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ÔN TẬP KIẾN THỨC Khóa 3-4 Reading Speaking Grammar Listening Writing Part 1 GRAMMAR

● Sometimes ● Rarely ● Never ● Once/twice a week/month/etc ● Three times a week/month/etc Remember that: ● These adverbs usually go BEFORE Verb and AFTER Tobe. ● These phrases can stand at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. STATIVE VERB Some English verbs, which we call stative, non-continuous or stative verbs, aren't used in continuous tenses. These verbs often describe states that last for some time 1. Possession: have, own, possess, lack, consist, involve, include, contain Ex: Bread consists of flour, water and yeast. Bread is consisting of flour, water and yeast. 2. Emotion: love, like, dislike, hate, adore, prefer, care for, mind, want, need, desire, wish, hope, appreciate, value Ex: Julie's always hated dogs. Julie's always been hating dogs. 3. Sense: sound, hear, smell, see, taste, touch, feel, look Ex: Do you hear music? Are you hearing music? Past simple lesson 2 STRUCTURE TOBE VERB Positive S + was/were + ADJ/N. Ex: Positive S + V (regular verb/irregular verb) + O. Ex:
I was really good at playing badminton. I started playing badminton when I was 17. She went to school yesterday. Negative S + was/were + not + ADJ/N. Ex: I wasn’t good at playing badminton. Negative S + did not + V (infinitive) + O. Ex: My father didn’t do gymnastics yesterday. Question Was/were + S + ADJ/N? Ex: Were you interested in playing soccer when you were young? Question Did + S + V (infinitive) + O? Ex: Did you go swimming last week? USAGE ★ To talk about completed actions Để nói về các hành động đã hoàn thành, đã xảy ra Ex: I played tennis with my friends yesterday. ★ To talk about series of actions in order they happened Để nói về một loạt các hành động theo thứ tự chúng đã xảy ra Ex: I went to the stadium, played soccer and ate out with my friends. ★ To talk about long-term situations in the past which are no longer true Để nói về những tình huống lâu dài trong quá khứ không còn đúng nữa Ex: When my father was young, he went to the gym every day. HINTS Past Simple is used with: ● Yesterda y ● Last week/month/year/… ● 2 days/weeks/months/years/… ago Present perfect lesson 3 STRUCTURE Positive S + have/has + V (past participle) + O. Ex: I have learned English for 10 years.

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