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www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 1 Horticulture 5 th Edition 2024
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 2 Plantation Crops C.N. B.N. Family Coconut Cocus nucifera Arecaceae Cashew nut Anacardium- occidentale Anacardiacene Tea Camellia Sinensis Camelliaceae/ Theaceae Coffee Coffea SP. Rubiaceae Areca nut Areca Catechu Arecaceae Betel Vine Piper betle Piperaceae Cocoa Theobroma Cocoa Malvaceae/ Sterculiacea Rubber Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae Oil Palm EIias guinensis Arecaceae/ Palmae Palmyra Palm Borosus fleballifer Arecaceae/ Palmae Crop Propagation Fruit type pH Tea Single node cutting Capsule 4.5 to 5.5 Coffee Seed - 4.5 -6.5 Coconut Through seedlings Drupe 5.2 - 8.0 Arecanut Seed Berry - Cocoa Soft Wood grafting Drupe (Pod) 4.5 - 8.0 Rubber Forket budding, Green/Crown budding - 4.5- 6.0 Cashew- nut Soft Wood grafting Nut -
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 3 Tea  B.N. : Camellia sinensis  Origin : China  2n : 30  1903 – India Tea cess Bill was passed  1954 – Formation of tea board of India.  Tea board is functioning as a statutory body of the central government under the Ministry of Commerce, Board is constituted of 31 members (Including chairman).  Tea Board head office located in Kolkata.  The Board is reconstituted every three years.  Rainfall : 2000 mm to 5000 mm  Optimum temp. : 20-27°C  pH : 3.2 to 6.2 (4.5 to 5.5)  Nursery pH : 4.5 to 4.8  Calcifuge crop  Fruit: Capsule  Sandy loam soil rich in organic matter is ideal for tea.  Tea is also known as Golden leaf/Queen of Beverage crop.  Compound Responsible for colour of black tea: Theaflavins and Thearufigens  Compound Responsible for colour of liqour, briskness, brightness : Aflavins & arubigins  Study of Tea is known as Tsiology.  Fresh tea leaves contain approximately 36% polyphenolic compounds.  Major phonolics in green tea: Catechins  Stimulative effect of tea is due to caffeine (1.25%-4.5%)  Tea astringent taste is due to tannis (polyphenols).  Yelloweing of tea is due to sulphur deficiency.  Unique ‘Brothy’ taste is due to L-Theanine. Three main types of tea produced from leaves: 1. Green tea (Non-Fermented) 2. Oolong tea (Partly fermented)
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 4 3. Black tea (Fermented) (Commonly consumed in India)  Commercial propagation: Single node cuttings Methods of planting: Single Hedge System:  In this method, the spacing adopted is 1.20 x 0.75 m accommodating 10,800 plants/ha. Double Hedge System:  In this method, the spacing adopted is 1.35 x 0.75 x 0.75 m accommodating 13,200 plants/ha. Season & planting:  May - June or September – October Training young tea: 1. Centering:  To induce more axillary or lateral buds, centering should be done 3 - 5 months after planting. The main leader stem should be cut, leaving 8 - 10 matured leaves at a height of about 20 cm. from the ground. 2. Tipping:  Tipping is done at a height of 35 cm from the second tipping at 60 cm from ground level.  Tipping is the practice of removal of terminal portion of shoot ( 4 leaves and a bud ).  Tipping is 1st plucking of recovering bushes. Pruning:  Pruning is done to maintain convenient height of bush and to remove dead and diseased branches.  Bush frame is done by decentering, light pruning, debudding and formative pruning.  Height of permanent bush frame 35-45 cm from ground level.  Pruning should be done in April - May or August - September.

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