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(9.) ( 3 2 ) ( ) 4 2   Co NH NO Cl   exhibits [2006] (1) linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and geometrical isomerism (2) ionization isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism (3) linkage isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism (4) linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and optical isomerism (10.) Which of the following is considered to be an anticancer species ? [2004] (1) (2) (3) (4) (11.) Which of the following coordination compounds would exhibit optical isomerism? [2004] (1) pentaamminenitrocobalt(III) iodide (2) diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (3) trans-dicyanobis (ethylenediamine) chromium (III) chloride (4) tris-(ethylendiamine) cobalt (III) bromide (12.) Which one of the following octahedral complexes will not show geometric isomerism? ( A and B are monodentate ligands) [2003] (1) MA B5  (2) MA B2 4  (3) MA B3 3  (4) MA B4 2  (13.) According to IUPAC nomenclature sodium nitroprusside is named as [2003] (1) Sodiumpentacyanonitrosyl ferrate (III) (2) Sodiumnitroferrocyanide (3) Sodiumnitroferrocyanide (4) Sodiumpentacyanonitrosyl ferrate (II) (14.) The hypothetical complex chloridodiaquatriammine cobalt (III) chloride can be represented as [2002] (1) ( 3 2 2 ) ( ) 3 2   CoCl NH H O Cl   (2) ( 3 2 3 ) ( ) 3   Co NH H O Cl   (3) ( 2 2 ) ( ) 3 2   Co NH H O Cl   (4) ( 3 2 3 ) ( ) 3 3   Co NH H O Cl   (15.) Which of the following will give maximum number of isomers? [2001] (1) ( ) 2 Ni C O ( en ) 2 4 2 −     (2) ( )( ) 2 3 4 Ni en NH +     (3) 2 3 ( )4 Cr(SCN) NH +     (4) ( 3 2 )4   Co NH Cl  
(16.) Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity? [2001] (1) K Fe(CN) 4 6   (2) ( 3 3 )6   Co NH Cl   (3) ( 3 2 )4   Cu NH Cl   (4) Ni(CO)4  (17.) Oxidation number of Ni in ( ) 4 2 4 3   Ni C O   is [2001] (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 2 (4) 6 (18.) Which one of the following complexes will have four different isomers? [2000] (1) Co(en) Cl Cl 2 2  (2) ( )( 3 2 )2   Co en NH Cl Cl   (3) ( 3 2 )2   Co PPh Cl Cl   (4) Co(en) Cl 3 3  (19.) The total number of possible isomers for the complex compound ( ) II II 3 4 4   Cu NH Pt Cl      [1998] (1) 3 (2) 6 (3) 5 (4) 4 (20.) IUPAC name of ( 3 2 ) ( )( ) 3   Pt NH Br NO Cl Cl   is [1998] (1) Triamminechlorobromonitroplatinum (IV) chloride (2) Triamminebromonitrochloroplatinum (IV) chloride (3) Triamminebromochloronitroplatinum (IV) chloride (4) Triamminenitrochlorobromoplatinum (IV) chloride (21.) The formula for the complex, dichlorobis (urea) copper (II) is [1997] (1)   Cu O C NH Cl  = ( 2 2 )2   (2)   Cu O C NH Cl Cl  = ( 2 )2   (3) 2 2  ( )22   CuCl O C NH =   (4)  2 2   ( )2 2 CuCl O C NH   =   (22.) Among the following, the compound that is both paramagnetic and coloured, is [1996] (1) KMnO4 (2) CuF2 (3) K Fe(CN) 4 6   (4) K Cr O 2 2 7 (23.) 3 2 4 ( )3 K Al C O     is called [1994] (1) Potassiumalumino oxalate (2) Potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate (III) (3) Potassiumaluminium (III) oxalate (4) Potassiumtrioxalato aluminate (VI) (24.) An example of double salt is [1989] (1) Bleaching powder (2) K Fe(CN) 4 6   (3) Hypo (4) Potash alum
(25.) The calculated spin only magnetic moment of 2 Cr + ion is [2020] (1) 4.90BM (2) 5.92BM (3) 2.84BM (4) 3.87BM (26.) What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in K Fe(CN) 4 6   based on crystal field theory? [2019] (1) 4 2 2g g t e (2) 6 0 2g g t e (3) 3 3 g g2 et (4) 4 2 g g2 et (27.) Match the metal ions given in Column I with the spin magnetic moments of the ions given in Column II and assign the correct code : [2018] Column I Column II a. 3 Co + i. 8BM b. 3 Cr + ii. 35BM c. 3 Fe + iii. 3BM d. 2 Ni + iv. 24BM v. 15BM (1) a-iv,b- v,c- ii,d-i (2) a-i,b- ii,c-iii,d-iv (3) a-iii,b- v,c-i,d-ii (4) a-iv,b- i,c-ii,d-iii (28.) Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of absorption in the visible region the complexes of 3 Co + is :- [2017] (1) ( )   ( ) 3 3 3 2 3 3 6 6 Co H O , Co(en) , Co NH + + +         (2) ( ) ( )   3 3 3 2 3 3 6 6 Co H O , Co NH , Co(en) + + +         (3) ( )   ( ) 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 6 Co NH , Co(en) , Co H O + + +         (4)   ( ) ( ) 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 6 Co(en) , Co NH , Co H O + + +         (29.) Which of these statements about   3 Co(CN)6 − is true? [2015] (1)   3 Co(CN)6 − has four unpaired electrons and will be in a low-spin configuration. (2)   3 Co(CN)6 − has four unpaired electrons and will be in a high spin configuration. (3)   3 Co(CN)6 − has no unpaired electrons and will be in a high-spin configuration. (4)   3 Co(CN)6 − has no unpaired electrons and will be in a low-spin configuration.

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