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Date of planning:………….. Date of teaching: ………..… WEEK: ….. Period 2: UNIT 1 : LOCAL COMMUNITY Lesson 7 : LOOKING BACK & PROJECT I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain the following items: 1. Knowledge: - Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 1; Do exercises. - Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through a project. + Integrated skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. * Vocabulary: - Use the words related to the topic Local community; * Grammar: - Use question words before to-infinitives and some phrasal verbs; 2. Competence: - Students will be able to practice listening , speaking, reading and writing skills . - Develop communication skills and cultural awareness. - Be cooperative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. 3. Personal qualities: - Be friendlier and willing to help the community; - Actively participate in community services; - Develop self-study skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Grade 9 text book; Projector / TV..... - Students : Text books, workbook… - Computer connected to the Internet. - Hoclieu.vn III. PROCEDURE: 1. WARM UP & INTRODUCTION ( 3’- 5’) * Objectives: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To lead into the new lesson. * Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson. * Expected outcomes: Having a chance to speak English. Ss can list as community services as possible. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions … Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content + Greeting + Brainstorming - Teacher divides the board, and divides the class + Greeting .T_Ss. + Brainstorming + Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do the tasks.
into 2 teams. - Members of each team take turns and write as many community services as possible in 2 minutes. - The group having more correct answers is the winner. * Suggested answers: cooking for homeless, picking up the trash, teaching the orphans, planting trees, … - Open the book and write the tittle of the lesson. ACTIVITY 1. PRESENTATION/ NEW LESSON ( 12’- 15’) I. VOCABULARY * Objectives: 1. To help Ss revise the vocabulary items they have learnt in the unit. 2. To help Ss revise question words before to- infinitive. * Content: - Task 1: Write a word or phrase for each description below. - Task 2:  Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. * Expected outcomes: Students can use the knowledge they have learnt in this unit to complete the tasks successfully. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content TASK 1: Write a word or phrase for each description below. - Have Ss do this activity individually then compare their answers with their partners. - Ask for Ss' answers or ask one student to write his her answer on the board. - Confirm the correct answers. - T_Ss *Answer key: 1. delivery person 2. firefighter 3. tourist attraction 4. pottery 5. artisan TASK 2: Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence + Have Ss do this exercise individually. - Ask them to share their answers with a classmate - Invite some Ss to share their answers. Confirm the correct ones. - T_Ss * Answer key: 1. preserve 2. fragrance 3. police officers 4. speciality 5. handicrafts ACTIVITY 2: GRAMMAR * Objectives: 3. To help ss revise the form of the verbs after verbs of liking / disliking. 4. To help ss revise the form of the verbs after verbs of liking I disliking. * Content:
- Task 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. - Task 4: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to change the form of the verb. * Expected outcomes: Recall the uses of question words before to-infinitives and some phrasal verbs. * Organasation: Teacher’s instructions. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content TASK 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. - Ask Ss about the verbs and the question words that can be used in this kind of structure. - Have Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner. Call on some Ss to give the answers. Confirm the correct answers. - T_ Ss * Answer key: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C TASK 4: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to change the form of the verb. + Tell Ss that they are going to rewrite the given sentences using the phrasal verbs given in brackets. - Model with the first sentence. Underline the verb "reduce" and write down the new sentence, using "cut down on" instead of "reduce". + Remind Ss that they may need to change the form of the verb given. Ask them to read the example on the board carefully. + Have Ss do this exercise individually then compare their sentences with a partner's. + Invite some Ss to write their sentences on the board. Give feedback. - T_ Ss. * Key: 1. In some villages, people cut down on the number of steps to make the handicraft. 2. My grandparents handed down the skills to my parents. 3. In their community, the eldest child usually takes care of his or her parents. 4. Before we go to a new place, we always find out about it. 5. They get on with all neighbours. ACTIVITY 3. PRODUCTION/ PROJECT ( 8’) * Objectives: To provide an opportunity for Ss to develop their research and collaboration skills and to practise giving an oral presentation. * Content: Ss to work in groups to do the project. Ss’ presentations. * Expected outcomes: Students’ speaking. Students are able to give an oral presentation of survey results. * Organization: Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content ** T should assign the project in earlier lessons such as in GETTING STARTED lesson. Make sure you guide them carefully and check their progress after each lesson. In the last lesson
(LOOKING BACK), Ss to present their report to the class. ++ Ss display all the posters on the wall or bulletin board ; Each group presents the poster they prepare to the whole class. ***As Ss have prepared for the project throughout the unit, the focus of this lesson should be on the final product, which is an oral presentation of the survey results. + Have Ss work in their groups. Give them a few minutes to prepare for the presentation. + Give Ss checklists for peer and self-assessment. Explain that they will have to tick appropriate items while listening to their classmates' presentations and write comments if they have any. + The presenters should complete their self-assessment checklists after completing their presentation. + If necessary, go through the criteria for assessing their talk to make sure Ss are familiar with them. + Invite two or three groups to give their presentations. Encourage the rest of the class to ask questions at the end. + Give praise and feedback after each presentation.! can summarise the feedback given by other Ss and add any other comments. T can also give Ss marks for their presentation as part of their continuous assessment. ** FEEDBACK FORM FOR SURVEY.(See teacher’s book) 5. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK (2’) * Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt. - Summarise the main points of the lesson. * HOME WORK: - Do more exercises in workbook. - Prepare new lesson: Unit 2: CITY LIFE. ========================================

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