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ILSW 6 - UNIT 2: SCHOOL ENGLISH TYP E PRONUNCIATIO N VIETNAMESE biology (n) /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ Môn Sinh học geography (n) / dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ Môn Địa lý history (n) / ˈhɪstri/ Môn Lịch sử I.T (information technology) (n) /aɪ ’ti:/ (/ɪnfəˌmeɪʃən tekˈnɒlədʒi/) Môn Tin học literature (n) / ˈlɪt.rə.tʃər/ Môn Văn học music (n) / ˈmjuː.zɪk/ Môn Âm nhạc P.E (physical education) (n) / piː iː /(/ ˌfɪz.ɪ.kəl ed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/) Môn Thể dục physics (n) /ˈfɪzɪks/ Môn Vật lý act (v) / ækt/ Diễn xuất activity (n) / ækˈtɪvəti/ Hoạt động arts and crafts (n) / ˌɑːts ən ˈkrɑːfts/ Thủ công mỹ nghệ drama club (n) / ˈdrɑː.mə klʌb/ Câu lạc bộ kịch indoor (adj) / ˌɪnˈdɔːr/ Trong nhà outdoor (adj) / ˈaʊtˌdɔːr/ Ngoài trời sign up (v) / saɪn ʌp/ Đăng ký adventure (n) / ədˈventʃər/ Cuộc phiêu lưu author (n) / ˈɔːθər/ Tác giả fantasy (n) /ˈfæntəsi/ Kỳ ảo mystery (n) / ˈmɪstəri/ Bí ẩn novel (n) / ˈnɒvəl/ Tiểu thuyết peaceful (adj) /ˈpiːsfl/ Yên bình/ thanh bình beautiful (adj) /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ Đẹp PART 2: VOCABULARY
ILSW 6 - UNIT 2: SCHOOL capital (n) /ˈkæpɪtl/ Thủ đô secret (n) /ˈsiːkrət/ Bí mật event (n) /ɪˈvent/ Sự kiện strange (adj) /streɪndʒ/ Lạ geography science maths art biology English literature history physics PE (physical education) 1.English 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. I like__________ because I like reading stories. A. literature B. math C. physics D. biology 2. I like to study plants and how they grow. I like__________. A. I.T B. biology C. history D. math 3. I like computers. That's why I like__________. A. I.T B. P.E C. history D. physics Task 1. Look at the pictures and write school subiects. 5……………… … 6………………… 7………………… 8………………… Task 2. Read the sentences. Circle the correct answers.
ILSW 6 - UNIT 2: SCHOOL 4. I love to learn about mountains and rivers. I like__________. A. I.T B. physics C. English D. geography 5. I don't like running and playing sports. I don't like__________. A. literature B. P.E C. math D. history 6. Studying helps me learn about countries around the__________ world and famous people in the past. A. music B. history C. biology D. math 7. I love to learn how light, heat, and sound work. I love__________. A. geography B. biology C. physics D. music 8. My brother love playing tennis. He usuall go to the indoor sports________ at school. A. park B. pool C.club D.class 9. Jonh like acting a lot, so he signs up for the school__________ club. A .arts and craft B.drama C. music D.dance 10. I don’t like playing_______ such as biking and running. A. acting B. table tennis C. outdoor D. indoor 1. This subject help you learn about countries and people in the past. _____________ 2. You learn about the location of the countries, cities, rivers and mountains in this subject. _________________ 3. You learn how to sing songs and play guitar, piano,… when you take this lesson. ________________ 4. Students run, do exercise and play sports in this subject. ___________ 5. In this subject you read stories and write essays. _______________ 6. In this subject you study computers and how to use them. ______________ 7. This is a science that plants and animals. ______________ 8. This is a science that studies light, heat, sound and other forms of energy. _______________ sign up drama club arts and crafts indoor activities indoor activities act Task 3. Read the clue and write the names of the subjects: Task 4. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
ILSW 6 - UNIT 2: SCHOOL sign up history arts and crafts fantasy novel geography drama club literature 1. Why don't you______________ for a book club? 2. Chris wants to be an actor. He's learning how to______________ at school. 3. Jane likes acting. She joined the______________ at school. 4. Some students love doing______________ because they can make pretty things from paper. 5. Volleyball and table tennis are______________. We often play them in the sports center. 6. Many students like playing soccer and tennis. They're ______________. 7. My favorite subject is______________ I like learning about people in the past. 8. Harry Potter is a famous______________ series. Many people love the magical world in the books. 9. There are many______________ projects before the holidays. You can learn how to make beautiful cards and decorations. 10. Her first______________ is about her childhood in the south of India. Many people, especially girls and women, love it because they can see themselves in her story. 11. Why don't you______________ for an outdoor activity? Being outdoors is great for your health. 12. Matt doesn't like______________. He thinks all the books he has to read in the class are boring. 13. We learn about different countries in______________ class. 14. The______________ is looking for actors for their new play.  1. ligbyoo 5.imsuc 2. ryshiot 6.pihcyss 3. georyhgap 7. T.I 4. ertltiuare 8. E.P 9. tyerysm 12. fihet 10. ceetidtv 13. ceul 11. saetl 14. vosel I. Tính từ sở hữu (Possessive adjective) PART 3: GRAMMAR Task 5. Unscramble the letters to make meaningful word. .

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