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Unit 7: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Lesson 1: Getting started
Communication Structure: Language analysis: Structure Examples What does S mean? (S nghĩa là gì?) It means … / (Nó nghĩa là…) S is/are … (S là …) What do you mean by…? (Ý của bạn là gì…) That means… (Đó nghĩa là…) - What does ‘endangered species’ mean? ('Loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng' nghĩa là gì?) - It means/ Endangered species are animals in the wild that face a high risk of extinction. (Nghĩa là/ Loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng là loài động vật trong tự nhiên có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cao.) - And what do you mean by ‘in the wild’? (Và bạn có ý gì khi nói 'trong tự nhiên'?) - That means animals that live in their natural habitats, not in zoos. (Điều đó có nghĩa là động vật sống trong môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng, không phải trong vườn thú.)
Match the answers to the following questions. 1. What do you mean by saying ‘endangered species loss’? 2. Do you mean by saying ‘carbon footprint’? Is it the mark made by a person’s foot? 3. Could you explain what you mean by ‘single-use’? 4. Could you give us an example of light pollution? 5. I wonder if you could say that in a different way about desertification. 6. Could you be more specific about green products? 7. I don’t quite see what you mean that planting trees can save our environment. 8. It sounds like what you’re saying is using a lot of street light is not good. Is that right? 9. When you say acid rain, do you mean? __a. In other words, it can lead to light pollution, and we can’t see the stars in the sky. __b. To put it differently, it’s rain that contains harmful chemicals from factories gases and it can damage crops and trees. __c. Sorry, let me explain that. Carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 that a person produces. __d. Let me give an example of that. Too much use of electric lights in cities may cause light pollution. __e. Let me explain that again. When we plant trees, we can make our environment clean and reduce pollution. __f. Let me explain that. Endangered species loss means that the number of species is becoming smaller. __g. Sorry, let me explain it again. They are produced with the minimum effects on the environment. __h. Let me explain that in more detail. ‘Single-use’ refers to something that is made to be used once only. __i. Let me put it in another way. When an area or a region becomes a desert, we call it desertification. 8 9 2 4 7 1 3 6 5
Write a correct word or phrase from the box under the picture. global warming forest fire acid rain endangered species greenhouse effect loud noise domestic waste water pollution global warming acid rain forest fire endangered species

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