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Nội dung text Unit No. 5 Thermodynamiccs Test By Sir Shahid S.C. (Google Drive).pdf

www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid THERMODYNAMICS (UNIT-5) MDCAT Q1. A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container because molecules (A) Have finite size (B) Obey Boyle’s law (C) Have momentum (D) Collide with one another Q2. The pressure P of a gas at constant temperature varies with its density ρ: (A) Directly (B) Inversely (C) Equal (D) None of these Q3. A gas at 250K is contained in a closed vessel. If its temperature increases by 1k, the percentage increase in its pressure is: (A) 0.4% (B) 0.6% (C) 0.8% (D) 1.0% Q4. The ratio of mean K.E of chlorine and oxygen molecules at same temperature is: (A) 1635.5 (B) 35.516 (C) (35.5)2 16 (D) 1 Q5. A device which is based upon the thermodynamic property of matter is: (A) Thermometer (B) Thermo state (C) Heat engine (D) Calorimeter Q6. For an adiabatic expansion of a gas which of the following statement is false? (A) Pressure of gas decreases (B) No heat is supplied to the gas (C) Work is done by gas (D) Entropy of gas is increased Q7. Once heat is transferred to an object, it is converted into the: (A) Entropy of the object (B) Internal energy of the object (C)Temperature of the object (D) None of these Q8. Which one of the following set of conditions is true for expansion of an ideal gas at constant pressure: Work done Internal Energy Change Temperature Change (A) No Yes Yes (B) Yes No No (C) Yes Yes Yes (D) No Yes Yes Q9. A gas is compressed adiabatically till its temperature is doubled. The ratio of its final to its initial volume is: (A) 1⁄2 (B) More than 1⁄2 (C) Less than 1⁄2 (D) Between 1 and 1⁄2
www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid THERMODYNAMICS (UNIT-5) MDCAT Q10. A constant volume gas thermometer works on: (A) Charles ‘law (B) Boyle’s law (C) Pascal ‘s law (D) None of these Q11. A gas at STP is slowly compressed to one fourth of its original volume, then final pressure is (A) 4 atmosphere (B) 0.75 atmosphere (C) 8 atmosphere (D) 0.25 atmosphere Q12. The relation between Boltzmann’s constant K, gas constant R and Avogadro’s number is NA is: (A) k=NA/R (B) k=RNA (C) k=R/NA (D) k = PV/NT Q13. The temperature at which the reading of Fahrenheit thermometer will be double that of a centigrade thermometer is: (A) 160C (B) 180C (C) 140C (D) 100C Q14. In which process the P-V diagram is a straight line parallel to volume axis: (A) Isobaric (B) Isothermal (C) Isochoric (D)Adiabatic Q15. The work done in figure is: V 105 1 m3 2 m3 P (A) 3  105 J (B) 2  105 J (C) 105 J (D) Zero Q16. The work done during the cycle is: P V (V, 2P) (2V, 2P) (V, P) (2V, P) (A) 1 PV (B) 2 PV (C) 1/2 PV (D) Zero
www.youtube.com/physicswithshahid THERMODYNAMICS (UNIT-5) MDCAT Q17. A system goes from A to B via two processes I and II as shown in figure. If U1 and U2 are the changes in internal energies in the processes I and II respectively then: A B I II P V (A)    U U 2 1 (B)    U U 2 1 (C) Relation between U1 and U2 cannot be determined (D)  =  U U 1 2 Q18. An ideal gas changes from state ‘a’ to state ‘b’ as shown in figure. What is the work done by the gas in the process? (volume in constant) T P a b (A) Zero (B) Positive (C) Negative (D) Infinite Q19. In the equation PVγ= Constant, the value of γ is unity then the process is: (A) Isothermal (B) Adiabatic (C) Isobaric (D) Irreversible Q20. The difference between Qp and Qv is equal to: (A) Universal gas constant (B) Plank’s constant (C) Molar gas constant (D) Work done Q21. The work done by the gas during the isobaric expansion is equal to: (A) Area of rectangle (B) Area of triangle (C) Area of parallelogram (D) None of these Q22. Work done is maximum in: (A) Isothermal expansion (B) Adiabatic expansion (C) Isobaric process (D) Isochoric process

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