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1 12 ĐỀ THI VỀ ĐÍCH CHINH PHỤC KÌ THI 2024 VỀ ĐÍCH SỐ 4 Giảng Viên: Th.s Nguyễn Thị Thúy Hồng Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 1: Lisa and James are discussing the most convenient mode of transportation for their business trip. Lisa: “I prefer going by train because it is eco-friendly and cheap.” James: “__________.” A. Exactly, Lisa B. You’re welcome C. No, thanks D. It’s nice of you to say so. Question 2: Lily: “Shall we go swimming at Vung Tau beach next month.” - Tom: “__________.” A. Certainly, I will help you B. Yes, I’d like to watch a movie C. Yes, I share your opinion. D. That sounds like a great idea, Lily Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 3: In today’s modern society, women and children are regarded as _______ than men. A. more esteemed B. the most esteemed C. the more esteemed D. the esteemed Question 4: Many people seek the guidance and support of ________ to better understand themselves and improve their mental well-being. A. psychological B. psychologists C. psychologically D. psychology Question 5: The man ________ money from the bank yesterday has been arrested by the police. A. to steal B. stole C. stealing D. was stolen Question 6: The student left a notebook on _______ desk and has now vanished. A. the B. a C. an D. no article Question 7: The news of model Ngoc Trinh being temporarily detained for driving a motorcycle without a license is ________ among the public opinion. A. calling on B. catching on C. getting over D. taking up Question 8: My brother was driving a car on the street when he ______ an accident. A. was seeing B. saw C. had seen D. seen Question 9: She is dedicated ________ her craft and spends countless hours practicing and honing her skills.
2 A. to B. with C. for D. about Question 10: The young shouldn’t use social networks excessively, _______? A. should they B. shouldn’t they C. do they D. don’t they Question 11: After six-months probationary period, city employees are _______ to take vacation days. A. beneficial B. eligible C. convenient D. relevant Question 12: All of the members in my team stopped ________ after hiking a long path yesterday. A. to resting B. to rest C. resting D. rest Question 13: The city council approved the bill to increase funding for its road improvement______. A. statement B. permission C. project D. ability Question 14: Jane will focus on new techniques________. A. by the time she will utilize them well B. once she had utilized them well C. as soon as she utilizes them well D. before she utilizes them well Question 15: At the networking event, I approached a group of strangers and told a funny joke to _______ the ice. A. make B. take C. give D. break Question 16: The report ________ by the team members throughout the night. A. was being written B. has been written C. was written D. had been written Question 17: Many holidaymakers were _______ when the tour company collapsed. A. taken aback B. run out of steam C. left high and dry D. taken a nosedive Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. politics B. division C. decision D. arrival Question 19: A. garden B. garage C. budget D. baggage Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 20: A. depend        B. discuss                    C. control D. answer Question 21: A. decorate B. educate C. motivate D. understand Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: John is a prominent figure in the field of medicine, known for his groundbreaking research and contributions to the advancement of healthcare." A. distinguished B. ordinary C. similar D. wealthy
3 Question 23: Due to the heavy snowstorm, traffic came to a standstill on the highway, causing significant delays for commuters. A. motion B. movement C. halt D. growth Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 24. The manager plans to ____ the company's workforce by hiring additional employees. A. expand B. rise C. climb D. increase Question 25. His lawyer advised him _____ the journalist to court. A. take B. to take C. to taking D. taking Question 26. The professor was pleased ____ the students' efforts in their latest research projects. A. by B. in C. with D. at Question 27. The weather today is ____ than it was yesterday, which makes it perfect for a picnic. A. more sunny B. sunniest C. most sunny D. sunnier Question 28. The classroom ____ thoroughly every evening by the janitorial staff. A. cleans B. is cleaned C. was cleaned D. are cleaned Question 29. The team worked hard to prepare for the presentation, ____? A. didn't it B. doesn't it C. hasn't it D. did it Question 30. The designer came up with a ____ solution to the problem. A. create B. creatively C. creation D. creative Question 31. The professor's ____ lecture provided an in-depth analysis of the historical context of the era. A. cursory B. superficial C. comprehensive D. fragmented Question 32. The author ____ the bestseller has been invited to speak at a literary festival. A. writing B. is writing C. written D. to write Question 33. ______ professor we spoke to was an expert in environmental policy. A. The B. An C. Ø D. A Question 34. _____________, she will