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Bo GrAo r)uc vA r)io t Ao 'TRUONG DAr rrec su'prrAM irn Nor xi rtll ruyrN srn'H Lo? to TRIIoNG t'rtrr cuuytx uaI IIOC SU' PHAM NAM 2024 or cniNnrnuC Ma aA tni: 2og (Di rhi gim cd 0B trang) Trang J/8 - Ma d6 thi 209 MON THI: TIENG ANH (Ddnh cho thi sinh thi vtro l6p chuyAn Ti6ng Anh) Thdi gian ldm bdi: 120 phtit (kh6ng ki thdi gian ph& dA) PIriN TRAC NGHTEM (4,0 DIEM) (I.ru i: 'lhi sinh liim bdi tun phiAu td ldi triic nghiQm) Choose lhe word whose unde ined part is pronounced dffirentb, from that of the othet three, Mark A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. l. A. di'a1 B. embeT4lc C. qui.zes D. paparazzi 2. A. cxagger4lg B. illustr4lq C. cvalu4lg D. corpora!9 Choose lhe word whose primsryt stress is placed differenlty from that of the other three. Mark A, B, C or D on lhe answer sheel. 3. A. dclcgatc B. elevatc C. cathedral D. discipline 4. A. conlront B. venture C. curtail D. impinge 5. A. gcocentric B. prerequisite C. diminutive D, impolitic choose tlre best anstrer to complele eoch of the following questions, Mark A, B, c or D on the answer sheet. 6. 'l'he old train chuggcd along thc tracks, leaving behind a __ of smoke as it travellcd through thc sccnic countryside. A. puff B. drove C. wad D. dash 7. As we failcd to reach a consensus on which is more suitablc, there's no choice but and come up with something new. A. to abandon both ideas B. to either abandon thc idea C. abandoning thc idea D. abandon eithcr ofthe idcas 8. I'm surc hc would have reporlcd the problem _ hackers had gotten into thc main servcr. A. he had known B. would he havc known C, he would have known D. had he known 9. It's difficult to emergc from this scandal _. A. whcn your reputation still intact B. or your rcputation still being intact C. with your reputation still intact D. without keeping your reputation intact 10. I don't think the boss was in a good mood. He was quite _ with me whcn I asked about the carnpaign. A. just B. fast C. poor D. short ll. If you want to make it in the ficld of technology, study hard and be ahead of the _. A. twist B. spin C. game D. circle 12. An earlhquakc hit the area last year, the consequences _ catastrophic. A. of whose wcrc B, being far more C, of which have becn D, in which having been 13. I:,ach timc I visitcd Aunt Ada. she _ the most fascinating storics from hcr childhood. A. would havc rccountcd B. was often rccounting C. was uscd to recounling D. would rccount
14. You shouldn'l have __-._ hcr __ likc that. you rcally hurt her feelings. A. roundcd . .. up B. put ... down C. put ... back D. run . 15, Wc all dccrccd thal A. thcir quarrcl should put an end to B. thcre bc an cnd to thcir quarrel C. they cndcd thcir quarrel then D. thcir quarrcl be coming to an cnd 16. Professor Jack: Did you enjoy your holiday? Nancy: It was __ time to relax completcly, Sir. A. a too short B. such short a C. too short a D. a such short 17' 'l'he country uscd to be an economic - with chronic uncmployment and rampant crimc. A. baskst casc B. falsc dawn C. dark horse D. lost causc 18. Many social scientists bclievc that -- from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early anccstors olhuman beings. A. languagc which, was very slow to dcvelop B, language dcveloped very slowly C. thc vcry slow dcvelopment of languagc D. language, very slowly dcveloping l9' while thc new restaurant was decent, it wasn't a patch _ the old one that used to be at the samc Iocation, with its excellenl cuisine and cozry atmosphere. ovcr A. on B. to 20.'l'hat ncw'l'V series had vicwcrs A. nailcd B. fixed A. slrikc a balance bctwccn C. strikc an attitudc of C. with to the ir scrccns. C. scrcwed I). ovcr l). rivcted D. Iength and breadth D. famously D. commcnted me protccting the environment 21. Oftcn cclcbratcd lbr their vivid portrayal ofnature. A. countlcss rcaders are inspircd by the writings of John Muir B. it was John Muir's writings that inspircd counlless rcadcrs C. John Muir's writings inspire countless readcrs D. John Muir inspircd countless readcrs through his writings 22. 