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1 STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS-TISSUE EXERCISE – 2: Previous Year Questions 1. Which of the following statements wrongly represents the nature of smooth muscles? (NEET-2021) (a) Communication among the cells is performed by intercalated disc (b) These muscles are present in the walls of blood vessels (c) These muscles have no striations (d) They are involuntary muscles Ans. (a) Sol. Smooth muscles have contractile protein that are myosin and actin that are not arranged in the form of bands. Hence, they are without striations. They are found in walls of blood vessels and lining of visceral organs. They are not under the conscious control hence called involuntary muscles. They lack intercalated disc. These intercalated discs are modified gap junction which are seen in cardiac muscles only. 2. Identify the types of cell junction that help to stop the leakage of substances across a tissue and facilitation of communication with neighbouring cells via rapid transfer of ions and molecules. (NEET-2021) (a) Adhering junction and tight junction, respectively. (b) Adhering junction and Gap junction, respectively. (c) Gap junction and Adhering junction, respectively. (d) Tight junction and Gap junction, respectively. Ans. (d) Sol. There are different types of cell junctions present in our body. Some of these cell junctions prevent the movement of substances from one cell to another. Such junctions are called tight junctions. On the contrary, there are gap junctions that allow the communication between two cells and rapid transfer of ions and molecules. 3. Which of the following characteristics is incorrect with respect to cockroach? (NEET-2021) (a) In females, 7th – 9 th sterna together form a genital pouch. (b) 10th abdominal segment in both sexes, bears a pair of anal cerci. (c) A ring of gastric caeca is present at the junction of midgut and hindgut. (d) Hypopharynx lies within the cavity enclosed by the mouth parts. Ans. (c) Sol. In females, the 7th sternum is boat shaped and together with the 8th and 9th sterna forms a brood or genital pouch. 10th abdominal segment in both the sexes bear a pair of anal cerci which are responsible for detection of vibrations. The hepatic or gastric caeca is present at junction of foregut and midgut. Hypopharynx is modified tongue present in the cavity enclosed by mouth parts. 4. Following are the statements of prostomium in earthworm. (NEET-2021) 1. It serves as covering for mouth 2. It helps to open cracks in the soil into which it can crawl 3. It is one of the sensory structures 4. It is the first body segment Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) 2 and 3 statement are correct (b) 1,2 and 3 are correct statements (c) 1,2 and 4 statements are correct (d) All statements are correct Ans. (b) Sol. Anterior end consists of the mouth and the prostomium, a lobe which serves as a covering for the mouth and as a wedge to force open cracks in the soil into which the earthworm may crawl. The prostomium is sensory in function. The first body segment is called the peristomium (buccal segment) which contains the mouth. 5. Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of microvilli is found in: (NEET-2020) (a) Lining of intestine (b) Ducts of salivary glands (c) Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron (d) Eustachian tube Ans. (c) Sol. Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of microvilli is found in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) of the nephron. PCT is the longest part of the nephron that reabsorbs major substances like amino acids, glucose, ions, etc. from the ultrafiltrate. 6. If the head of cockroach is removed, it may live for few days because: (NEET-2020) (a) The supra-oesophageal ganglia of the cockroach are situated in ventral part of abdomen. (b) The cockroach does not have nervous system.
STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS-TISSUE 2 (c) The head holds a small proportion of a nervous system while the rest is situated along the ventral part of its body. (d) The head holds a 1/3rd of a nervous system while the rest is situated along the dorsal part of its body. Ans. (c) Sol. If the head of a cockroach is cut off, it will still live for as long as one week. It is because the head holds a bit of a nervous system while the rest is situated along the ventral (belly-side) part of its body. 7. Goblet cells of alimentary canal are modified from: (NEET-2020) (a) Squamous epithelium (b) Columnar epithelium (c) Chondrocyte (d) Compound epithelium Ans. (b) Sol. Goblet cells are a type of unicellular gland which are present in columnar epithelium. 8. Match the following columns with reference to cockroach and select the correct option. (NEET-2020) Column I Column II (A) Grinding of food particles (i) Hepatic caeca (B) Secrete gastric juice (ii) 10th segment (C) 10 pairs (iii) Proventriculus (D) Anal cerci (iv) Spiracles (v) Alary muscles (a) A(iii), B(i), C(iv), D(ii) (b) A(iv), B(iii), C(v), D(ii) (c) A(ii), B(iv). C(ii), D(iv) (d) A(ii). B(iii), C(i), D(iv) Ans. (a) Sol. Proventriculus is responsible for the grinding of food particles and gastric juice secretion is done by hepatic caeca. There are 10 pairs of spiracles. Anal cerci is present in the 10th segment. 9. Select the incorrectly matched pair from the following. (NEET-2020) (a) Chondrocytes – Smooth muscle cells (b) Neurons- Nerve cell (c) Fibroblast- Areolar tissue (d) Osteocyte- Bone cell Ans. (a) Sol. Chondrocytes are the cells that make up cartilage. Cartilages are part of connective tissue. Smooth muscle cells on the other hand are a type of muscular tissue present in the visceral organs. 10. In cockroach, identify the parts of foregut in correct sequence. (NEET-2020) (a) Mouth  Oesophagus  Pharynx  Crop  Gizzard. (b) Mouth  Crop  Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard (c) Mouth  Gizzard  Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop (d) Mouth  Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop  Gizzard Ans. (d) Sol. Mouth is present at the anterior part which leads into pharynx. This pharynx opens into oesophagus. The oesophagus opens into crop and this crop extends to gizzard. Columnar Epithelium