start her new job as a software engineer. A. When she completes her training program B. After she had completed her training program C. Before she completed her training program D. As soon as she will complete her training program Question 35. While she ______ the dishes, her friend came over to visit her. A. was washing B. washed C. had washed D. is washing Question 36. The team decided to ____ the meeting until they received more information. A. turn down B. put off C. break down D. come across Question 37. The project manager encouraged the team to think outside the __ to come up with innovative ideas. A. box B. mind C. world D. limit Question 38. The company is planning to _______ a new advertising campaign to promote its latest product. A. launch B. start C. begin D. open Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43. In 1994, the UN decided to bring together world leaders for an annual event, known as COP or ‘Conference of Parties’, to discuss climate change. This year’s conference will review what has been achieved and discuss the key goals. The first goal is to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. This will require reducing global CO2 emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, and by 2050 achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere and those removed from it.
4 The second goal is to reduce the use of coal, which is the dirtiest fuel and biggest source of planet warming CO2 emissions. Countries will have to stop building new coal plants and switch to clean sources of energy. The third goal is to end deforestation. Forests remove CO2 from the atmosphere and slow global warming. But when they are cut down or burnt, they release the carbon stored in the trees into the atmosphere as CO2. Stopping deforestation is , therefore, an effective solution to climate change. The last key goal is to reduce methane emissions. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is more powerful than CO2 at warming the earth. It is responsible for nearly one-third of current warming from human activities. Methane comes from farming activities and landfill waste. The production and use of coal, oil, and natural gas also release methane. This conference is very important because this is the best last chance we have to slow global warming. World leaders, climate experts, organisations, and national representatives will carefully discuss these goals and agree on how to make global progress on climate change. (Adapted from English 11 global success) Question 39. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage? A. Main goals of this year's COP B. Conference of Parties C. History of COPS D. Main causes of global warming Question 40. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to_______. A. the global temperature B. the first goal C. the greenhouse D. the atmosphere Question 41. The word "plants" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______. A. trees B. factories C. vegetables D. resources Question 42. Why is reducing methane emissions a key goal? A. Because it is produced through human activities. B. Because it is responsible for a large part of the CO2 emissions. C. Because its emissions result from farming activities and landfill waste. D. Because methane's warming power is stronger than that of CO2. Question 43. Which of the following is NOT a COP'S key goal? A. Replace coal with cleaner sources of energy. B. Stop cutting down forests. C. Reduce methane emissions. D. End the global temperature rise to 1.5°C Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50. Potash (the old name for potassium carbonate) is one of the two alkalis (the other being soda, sodium carbonate) that were used from remote antiquity in the making of glass, and from the early Middle Ages in the making of soap: the former being the product of heating a mixture of alkali and sand, the latter a product of alkali and vegetable oil. Their importance in the communities of colonial North America need hardly be stressed. Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass-or soap- making either would do. Soda was obtained largely from the ashes of certain Mediterranean Sea plants, potash from those of inland vegetation. Hence potash was more familiar to the early European settlers of the North American continent. The settlement at Jamestown in Virginia was in many ways a microcosm of the economy of colonial North America, and potash was one of its first concerns. It was required for the glassworks, the first factory in the British colonies, and was produced in sufficient quantity to permit the inclusion of potash in the first cargo shipped out of Jamestown. The second ship to arrive in the settlement from England included among its passengers experts in potash making. The method of making potash was simple enough. Logs was piled up and burned in the open, and the ashes collected. The ashes were placed in a barrel with holes in the bottom, and water was poured over them. The solution draining from the barrel was boiled down in iron kettles. The resulting mass was further heated to fuse the mass into what was called potash.

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