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Nội dung text Vocabulary Set 23 - INCREASING FUEL COST.docx

VOCABULARY SET 23: INCREASING FUEL COST Vocabulary: 1. combat (v): chiến đấu, giải quyết, ngăn ngừa, giảm bớt 2. conservation and recovery (collocation): việc bảo tồn và phục hồi 3. constitute (v): cấu thành, tạo thành 4. deterioration (n): sa sút, hư hỏng, suy thoái 5. diminish (v): giảm bớt 6. disavow (v): chối bỏ 7. discourage somebody from doing something (collocation): ngăn cản, khiến ai nản lòng khi làm việc gì đó 8. domestic and industrial equipment (collocation): trang thiết bị gia đình và công nghiệp 9. ease (v/n): làm dịu, giảm bớt 10. impose a law on something (collocation): đưa ra luật mới về vấn đề gì đó 11. remedy (n): phương thuốc, cách chữa trị 12. stringent (adj): nghiêm ngặt, chặt chẽ 13. the depletion of resources (collocation): sự cạn kiệt tài nguyên Exercises: Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed. 1. salary /I / earn / delivery driver / so / small / it / not / constitute / full income. 2. when / news / band / breakup / surfaced / manager / had / disavow / any / part / undoing. 3. as / rain / begin / diminish / we / head out / park. 4. new / measure / introduce / ease / traffic congestion / city. 5. eat / lot / sweets / result / deterioration / your / chew / ability. Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English 1. Vì khi đó tôi đang cắm trại trong rừng, tôi không tìm được cách chữa trị nào khác cho bệnh dạ dày ngoài việc ăn cây gừng bên rìa đường mòn. 2. Những nhân viên cộng đồng đã dựng nơi trú ngụ và ngân hàng thực phẩm để giúp giảm bớt số lượng người vô gia cư đang dần tăng lên.
3. Vấn đề cạn kiệt tài nguyên thường được nhìn nhận là do tình trạng quá tải dân số. 4. Mới đây, thuế được đánh rất cao đối với thuốc lá. 5. Các điều luật chống lại việc giết hại sinh vật trong danh sách có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng là một phần lớn trong kế hoạch bảo tồn động vật. Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases something (collocation) ease (v/n) impose a law on something (collocation) remedy (n) stringent (adj) the depletion of resources (collocation) domestic and industrial equipment (collocation) combat (v) conservation and recovery (collocation) constitute (v) deterioration (n) diminish (v) disavow (v) discourage somebody from doing The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. Do you agree or disagree? Addressing environmental problems has long been of paramount importance to the sustainable development of society. While not 1 to the view that raising the price of fuel may help 2 the problem of global warming, I contend that this policy is far from being the best 3 for the 4 of the environment in general. I concede that making fuel more expensive is one way to slow down the increase in the overall temperature of the atmosphere.This policy may 5 both individuals and businesses from overconsuming fuel, thus 6 the amount of traffic and industrial emissions, which 7 a considerable source of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and CFCs. It is widely believed that these gases trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming to occur. As a result, I agree that increasing fuel prices is a sensible measure to adopt. I would, on the other hand, argue that the aforementioned measure must not be considered the exclusive approach to environmental problems. This is because it has little effect on various environmental degradation issues other than global warming, namely deforestation and overfishing. To be specific, higher fuel prices could not prevent biological resources from being overexploited for furniture and food processing industries. From my perspective, environmental problems can be better resolved through two actions.The first is mass-producing 8 using environmentally-friendly technology, including solar cells and electric motor engines, which produce no carbon emissions. The
second is 9 on the 10 of natural resources, which may help mitigate a wide range of environmental problems, such as 11 . In conclusion, while acknowledging the environmental benefits of increasing the cost of fuel, I would claim that this is not the best way to 12 the problem of environmental deterioration. There are more effective solutions to address environmental problems at large, such as applying green technology to the mass production of various kinds of equipment for both household and industrial use. 334 words, written by Tu Pham
Key Task 1: 1. The salary I earn as a delivery driver is so small it does not constitute my full income. 2. When news of the band's breakup surfaced, the manager had to disavow any part in the undoing. 3. As the rain began to diminish, we headed out to the park. 4. New measures have been introduced to ease traffic congestion in the city. 5. Eating lots of sweets will result in a deterioration of your chewing ability. Task 2: Answers may vary 1. Since I was camping in the woods at that time, I found no other remedy for my stomachache but eating part of a ginger plant on the side of the trail. 2. Community members have set up shelters and food banks to combat the growing number of homeless people. 3. The issue of the depletion of resources has been often seen as a problem of overpopulation. 4. Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. 5. The laws against killing creatures on the endangered species list are a huge part of the animal conservation plan. Task 3 Addressing environmental problems has long been of paramount importance to the sustainable development of society. While not (1) disavowing to the view that raising the price of fuel may help (2) combat the problem of global warming, I contend that this policy is far from being the best (3) remedy for the (4) deterioration of the environment in general. I concede that making fuel more expensive is one way to slow down the increase in the overall temperature of the atmosphere. This policy may (5) discourage both individuals and businesses from overconsuming fuel, thus (6) diminishing the amount of traffic and industrial emissions, which (7) constitutes a considerable source of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and CFCs. It is widely believed that these gases trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming to occur. As a result, I agree that increasing fuel prices is a sensible measure to adopt. I would, on the other hand, argue that the aforementioned measure must not be considered the exclusive approach to environmental problems. This is because it has little effect on various environmental degradation issues other than global warming, namely deforestation and overfishing. To be specific, higher fuel prices could not prevent biological resources from being overexploited for furniture and food processing industries. From my perspective, environmental problems can be better resolved through two actions. The first is mass-producing (8) domestic and industrial equipment using environmentally-friendly technology, including solar cells and electric motor engines, which produce no carbon emissions. The second is (9) imposing stringent laws on the (10) conservation and recovery of natural resources, which may help mitigate a wide range of environmental problems, such as (11) the depletion of forest and marine resources. In conclusion, while acknowledging the environmental benefits of increasing the cost of fuel, I would claim that this is not the best way to (12) ease the problem of environmental deterioration. There are more effective solutions to address environmental problems at large, such as applying green technology to the mass production of various kinds of equipment for both household and industrial use. 334 words, written by Tu Pham

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