'l'hc lyrics camc to him in _ during this and other catnaps. A. fcw and far B. bits and picces C. lcaps and bounds 23. It was thc best holiday ever becausc for oncc everyone got along A, distinctively B. noloriously C. flawlessly 21. Mary: Arc you happy with your new haircut? Pctcr: Yes, I am. Lots of pcoplc havc __ on it. A. cornplintcntcd mc B. rcmarkcd mc C. rccommcndcd mc 25. (iiven the state oflhc planct, it is clcar that we have failed to and satisfying our own necds. B. take a hard line on D. take priority over 26.'l'hc new primc ministcr - - his commitment to frce health care ror thc eldcrly. A. assurcd B. resolvcd C. affirmed D. agreed Mark lhe letler A, B, C, or D on your onswter slreer to indicate rhe word(s) CLosEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each ofthe fotktwing questions, 27' A dclensc attorney's role is not only to oblain cxculnation for his or her client, but also to reduce the risk of Icngthy incarccralion. A. mortification B. acquittal C. clation D. dishonour 2ll. 'l hc purposc of cnvirotlmcntal watcr rctention arcas is lC) slow down the permeation of watcr inlo thc soil in ordcr to rcducc harmful chcnricals rcaching thc ground water and waterways. A. inllltration B. lermcntation C. dissipation D, cvaporation 1'rang 2/8 - Ma de thi 209
Ma* rhe letter A, B, C, or D on yoar onsh'er slreer to indicate rhe word(s) opposlTE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of lhefottowing questions. 29.'l'hc usc olcolorlul and conrplicatcd arrangcments olocrcnnial plants in borders, as opposed to beds, stcms lrom thc grand gardens of the Victorian and Edwardian timcs. A. fast-growing B. ephcmcral C. lertile D. enduring 30. Sorrc marinc animals arc ablc to nroocl themsclves by moving their rails and bodies from side to sidc. A. inrmobilisc B. submcrge C. advancc D. disguise You ure going to reod a krt about renewable energjr. Mark A, B, c, or D on the answer sheet ro ansh,er tlre questions 3l - 40. HEI,PING THE WORLD TO GO GRB,EN ls the global denond for energ) conlinues lo rise, the need for cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels becones greoler. Ilere are four plnce.\ that are pioneers in lhe questfor o greenerfuture. A. Orccnsburg, Kansas Grccnsburg on thc Kansas prairic, was transformed into America's grecnest town after a massive tornado in 2007 leli 95 pcr ccnt ofthc buildings in the town dcstroycd. Aboul halfthe 1,400 townspcople left, bur of those who remaincd, a group of rcsidents decidcd to rcbuild thc town, making use of cnergy-saving lcchnologies and renewable encrgy. A l2.5Mw wind farm, which supplies 300 per ccnl of thc town's clcctricity, was built a sho( distance from the town. Thc exccss electricity is pumpcd into thc Kansas grid. Grccnsburg was rebuill lronr scratch and thc most modern, cnergy-elllcient building techniques wcrc applicd. As a resull, the grcatest concentration of gold and platinum eco-dcsign rated buildings in thc IJS arc to be fbund thcrc, including largc govcrnment buildings which are rated platinum. 'l'his rcsulted in an annual saving for thc lown of more than $200,000 and a reduction in its encrgy nceds. I]. Iccland All of lccland's clcctricity is gencralcd lrorn rcnewablc sourccs; 75 pcr cent from hydroelectric dams and thc rcst lrom gcolherrnal cnergy. Ils uniquc position on onc olthc major fault lincs ofthc earth, thc mid- Atianlic ridgc, mcans that it is pcrfcctly placed to make usc of this heat which comes from the carth. Iccland' oncc completcly depcndcnt on pcat and cxpensivc importcd coal from llurope. has harnessed this hcal to translorm i1s power supply. Whcn water is pumped down bore holes drilled l-2 miles into the thin crust of the carth, i1 rcturns as high-pressurc stcam, which is uscd to turn turbines and so gcncrale clcctricity. 'lhis hcat is also used dircctly in thc slreets of the capital, Reykjavik. They are kepl free from snow and icc in winter by a systcm ofunderground heated water pipes. C. Copcnhagen Copcnhagcn, awardcd thc title of liurope's Grcen Capital 2014, is blazing a trail in reducing carbon ctnissions. It aims to bccomc carbon ncutral by 2025-'I'o do this, i1 is expectcd to halvc its emissions and producc morc rcncwablc cncrgy than it consumes. Mcasures rvill include switching from coal to biomass in the capital's heat and powcr plants.'l'hc ultimatc goal ofthc city is to be indcpendent offossil fucls by 2050. It is also believed thal thc cily can reduce its cnergy consumption by focusing on improving building standards and cncrgy cfficiency. In addition, the capilal's green mobility initiative plays a major part in its ambition 1o bccomc carbon ncutral. ln20l5, a plan was announced to have halflhe city,s street larnps rcplaced with LIID bulbs. As wcll as saving encrgy, thesc lamps will help kccp cyclists sale ar nigh1. l'hc move is part ofa hugc investmcnt in bicycle infrastruclure to cncouragc cven more bicycle use in onc of thc world's most bicycle-lricnd ly cities. 