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MATHEMATICS (10-12/GCE) STEP BY STEP SOLUTIONS PAPER TWO www.zedmaterials.com www.zedmaterials.com
STUDY TIPS ................................................................................................................. ii ALGEBRA ............................................................................................................... 1 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS .......................................................................................... 7 MATRICES .............................................................................................................. 10 SETS .............................................................................................................. 13 PROBABILITY .............................................................................................................. 19 SEQUENCES AND SERIES .......................................................................................... 25 COMPUTERS ........................................................................................................... 35 VECTOR GEOMETRY .......................................................................................... 41 CONSTRUCTION AND LOCI .......................................................................................... 50 CALCULUS ........................................................................................................... 56 MENSURATION .......................................................................................................... 63 TRIGONOMETRY ........................................................................................................ 69 EARTH GEOMETRY ............................................................................................ 77 STATISTICS ........................................................................................................... 83 LINEAR PROGRAMMING .......................................................................................... 101 TRANSFORMATIONS .......................................................................................... 113 QUADRATIC FUNCTION .......................................................................................... 125 CONTENTS i Mr 6points @ mr_6points Mr 6points www.zedmaterials.com www.zedmaterials.com
ii MATHEMATICS PAPER 2 (4024/2) This paper comprises of two sections,A and B.There are six (6) compulsory questions in section A giving a total of 52 marks.Section B also has six (6) questions but you are only required to answer any four (4) questions which give a total of 48 marks. * You have to show all your working clearly. * You are allowed to use a calculator. Study Tips The only key to passing mathematics is a lot of practice.Make sure you go through some questions from different topics everyday. Mathematics Paper 2 is very easy to pass because you know what topics will appear in the exam.The topics that appear in both section A and B are repeated every year as you will tell from this pamphlet. Note: -Practice math daily. -Understand the concepts of each topic. -Go through as many questions as possible on a topic from this pamphlet and other study material. -Revise past papers from 2016 - present. -For section B,you should only focus on 4 topics and make sure you are able answer questions on those topics Once you go through all the questions and answers in this pamphlet,I am confident that you will be ready to face the exam. Note: Ignore any minor errors but follow the methods used. ALL THE BEST!!!! Mr 6points © Mr 6points www.zedmaterials.com www.zedmaterials.com
1 TOPIC 1 - ALGEBRA 1 .2016 P2 (a) Simplify x 1 x 1 2   ( 1)( 1) 1    x x x 2 2 1 1   x x 1 x + 1 = = = (b) Simplify 5a 51k 20a 17k 2 2 2  2 2 2 51 5 20 17 k a a k  k k a a a k k         51 5 20 17 51 5 20 17  a 1 12a = = = = 3x 1 1 2x 1 2    (c) Simplify (2x 1)(3x 1) 4x 3                       (2 1)(3 1) 6 2 2 1 (2 1)(3 1) 6 2 2 1 (2 1)(3 1) 2(3 1) 1(2 1) x x x x x x x x x x x x © Mr 6points www.zedmaterials.com www.zedmaterials.com

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