on D. get off Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 28. My friend lives with her extended family. She lives with her parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. A. large B. favorite C. local D. united 29. She became the breadwinner and worked to take care of her family. A. homemaker B. provider C. housewife D. planner Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentence. 30. Jenny and my brother formalized their relationship as husband and wife with an official wedding. A. unimportant B. uncertain C. informal D. impolite IV. Choose the letter A, B, C or D which has the underlined part that needs correction. 31. In the past, the people had to do everything by hand because there were no machines. A. the B. to do C. by D. because 32. People used to traveling by horse and cart before the invention of the car. A. People B. traveling C. before D. of 33. In the past, families were larger and everyone had his own role to play in the household. A. were B. and C. his D. the 34. In the past, letters were wrote by hand and took a long time to be delivered. A. were wrote B. hand C. took D. to be 35. Many years ago, people used to communicate more simple than they do now. A. ago B. used to C. simple D. do V. Choose the word which best fits each gap by circling A, B, C or D. Life in the past It is interesting to learn about life in the past. Unlike today, people (36)________ simple tools and technologies to perform daily tasks. Life was much slower, and people often spent more time talking each other. For example, families would gather around the fireplace in the evenings to share stories and enjoy each other's company. There were no smartphones or internet, so people had to find (37)________ ways to entertain themselves. Transportation was also different. People (38)________ often traveled on foot, by horse, or in carriages, which made journeys much longer and sometimes more adventurous. Communication took longer too; letters were sent by post, and it could take weeks or even months for a message to reach its destination. In those days, communities were usually smaller, and everyone knew each other. This created a strong sense of belonging and support. Neighbors helped each other with farming, building houses, and other tasks. People grew their own food, made their own clothes, and took care of their own animals. Life was undoubtedly harder in many ways, (39)________ it also had its own unique charm and simplicity. Today, while we enjoy the conveniences of modern technology and fast communication, it's important to (40)________ the values and lessons from the past. They remind us of the importance of human connections, community support, and the simple pleasures in life.
36. A. to use B. using C. used D. use 37. A. creative B. creativity C. creation D. creatively 38. A. where B. who C. which D. when 39. A. because B. so C. or D. but 40. A. remember B. play C. take D. make VI. Read the passage and then answer the questions by choosing the best option A, B, C or D. Life in the past was very different from life today. People lived simpler lives and relied on basic technologies to accomplish daily tasks. Unlike the present, where technology is integral to almost every aspect of life, in the past, people used manual tools and methods for everything from cooking to transportation. Transportation in the past was much slower and less convenient compared to today. People primarily traveled on foot, by horse, or by carriage. Long-distance journeys were arduous and time- consuming, often taking weeks or months to complete. There were no cars, trains, or airplanes to make travel faster and more comfortable. Communication was also a challenge in the past. Without smartphones or the internet, people relied on letters sent by post to communicate over long distances. It could take days, if not weeks, for a letter to reach its destination. As a result, staying in touch with loved ones who lived far away was much more difficult than it is today. Despite these challenges, life in the past had its own charm and simplicity. Communities were tight-knit, and neighbors often relied on each other for support and companionship. Families spent more time together, engaging in activities like storytelling and board games rather than being glued to screens. Today, while we enjoy the conveniences of modern life, it's important to appreciate the lessons we can learn from the past. Understanding how people lived in earlier times can help us appreciate the advancements we've made and remind us of the value of simplicity and human connection. 41. Life in the past was different from life today because________. A. people relied on basic technologies B. people had smartphones C. people traveled by car D. people communicated via the internet 42. In the past, transportation was primarily on________. A. car B. train C. foot D. airplane 43. Communication in the past was challenging because________. A. people used smartphones B. letters were sent by post C. there was the internet D. letters were delivered instantly 44. Despite the challenges, life in the past had its own________. A. difficulties B. convenience C. charm and simplicity D. technology 45. Why is it important to appreciate the lessons from the past? A. Because it helps us understand modern technology. B. Because it helps us appreciate the value of simplicity and human connection. C. Because it helps us forget about the past. D. Because it helps us rely more on technology.
VII. Supply the correct forms of the given verbs to complete the sentences. 46. My grandparents (live)________ in a small village when they were young. 47. People in the past (communicate)________ primarily by writing letters. 48. In the past, children often (help)________ their parents with household chores. 49. Children in the past often spent their time (play)________ outdoor games and helping their parents with chores. 50. It was common for families in the past (gather)________ around the fireplace in the evenings to share stories. VIII. Supply the correct forms of the given words to complete the sentences. 51. The________ of modern technology has greatly changed our lives. (invent) 52. Life in the past was much________ than it is today. (simple) 53. People in the past often relied on________ methods for cooking and farming. (tradition) 54. ________ in the past was less accessible, especially for women and the poor. (Educate) 55. Many historical artifacts have been________ preserved in museums for future study. (care) IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 56. People used to cook meals over open fires in the past. → Meals used 57. “Did your grandparents use telephones when they were young?” she asked. → She asked 58. Don’t make mistakes again, and your parents won’t get angry with you. → If 59. They last visited their home village five years ago. → They haven’t 60. In spite of his old age, my grandfather still helped his children with the farm work. → Although X. Write a paragraph about “Life in the past”(about 200 words). _____The end_____

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