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29|06)2 023 Tüesdouy Bean - the Iypes of beams 2) a) 3) Beam is I) anHlauer upon by a angle to th aris. A stuctal memloen hich is ated sptem of extexnal load at night fot louing types of beorm beam S) Fixe bean Simply supportecd kearn Continous bean 4) Ouet hanging beam Cantt uwH beam: P CantileeH beam is a aeon whose ane firedl anc! othen end is free. edge is
b) Simp Supported beam: Simpy suppoted beam ib a ends foely st edge c) Ouenhanging boam A P laean in ohich both on wal or coun r knie Ousahanging beam is one in which the supports not satwatad a ends Such that one or bot tha ehds projeced beyond he support. P d) fired beam / built un beam', A t'xed alom is Uall or coumns. one whase looth ends ae or built in into uts suppovhng P 1
e 1. (ontinuOCS heam: 3. Contiuous two spport the sup port af erbeem bgt and calloc end opport and all th ofhen support ercapt the ertem support e calleol intexmdiate support. ight S-NO THpes ot Supprrt l pes ot sup ports : 4 types of stuctrol Support Roller Supprt Pinred Supprt Hinged supprnt fixed Support Simpu Support ubhich hos noee than Representatin Reaction Reaction TResisting force Vettical |( | Ry o] but MA:o Momentabout A pird Hortzantal ard Horizontal 2 and Moments ie,Ryto, RytoMto Load torizontal, vantital Au types ot Vetica entica Loces i-e. Ry +o uethia Loody Loas hointal Uort cal and Moments vertical Candy
3Cuwsttony So^ Method-L (oenorat) M=o RA Consider T tie Noc, Fzo and. S inca RA+fB =20D RAXO -20X2 + 20 kN -2m2 put Kg toin 0,weget B methool-2 (Short caet ) Firstey see lormula * RA = R 20X Formulo (O A Rp - 20 X 2 242. 2+2 x-, Ra = Px9 Px

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