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TO DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL VERSION OF PDF CONTACT: +919206306398 PER CLASS PDF COST JUST Rs: 500 Only 01. MATTER IN OUR SURROUNDINGS WORKSHEET 1 (1.) What is the name of the process in which : A solid turns directly into a gas ? (1) Sublimation (2) Melting (3) Freezing (4) Condensation (2.) Carefully look at the above diagram, and answer the following question:Rate of evaporation is highest in ..... vessel. (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (3.) Choose the correct match for Pressure. (1) Kelvin (2) Pascal (3) Cubic metre (4) Kilogram (4.) Choose the correct statement of the following. (1) Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation. (2) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called Vapourisation. (3) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called freezing. (4) Conversion of solid into liquid is called sublimation. (5.) The following questions consist of two statements-Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:Assertion (A) Steam is better the boiling water for heating purposes.Reason (R) Steam contains more heat in the form of latent heat than boiling water. (1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (3) A is true but R is false (4) A is false but R is true. (6.) What is the physical state of water at: 25°C (1) Liquid (2) Solid (3) Gas (4) All of the above (7.) The best evidence for the existence and movement of particles in liquids was provided by : (1) John Dalton (2) Ernest Rutherford (3) J.J. Thomson (4) Robert Brown (8.) The scientists now say that there are actually five states of matter A, B, C, D and E. The state A has a fixed volume but no fixed shape. The state B can be compressed very easily by applying pressure and state C has a fixed shape as well as a fixed volume. The state D is a mixture of free electrons and ions whereas state E is named after an Indian scientist and a famous physicist. What is the physical state of B .
TO DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL VERSION OF PDF CONTACT: +919206306398 PER CLASS PDF COST JUST Rs: 500 Only (1) Gas (2) Liquid (3) Plasma (4) Solid (9.) Which of these is correct about Plasma? (1) It makes a fluorescent tube (or neon sign bulb) to glow. (2) It occurs naturally in the stars (including the sun) (3) It is a state of matter (4) All of the above (10.) Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion. Spreading of virus on sneezing. (1) Osmosis (2) Diffusion (11.) Choose and write the correct answer for each of the following. Which of the following will not change the state of matter? (1) Temperature (2) Crushing a crystal (3) Pressure (4) Heat (12.) A form of matter has no fixed shape but it has a fixed volume. An example of this form of matter is : (1) Krypton (2) Kerosene (3) Carbon steel (4) Carbon dioxide (13.) Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat energy required to change 1 kg of solid into liquid at its ________. (1) Boiling point (2) Melting point (14.) Which substance is more viscous? (1) Honey (2) Water (15.) Name D in the following diagram showing a change in its state. (1) Condensation (2) Solidification (3) Sublimation (4) None of these (16.) With increase in temperature the kinetic energy of the particles also (1) Increases (2) Decreases (3) Same (4) None of these (17.) From the above figure. Name the changes in the terms of process Q. (1) Fusion (melting) (2) Boiling (3) Condensation (4) Sublimation (18.) Complete the definition : The process of condensation is change of ______ state into ______state. (1) Solid, Liquid (2) Vapour, Liquid (3) Solid, Vapour (4) Liquid, Vapour (19.) The latent heat of vaporisation of water is : (1) 6 2.25 10  J/kg (2) 4 3.34 10  J/kg (3) 4 22.5 10  J/kg (4) 5 3.34 10  J/kg
TO DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL VERSION OF PDF CONTACT: +919206306398 PER CLASS PDF COST JUST Rs: 500 Only (20.) Which one is a surface phenomenon? (1) Evaporation (2) Boiling (3) BOTH (A) and (B) (4) NONE
TO DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL VERSION OF PDF CONTACT: +919206306398 PER CLASS PDF COST JUST Rs: 500 Only WORKSHEET 2 (21.) Water at room temperature is a liquid. Why? (1) It has a fixed volume and it takes the shape of its container (2) Water flows at this temperature (3) Both A and B (4) None of these (22.) Choose the correct match for centimetre. (1) Kelvin (2) Pascal (3) Metre (4) Kilogram (23.) Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion. Earthworm dying on coming in contact wilh common salt. (1) Osmosis (2) Diffusion (24.) Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion. Shrinking of grapes kept in thick sugar syrup. (1) Osmosis (2) Diffusion (25.) During Evaporation, particles of liquid changes to vapours: (1) From the surface (2) From the bulk (3) BOTH (A) and (B) (4) NONE (26.) The conversion of a solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called : (1) Vaporisation (2) Fusion (3) Sublimation (4) Freezing (27.) When a beam of sunlight enters a room through a window, we can see tiny particles X suspended in a gas (or rather a mixture of gases) Y which are moving rapidly in a very haphazard manner. What is the phenomenon exhibited by particles X known as ? (1) Tyndall effect (2) Brownian motion (3) Diffusion (4) Dispersion (28.) What is the symbol of kilogram per cubic metre? (1) 3 m − (2) 3 kgm− (3) 3 kgm (4) 3 kmtr − (29.) Which process is represented by C? (1) Condensation (2) Vaporization (Boiling) (3) Freezing (4) Melting (30.) When extremely small particles X derived from the anther of a flower were suspended in a liquid Y and observed through a microscope, it was found that the particles X were moving throughout the liquid Y in a very zig-zag way. It was also observed that warmer the liquid Y, faster the particles X moved on its surface. What could particles X be ? (1) Dust particles (2) Pollen grains (3) Wheat grains (4) NONE (31.) State True or False, in gases, the particles move randomly at high speed and they collide with each other and with the walls of the container. (1) TRUE (2) FALSE

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