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Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Data Structure and Algorithm 2023 Group B Attempt any SIX questions 2. Define stack. Why stack is considered as an ADT? List any four applications of stack. 3. Evaluate the following postfix expression using the stack: 4 5 + 7 3 – 2 + * 4. What is tower of Hanoi problem? How recursion can be used of Hanoi problem? 5. Define hashing. Explain how to resolve collisions during hashing using open addressing. 6. What is binary search? Trace the algorithm of binary search to search a key 12 in the data:11, 19, 5, 2, 7, 21, 8, 21, 12 7. What is big-oh notation? Explain about divide and conquer strategy with example. 8. What are the depth and degree of a node in a tree? Perform pre-order, in-order and post- order traversal of the following tree: Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Group C Attempt any TWO questions 9. How dynamic implementation of the queue can be done? Explain with algorithm. Also explain how insertion and deletion of a node can be done at the end of a singly linked list with algorithm. 10. Define complete binary tree and skewed tree. Write a function to implement heap sort and sort the following data using heap sort: 12, 9, 1, 13, 16, 24, 21, 5 11. How breadth first traversal and depth first traversal can be used for traversing a graph? Explain with example. Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from node A to all other nodes for the following graph. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: III Subject: Data Structure and Algorithm 2022 Group B Attempt any SIX questions 2. What is abstract data type? convert a$b*c-d+e/f/(g+h) into postfix expression using stack. 3. What is linked list? Describe types of linked list. Write an algorithm to insert and delete node from beginning of doubly linked list. 4. Describe Prim's algorithm to solve MST problem with suitable illustration. 5. What is the limitation of linear queue over circular queue? Write an algorithm to insert and delete node in circular queue. 6. What is hashing? Describe the types of collision resolution techniques with suitable example. 7. Define divide and conquer algorithm. What is binary search? Write an algorithm to search an item using binary search with suitable illustration. 8. What is minimax algorithm? Create Huffman Tree and calculate Huffman code for the following characters along with their frequencies using Huffman algorithm. Character A E I O U S T Frequencies 10 15 12 3 4 13 1 Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Group C Attempt any TWO questions 9. What is stack? List the application of the stack. Write an algorithm to perform PUSH and POP operation in stack. Describe linked list implementation of stack operations. 10.What is external sorting? Explain heap sort algorithm and trace it to sort the data: 82, 90, 10, 12, 15, 77, 55, 23, 25, 32 11.Differentiate between BST and AVL tree. Given the following AVL Tree: Draw the resulting BST after 5 is removed, but before any rebalancing takes place. Label each node in the resulting tree with its balance factor. Replace a node with both children using an appropriate value from the node's left child. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes

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