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QUANTIFIERS WORKSHEET EASY GRAMMAR Name: __________ Date: ___________ Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using “some” or “any”. 1. We didn’t buy_________ flowers. (any )2. This evening I’m going out with_________ friends of mine. (some) 3. “Have you seen_________ good films recently?”–“No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages”. (any) 4. I didn’t have_________ money, so I had to borrow_________. (any/some) 5. Can I have_________ milk in my coffee, please? (some) 6. I was too tired to do_________ work. (any) Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”. 1. He isn’t very popular. He has_________ friends. (few) 2. Ann is very busy these days. She has_________ free time. (little) 3. Did you take_________ photographs when you were on holiday? (many) 4. The museum was very crowded. There were too_________ people. (many) 5. Most of the town is modern. There are_________ old buildings. (few) 6. We must be quick. We have_________ time. (little) 7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you_________ advice. (a little) 8. Do you mind if I ask you_________ questions? (a few) 0. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so_________ tourists come here. (a few) 10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got_________ patience. (little)
QUANTIFIERS WORKSHEET EASY GRAMMAR Name: __________ Date: ___________ 11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “Yes, please. _________.” (a little) 12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s_________ to do. (litle) Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using “much/many/few/little”. 1. She isn’t very popular. She has_________ friends. (few) 2. Ann’s very busy these days. She’s got__________ free time. (little) 3. Did you take_________ photographs when you were on holiday? (many) 4. I'm not very busy today. I haven't got_________ to do. (much) 5. This is a very modern city. There are_________ old buildings. (many) 6. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had_________ rain. (little) 7. "Do you know Rome?" "No, I haven't been there for_________ years."few) Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using “little/a little/few/a few”. 1. Gary is very busy with his job. He has_________ for other things. (little) 2. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you__________ advice. (a few) 3. Do you mind if I ask you__________ questions? (w) 4. It's not a very interesting place to visit, so__________ tourists come here.(few) 5. I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got__________ patience. (little) 6. "Would you like milk in your coffee?" "Yes, __________" (a l 7. This is a very boring place to live. There's__________ to do. (l) 8. "Have you ever been to Paris?" "Yes, I've been there__________ times." (a few Exercise 6. Choose the best option among A, B, C, or D provided to complete each of the followings. 1. There is_________ water in the bottle. A. little                          B. a few                      C. any                         D. many 2. I have_________ money, not enough to buy groceries. A. a lot of                  B. little                        C. any                        D. many 3. I have_________ money, enough to buy a ticket. A. a lot of                    B. little                         C. many                     D. a little 4. She has_________ books, not enough for references. A. few                          B. a few                      C. many                      D. little 5. She has_________ books, enough to read.
QUANTIFIERS WORKSHEET EASY GRAMMAR Name: __________ Date: ___________ A. many                    B. few                         C. a few                     D. a little 6. There_________ traffic on the street at rush hours. A. are too many          B.is too much            C. are too a lot            D. are too little 7. He bought_________ furniture for her new apartment which she has bought recently. A. many                    B. few                         C. much                      D. a few 8. _________ the people I work with are very friendly. A. some                      B. some of                  C. a little of                 D. a few 9. _________ these money is mine. A. some                      B. a few of                  C. many                     D. none of 10. We didn’t spend_________ money A. many                    B. some                       C. much                     D. a few 11. There are_________ people there. A. too many              B. too a little                C. too much               D. too little 12. Do you know_________ people in this neighborhood. A. much                 B. a little                      C. many                     D. little 13. Would you like_________ to eat? A. something            B. anything                  C. everything              D. nothing 14. I can’t find it_________. A. somewhere           B. nowhere                  C. everyplace              D. anywhere 15. I like him_________. A. so many               B. any much              C. so much                 D. so some 16. We must be quick. There is_________ time left. A. much                  B. many                     C. a lot of                     D. little 17. Let’s go and have a drink we have_________ time left. A. much                   B. a little                      C. a lot of                    D. little 18. There is a telephone in_________ room of the house. A. every                     B. any                          C. some                       D. no 19. You should read_________ sentence carefully. A. every                   B. some                       C. many                      D. a lot of 20. _________ has right to vote.
QUANTIFIERS WORKSHEET EASY GRAMMAR Name: __________ Date: ___________ A. something            B. everyone                C. many people          D. some people 21. Both men_________ interested in this job in the interview yesterday. A. are                        B. was                         C. were                        D. is 22. There are four books on the table. _________ has a different color. A. Every                    B. Each                       C. Many                      D. Some 23. He has two bookstores. One is in Thac Mo. _________ is in Phuoc Binh A. other               B. the others                C. another                   D. the other 24. _________ restaurant is expensive. A. some                   B. either                       C. neither                    D. any 25. Did you take_________ photographs when you were on holiday. A. some                   B. either                       C. much                       D. many 26. The news has_________ information. A. much               B. many                     C. some                      D. any 27. We’ll hurry. We haven’t got_________ time left. A. some                     B. many                      C. much                      D. any 28. I don’t have_________ friends in Ha Noi. A. some              B. any                          C. much                     D. no 29. We didn’t buy_________ flowers yesterday. A. some                 B. many                      C. much                      D. any 30. There_________ at the door. A. is somebody        B. is anybody             C. is everybody           D. isn’t nobody 31. She went out without_________ money. A. any                     B. many                      C. much                     D. some 32. There are_________ in the hall. A. somebody        B. anybody                 C. everybody              D. some people 33. I’m not hungry. I don’t want_________ to eat. A. everything           B. anything                  C. something              D. nothing 34. She didn’t take_________ money with her. A. any                        B. many                      C. some                     D. no 35. Has_________ body seen my bags? A. somebody          B. any person              C. anybody                 D. some people

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