3 STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS-TISSUE 11. Select the correct sequence of organs in the alimentary canal of cockroach starting from mouth; (NEET-2019) (a) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop  Gizzard  Ileum  Colon  Rectum (b) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  Crop Ileum  Colon  Rectum (c) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  Ileum  Crop Colon  Rectum (d) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Ileum  Crop  Gizzard  Colon  Rectum Ans. (a) Sol. The alimentary canal starts with mouth which extends to pharynx. This pharynx opens into oesophagus. This oesophagus leads to crop which further enters into gizzard. This gizzard enters into hindgut which is divided into ileum, colon and rectum. Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop  Gizzard  Ileum  Colon  Rectum. 12. The ciliated epithelial cells are required to move particles or mucus in a specific direction. In humans, these cells are mainly present in: (NEET-2019) (a) Bile duct and Bronchioles (b) Fallopian tubes and Pancreatic duct (c) Eustachian tube and Salivary duct (d) Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes Ans. (d) Sol. The ciliated epithelium is present in bronchioles and fallopian tube. The cilia in bronchioles help in the movement of dust particles trapped in the mucus which is thrown out of body. In case of fallopian tube, the cilia help in the movement of egg/ovum down from fallopian tube towards uterus. 13. Match the following cell structure with its characteristic function. (NEET-2019) (A) Tight junction (i) Cement neighbouring cells together to form sheet (B) Adhering Junction (ii) Transmit information through chemicals to another cell (C) Gap junctions (iii) Establish a barrier to prevent leakage of fluids across epithelial cells (D) Synaptic junction (iv) Cytoplasmic channels to facilitate communication between adjacent cells. Select the correct option from the following. (a) A(ii), B(iv), C(i), D(iii) (b) A(iv). B(ii). C(i), D(iii) (c) A(iii). B(i). C(iv), D(ii) (d) A(iv), B(iii), C(i), D(ii) Ans. (d) Sol. Tight junctions establish a barrier to prevent the leakage of substances between adjacent cells. Adhering junction acts as cementing junctions to hold the neighbouring cells together. Gap junction acts as a communicating channels and also act as medium to transfer the substances from one cell to another. Synaptic junction communicate with other cells through chemicals. Sol. Tight 14. Which of the following features is used to identify a male cockroach from a female cockroach? (NEET-2018) (a) Forewings with darker tegmina (b) Presence of caudal styles (c) Presence of a boat shaped sternum on the 9th abdominal segment
STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN ANIMALS-TISSUE 4 (d) Presence of anal cerci Ans. (b) Sol. Males bear a pair of short, threadlike anal styles which are absent in females. Anal style helps in mating. Anal cerci are present in both males and females. 15. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in male frogs. (NEET-2017) (a) Testes  Bidder’s canal  Kidney  Vasa efferentia  Urinogenital duct  Cloaca (b) Testes Vasa efferentia  Kidney  Seminal Vesicle  Urinogenital duct  Cloaca (c) Testes  Vasa efferentia  Bidder’s canal  Ureter  Cloaca (d) Testes  Vasa efferentia  Kidney  Bidder’s canal  Urinogenital duct  Cloaca Ans. (d) Sol. The sperms are carried from testis to water through vasa efferentia, kidney, bidder canal, urinogenital duct and cloaca. Fertilisation is external. Fusion of eggs and sperms takes place in water. 16. Frog’s heart, when taken out of the body, continues to beat for some time. Select the best option from the following statements. I. Frog is a poikilotherm. II. Frog does not have any coronary circulation III. Heart is “myogenic” in nature IV. Heart is auto excitable. (NEET-2017) (a) Only III (b) Only IV (c) I and II (d) III and IV Ans. (d) Sol. The heart of a frog is myogenic in nature. This means that the heart originates from muscle tissues and not from neural tissues and it is auto excitable, i.e., it does not need external stimuli). When a frog’s heart is taken out of the body, it continues to beat for some time as long as ATP is available. This is because it is not dependent on the nervous system and does not require external stimuli as the SA node can generate action potentials on its own. 17. In male cockroaches, sperms are stored in which part of the reproductive system? (NEET-2016) (a) Seminal vesicles (b) Mushroom glands (c) Testes (d) Vas deferens Ans. (a) Sol. In male cockroaches, the sperms are produced in testes. These sperms transfer from the testes to seminal vesicles via vas deferens. Seminal vesicles store the sperms. 18. Which of the following features is not present in Periplaneta americana? (NEET-2016) (a) Exoskeleton composed of N-acetylglucosamine (b) Metamerically segmented body (c) Schizocoelom as body cavity (d)Indeterminate and radial cleavage during embryonic development Ans. (d) Sol. Indeterminate and radial cleavage is a feature of deuterostomes while cockroach is an example of protostomes. Protostomes develop the mouth before the anus, they also have spiral and determinate cleavage. Spiral cleavage refers to the rotational pattern of the dividing cells, and determinate means that each cell has a certain fate - they cannot become whole organisms if isolated from other cells. 19. Which type of tissue correctly matches with its location? (NEET-2016) Tissue Location (a) Smooth muscle Wall of intestine (b) Areolar tissue Tendons (c) Transitional epithelium Tip of nose (d) Cuboidal epithelium Lining of stomach Ans. (a) Sol. Smooth muscles are those without striations. They are present un the walls of arteries, intestine and stomach. In general, they contract slowly. 20. Smooth muscles are (NEET-2016) (a) involuntary, fusiform, non-striated (b) voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical (c) involuntary, cylindrical, striated (d) voluntary, spindle-shaped, uninucleate Ans. (a) Sol. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of hollow organs. They are non-striated in appearance. Ends are tapered. Hence fusiform. 21. The function of the gap junction is to- (NEET-2015) (a) stop substance from leaking across a tissue (b) performing cementing to keep neighboring cells together (c) facilitate communication between adjoining cells by connecting the cytoplasm for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and some large molecules. (d) separate two cells from each other Ans. (c)

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