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LESSON 15 Question 1: Jacobson is often referred to ____at the factory. A. be the best engineer B. as the best engineer C. by the president to be the best engineer D. as being the best engineer Question 2: Our teacher tends to _____certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about. A. boil down B. string along C. skate over D. track down Question 3: Monica was so angry about the noise her neighbors were making that she refused to ___it anymore. A. get away with B. run away with C. put up with D. cut down on Question 4: I _____hope there won't be a repetition of these unfortunate events. A. bitterly B. sincerely C. unfailingly D. completely Question 5: There was_____evidence to bring charges against the man. A. ineffective B. inadvisable C. interior D. insufficient Question 6: If Michael ____with his piano playing, he could eventually reach concert standard, A. perseveres B. maintains C. survives D. sustains Question 7: Up______and the people cheered A. went the balloon B. did the balloon go C. had the balloon go D. has the balloon gone Question 8: I'd love to try and make that cake. Have you got a(n) ______for it? A. receipt B. prescription C. ingredient D. recipe Question 9: At first he didn't agree, but in the end we managed to bring him_____to our point of view. A. up B. over C. round D. back Question 10: You've got to be _______certain before you decide. A. deadly B. deathly C. dead D. dearly Question 11: His business is growing so fast that he must take _______more workers. A. up B. over C. on D. out Question 12: The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have _______by 2015. A. run up B. run over C. run on D. run out Question 13: She had to hand in her notice ______advance when she decided to leave the job. A. with B. from C. in D. to Question 14: If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don't put it____. A. on B. off C. over D. up Question 15: My cousin obviously didn't ______much of an impression on you if you can't remember meeting her. A. do B. make C. take D. build Question 16: I was glad when he said that his car was _______. A. for my use B. at my disposal C. for me use D. at my use Question 17: He always takes full _____of the mistake by these competitors. A. benefit B. advantage C. profit D. advice Question 18: On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she_____again.
A. came up B. came round C. came over D. came forward Question 19: We have our _____of course, but we are still quite satisfied with our life. A. odds and ends B. ups and downs C. safe and sound D. ins and outs Question 20: A little farther down the street_______. A. is the inn I used to stay at B. there is an inn where I used to stay in C. the inn is the place where I used to stay D. is there an inn in which I used to stay Question 21: The students are expected to stick _____their school's regulation. A. in B. at C. to D. by Question 22: _____programmers known as hackers often try to break into large computer systems. A. mischief B. misbehaviour C. mischievous D. misunderstanding Question 23: The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people ____into it. A. stuck B. packed C. pashed D. stuffed Question 24: The overall aim of the book is to help bridge the ______between theory and practice. A. gap B. nap C. cap D. tap Question 25: It’s not in my nature to________over the price of something. A. haggle B. discuss C. challenge D. transact Question 26: A cooperative program between China and Germany on building Yangzhow, a famous ancient city, into a(n)____city has proceeded smoothly since it started in September last year. A. ecological-friendly B. ecology-friendly C. friendly-ecological D. friendly ecology Question 27: It is illegal to_____on grounds of race, sex or religion. A. differ B. differentiate C. discriminate D. certify Question 28: The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private ____institution founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. A. human B. humanity C. humanization D. humanitarian Question 29: Ton That Tung, a pioneer in liver surgery, invented a technique, named after him, for operating _____the liver. A. on B. about C. for D. with Question 30: The construction of the new road is ___ winning the support of local presidents. A. reliant on B. thanks to C. responsible for D. dependent on Question 31: He ______in me on the understanding that I wouldn't tell anyone else. A. confined B. disclosed C. confessed D. confided Question 32: That’s the trouble with the night shift. It ____your private life too much. A. breaks in B. breaks into C. breaks through D. breaks up Question 33: Her outgoing character contrast_______with that of her sister A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly Question 34: The smell was so bad that it completely _____us off our food. A. set B. took C. see D. put Question 35: You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so ____you're used to the noise. A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. predictably
Question 36: The storm ripped our tent to_____. A. slices B. shreds C. strips D. specks Question 37: He_____so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered. A. indicted B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted Question 38: Hotel rooms must be ___by 10 a. m, but luggage may be left with porters. A. vacated B. evacuated C. abandoned D. left Question 39: When I joined the army, I found it difficult to _______out orders from my superiors, but I soon got used to it A. call B. carry C. miss D. take Question 40: After Jill had realized that the new computer was not what she really wanted, she ___it for an other one. A. dropped B. traded C. turned down D. bought Question 41: Since he failed his exam, he had to ____for it again. A. pass B. make C. take D. sit Question 42: The effect of the painkiller is _______and I begin to feel the soreness again. A. turning out B. doing without C. fading away D. wearing off Question 43: Children should be taught that they have to ____eveiything after they use it A. put away B. pick off C. collect up D. catch on Question 44: I try to be friendly but it is hard to_____some of my colleagues. A. get on with B. watch out for C. come up with D. stand in for Question 45: Don’t count on him. He’s liable to ____out if things get too difficult A. let B. be C. opt D. stop Question 46: He has been unable to find a job ______with his ability as an accountant A. appropriate B. suitable C. requisite D. commensurate Question 47: I _________my eyes around the room but could not see her. A. flung B. tossed C. threw D. cast Question 48: As they watched the football match tìhe huge crowd ____in unison. A. chanted B. intoned C. crowed D. bellowed Question 49: The car needs a complete ________. A. haul-up B. mending C. check-up D. overhaul Question 50: They decided to _______in a visit to their relations when they were on holiday. A. fill B. fit C. put D. manage
LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT Câu Đáp án Giải thích chi tiết đáp án 1. B Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định Tobe referred to as: được nhắc đến là.... Dịch nghĩa: Jacobson thường được nhắc đến là người kỹ sư giỏi nhất nhà máy 2. C Kiến thức về cụm động từ C. To skate over: tìm cách nói gián tiếp A. Boil down: tóm tắt lại B. String someone along: đánh lừa ai D. Track down: theo dấu, tìm vị trí Tạm dịch: Cô giáo của chúng tôi có xu hướng nói gián tiếp chủ đề nào đó mà cô cảm thấy khó để nói 3. C Kiến thức về cụm động từ C. To put up with st: chịu đựng cái gì, tha thứ cho việc gì A. Get away with: trốn tránh hình phạt, thoái thác công việc B. Run away with: áp đảo, lấn át D. Cut down on: cắt giảm cái gì đó Tạm dịch: Monica rất bực với tiếng ồn hàng xóm cô ấy gây ra đến nỗi mà cô ấy từ chối chịu đựng thêm nữa. 4. B Kiến thức về từ vựng A. bitterly (adv): một cách cay đắng, chua chát B. sincerely (adv): một cách thân thiện, chân thành C. unfailingly (adv): luôn luôn, lúc nào cũng D. completely (adv): hoàn toàn Tạm dịch: Tôi chân thành mong rằng sẽ không có lần nào nữa cho những điều không may như này. 5. D Kiến thức về từ vựng D. Insufficient: (adj) không đủ, thiếu A. Ineffective (adj): không hiệu quả B. Inadvisable (adj): không thích hợp, không khôn ngoan C. Interior (adj): ở trong, nội bộ Tạm dịch: Không đủ chứng cứ để buộc tội người đàn ông đó. 6. A Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định To persevere with st: kiên nhẫn, kiên gan, bền chí B. Maintain: duy trì

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