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VOCABULARY SET 3: COPYRIGHTS Vocabulary: 1. access (n): tiếp cận 2. accessible (adj): có thể tiếp cận 3. be less/more likely to do sth: có ít/nhiều khả năng 4. be likely to do sth: có khả năng (dự đoán) 5. drastic (adj): quyết liệt, nghiêm trọng 6. financially disadvantaged (adjp): khó khăn về tài chính 7. intellectual property (np): tài sản trí tuệ 8. morality (n): đạo đức, giá trị đúng sai 9. pose a/an (adj) threat to: trở thành một mối đe dọa 10. proclivity (n): xu hướng, khuynh hướng 11. reap the benefits of (collocation): hưởng lợi từ 12. severe (adj): nghiêm trọng 13. surface (v): nổi lên, nổi bật 14. unfeasible (adj): không khả thi Exercises: Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed. 1. Severe storms / be likely to / pose a threat / coastal villages. 2. When / there / competitions / almost all fields / life / only / best / player / surface. 3. Charge/ users/ download/ copyrightedmusic/ unfeasible/ those/ financially disadvantaged 4. Invention / digital music download sites / helpful / protect / authors / intellectual property. 5. Issue / morality / nuclear weapons / possession / be / on debate / today's world. 6. Internet / bring / students / more access / sources / knowledge / information. 7. Young / songwriters / have / proclivity / plagiarize / musical beat / instead / whole melody /a song.
8. Customers / those / reap benefits / competitions / service provider. 9. During / past / six months / there / drastic / reduction / staffing levels / this company. 10. Key / education / system / millennium / be / make/ learning opportunity / more /accessible/ adults Task 2: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases be less/more likely to do sth morality (n) accessible (adj) pose a/an (adj) threat to access(n) proclivity (n) be likely to do sth reap the benefits of (collocation) drastic (adj) severe (adj) financially disadvantaged (adjp) surface (v) intellectual property (np) unfeasible (adj) Modern technology has made it easier for individuals to download copyrighted music and books from the internet for no charge. To what extent is this a positive or a negative development? Copyrights have evolved into a major topic of concern in the era of the Internet and modern technology, as copyrighted music and books can now be downloaded for free with a few simple mouse- clicks. While some believe that there are certain advantages to this development, I would contend that it may lead to 1 consequences that far outweigh any benefit it brings. There is a common belief that free downloading of copyrighted contents is broadly. People may argue that the public can benefit from having free 2 to invaluable sources of knowledge.Those who are 3 would then have equal rights to develop academically, which may have been previously 4 . Some also claim that once music contents are free, they can enrich the musical soul of millions. As a greater diversity of music becomes more 5 to a larger audience, their understanding of it may improve, and new musical talents can 6 as a result. However, Ifirmly believe thatthereare 7 consequences when copyrighted contents are distributed freely for everyone. This trend may well put the career of many authors, artistsand creative workers in danger, as they receive a significantly lower income from selling their books and songs. Yet this is not only a problem of finance, but also an issue of 8 . The 9 of taking others' work without permission is a form of disregarding their rights and stealing their work. From a broader perspective, when authors' 10 is not respected, they 11 positively contribute to society. To conclude, despite the belief that the public can 12 the benefits of free access to intellectual content, I am of the opinion that disrespecting copyrights is undoubtedly a nega¬tive development that 13 society. 291 words, written by Tu Pham
Key: Task 1: 1. Severe storms are likely to pose a threat to coastal villages. 2. When there are competitions in almost all fields of life, only the best players (can) surface. 3. Charging users for downloading copyrighted music is (would be/could be/may be) unfea sible for those who are financially disadvantaged. 4. The invention of digital music download sites is helpful in protecting authors'intellectual property. 5. The issue of the morality of nuclear weapon possession has been on debate in today's world. 6. The Internet has brought students more access to sources of knowledge and information. 7. Young songwriters have had a proclivity of plagiarizing musical beat instead of the whole melody of a song. 8. Customers are those who reap benefits from competitions among service providers. 9. During the past six months, there has been a drastic reduction of staffing levels in this company. 10. The key to the education system in this millennium is to make/making learning opportunities more accessible to adults. Task 2: Modern technology has made it easier for individuals to download copyrighted music and books from the internet for no charge. To what extent is this a positive or a negative development? Copyrights have evolved into a major topic of concern in the era of the Internet and modern technology, as copyrighted music and books can now be downloaded for free with a few simple mouse- clicks. While some believe that there are certain advantages to this development, I would contend that it may lead to (1) drastic consequences that far outweigh any benefit it brings. There is a common belief that free downloading of copyrighted contents is broadly. People may argue that the public can benefit from having free (2) access to invaluable sources of knowledge. Those who are (3) financially disadvantaged would then have equal rights to develop academically, which may have been previously (4) unfeasible. Some also claim that once music contents are free, they can enrich the musical soul of millions. As a greater diversity of music becomes more (5) accessible to a larger audience, their understanding of it may improve, and new musical talents can (6) surface as a result. However, I firmly believe that there are (7) severe consequences when copyrighted contents are distributed freely for everyone. This trend may well put the career of many authors, artists and creative workers in danger, as they receive a significantly lower income from selling their books and songs. Yet this is not only a problem of finance, but also an issue of (8) morality. The (9) proclivity of taking others'work without permission is a form of disregarding their rights and stealing their work. From a broader perspective, when authors'(10) intellectual property is not respected, they (11) may be less likely to positively contribute to society. To conclude, despite the belief that the public can (12) reap the benefits of free access to intellectual content, I am of the opinion that disrespecting copyrights is undoubtedly a negative development that (13) poses an alarming threat to society. 291 words, written by Tu Pham

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