'l'he measurc, along with the cxpansion of the public transport systcm, is parl ofthe plan lor 75 per cent ofalljourneys to bc on foot, or by public transport or bicyclc by 2025. 'l'hese lransport solutions contributc to a vision of a city based cntirely on renewablc cncrgy, and one that could be widcly copicd. ]'rang 3/8 - Ma da rhi 209
D. l'ukushima Alter bcing devastated by the 201 I tsunami, which led to radiation leaks from the Daiichi Nuclear powcr Plant, the districl of Fukushima aims to rcbuild itsclf as a renewable cnergy beacon. Japan was seriously damagcd by thc nuclcar disaster which resulted in nuclear reactors across the country being swilched olf. 'I'his led to a stecp riso in carbon cmissions as thc country had to revert 10 fossil fuels. A commitment has bccn made by lrukushima's governmcnt to providc its two million residcnts with eleclricily from rcn$vablc sourccs by 2040. Community-scalc solar and wind plants are planned. The goal is to have 143 floating wind turbines wilh a capaciry of IGW installcd by 2020. According to the reading turt, which place 31. will be an cxample that othcrs can lollow? 32. cxploits its unusual geographical location lor rcnewablc encrgy sourccs? 33. uscd to buy fucl lrorn olhcr countries? 34. aims 1o covcr i1s fulurc necds using encrgy from thc wind and sun? 35. uses clean energy sources to combat dangerous driving conditions? 36. has had its cfforts to reducc emissions officially recogniscd? 37. had its cnergy sourcc disrupted by a natural disaster? 38. crcatcs rnuch morc cncrgy than it needs? 39. has a stralegy to rcducc 1raffic emissions? 40. lurncd a natural disaster into an opportunity for green town planning? PrriN TULUAN (6,0 DrEM) (Lmt y: I'hi sinh ldm bdi ffin phiiu nd ldi ttr ludn.1 l'or queslions 4l - 50, read lhe fotlowing passage and jill in each of the following numbered hlanks wilh ONE suilahle word. llrite your ansfi'ers on lhe answer sheer. LEARNING DISABILITIES ARE UP Arc lcarning disabilitics rcally (41) the rise or are we just more aware of thcm? Rccent statistics indicatc that up 10 l0o% of schoo classroom. are thought to havc (42) l-age childrcn, that's 1wo or threc individuals in everv kind o[ Iearning disordcr. thc causcs of (43) arc both complcx and multiple. Morc worrying that (44) up to 45%o of childrcn. dcficit hypcractivily disordcr) may also (45) dyscalculia (a maths learning disability). Many of thc learning disabilitics included in the rcsearch and findings arc numbcred amongst the autistic spcclrum disordcrs, which would push figures to appcar highcr (46) _ in thc past when diagnosis was lcss casily (47) .-.Dcmographic analysis also indicates that many of the children undcr six who arc diagnoscd arc from within thc highcr income bracker, suggcsting that parents are likely to bc morc awarc ol'potcnlial problcms and bcttcr (4g) ._ to addrcss thcm_ Unfortunately, dcspite this worrying rise, thc currcnt school system is not cquippcd to dear (49 slill are rccent Iindings by lhe Science jourttal which suggest morc than onc disordcr is Iikely. An ADHD child (attenlion lrom dyslcxia (a reading and writing disability) or ) thc grcatly difflering teaching *cthods required to addrcss thc variely of learning difficult disordcrs cntail.'l'hc devastating rcsult olthis is Ieaving many childrcn totally (50) ics that the in the basic ski lls rcquircd 10 survivc in the sccondary school systcm. 'l'he prcvalcnce of learning disabilitics in thc lowcr cconomic bracket is undisputed, yet sadly thesc childrcn arc morc likely to have undiagnosed disabililics which will ncvcr be addrcsscd. Trang4/8 - Ma da lhi 209

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