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18. BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION 1. The blood returning to the heart from lungs via pulmonary vein has more (a) RBC per ml of blood (b) Haemoglobin per ml of blood (c) Oxygen per ml of blood (d) Nutrient per ml of blood 2. Systemic heart refers to (a) The two ventricles together in humans (b) The heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system (c) Left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates (d) Entire heart in lower vertebrates 3. The nerve like modified muscle in the right auricle is known as (a) Lymph node (b) Atrio-ventricular node (c) Pacemaker (d) Bulbus arteriosus 4. The first heart sound is (a) 'Lubb' sound at the end of systole (b) 'Dub' sound at the end of systole (c) 'Lubb' sound at the beginning of systole (d) 'Dub' sound at the beginning of systole 5. If heart of a mammal was injected with 2% solution, then (a) Heart beat will increase (b) Heart beat will decrease (c) Heart beat will stop (d) No effect 6. In the heart of mammal the bicuspid valve is situated between (a) Left auricle and left ventricle (b) Post caval and right caval (c) Right auricle and left auricle (d) Right ventricle and pulmonary aorta 7. The auriculo-ventricular node in human heart was discovered by (a) Hiss (b) Loewis (c) Ringer (d) William Harvey 8. The heart of a healthy man beats normally per minute (a) 60-70 times (b) 70-80 times (c) 80-90 times (d) 85-95 times 9. Nature of valves in the heart is (a) Membranous (b) Muscular (c) Tendinous (d) Ligamentous 10. Since it is the sinu-auricular node which initiates the impulses in the heart of mammal is called (a) Cholinergic (b) Adrenergic (c) Neurogenic (d) Myogenic 11. Systolic pressure is higher than diastolic pressure because (a) Arteries are contracting during systole (b) Blood is pumped with a pressure in the arteries by the heart during systole but not during diastole. (c) Arteries resist during systole only. (d) Volume of blood is higher in systole than that of diastole in the heart CaCl2
12. In man, blood passes from the post caval into the diastolic right atrium of the heart because of (a) Pushing of venous valves (b) Suction pull (c) Beating of S.A. node (d) Pressure between post caval and atrium 13. The murmuring sound in heart takes place due to (a) The defective and leaking valve (b) The thrombosis in coronary artery (c) Defect in SA node (d) The arterial pulse 14. Heart beat can be initiated by (a) Sinu-auricular node (b) Atrio-ventricular node (c) Sodium ion (d) Purkinje's fibres 15. The beating of heart of man is heared on the left side because (a) The left ventricle is towards the left side (b) Both the ventricles are towards the left side (c) Entire heart is on the left side (d) The aorta is on the left side 16. Innervation of heart in the intact animals is primarily meant for (a) Initiation of heart beat (b) Regulation of heart beat (c) Release of acetylcholine only (d) Release of adrenalin only 17. Oxygenated blood is carried by (a) Pulmonary vein (b) Pulmonary artery (c) Renal vein (d) Hepatic portal vein 18. Purkinje's fibres are special types of (a) Muscle fibres located in heart (b) Nerve fibres located in cerebrum (c) Connective tissue fibres joining one bone to another bone (d) Sensory fibres extending from retina into optic nerve 19. Which one of the following vein breaks up into capillaries (a) Renal vein (b) Hepatic portal vein (c) Pelvic vein (d) Pulmonary vein 20. Serotonin in the blood (a) Relaxes blood vessels (b) Prevents clotting of blood (c) Helps in clotting of blood (d) Constricts blood vessels 21. The artery can be distinguished from the vein in having (a) Thicker walls (b) More blood cells (c) More plasma (d) Larger cavity 22. The pulse beat is measured by the (a) Artery (b) Capillary (c) Vein (d) None 23. Carotid artery carries (a) Impure blood from brain (b) Oxygenated blood to anterior region of body or to brain (c) Impure blood to kidney (d) Oxygenated blood to heart 24. Blood vessels carrying blood from lungs to heart
(a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein (c) Azygous vein (d) Coronary artery 25. The artery which supplies blood to the dia-phgram is known as or The diaphragm is supplied with blood by (a) Cardiac artery (b) Phrenic artery (c) Lingual artery (d) Lumber artery 26. Iliac artery carries blood to the (a) Lungs (b) Ileum (c) Hind limbs (d) Brain 27. Which of the following has no muscular wall (a) Artery (b) Vein (c) Arteriole (d) Capillary 28. Thrombosis in which coronary artery is met most frequently in (a) Right coronary artery (b) Left anterior descending artery (c) Left circumflex coronary artery (d) Right circumflex coronary artery 29. Smallest lumen blood vessel in the body is (a) Capillary (b) Artery (c) Vein (d) Venacava 30. The blood pressure is highin (a) Arteries (b) Veins (c) Capillaries (d) Veins of portal system 31. Which of the following vein has least amount of urea (a) Pulmonary vein (b) Hepatic portal vein (c) Hepatic vein (d) Renal vein 32. In the inguinal canal lies (a) Posterior mesentric artery (b) Spermatic artery (c) Internal carotid artery (d) Dorsal aorta 33. In allergy and urticaria the local arterioles dilate due to increased substance from mast cells, called (a) Adrenaline (b) Antitoxin (c) Epinephrine (d) Histamine 34. Vasa vasorum supplies blood to (a) Pericardium (b) Blood vessels (c) Tunica adventitia and external part of tunica media (d) Vas deferens 35. Pulse can easily be detected on superficial artery like that of (a) Diaphragm (b) Thigh (c) Wrist (d) Humerus 36. Regarding blood circulation, it may be said that in Pheretima the dorsal vessel is a
(a) Collecting vessel in first two segments and distributing vessel in other (b) Distributing vessel in first five segments and collecting vessel in other (c) Collecting vessel in first thirteen segments & distributing vessel in intestinal region (d) Distributing vessel in first thirteen segments & collecting vessel in intestinal region 37. 1. In several vertebrates the rate of heart beat and increase in blood pressure is caused by a hormone (a) Thyroxin (b) Secretin (c) Noradrenalin (d) Adrenalin 1. Sphygmomanometer measure (a) Nerve conduction rate (b) Heart beat rate (c) Blood pressure (d) Pulse rate 39. In man, the normal blood pressure is maintained by the blood protein called (a) Haemoglobin (b) Albumin (c) Fibrinogen (d) Heparin 40. ECG records (a) Electric current of the body (b) Potential differences (c) Pulse rate (d) Quantity of blood pumped per minute 41. QRST is related with (a) Ventricular contraction or depolarization (b) Auricular contraction (c) Auricular relaxation (d) Cardiac cycle 42. In a normal adult man, the blood pressure is (a) 100/80 (b) 120/80 (c) 100/120 (d) 100/100 43. Fall in blood pressure due to loss of blood is soon restored because the (a) Blood vessels dilate (b) Blood cells decrease in number (c) Heart beat is increased (d) Heart beat is decreased 44. Which of the following is a repolarization wave (a) (b) (c) (d) None of these 45. Normal diastolic pressure in young man is about (a) (b) (c) (d) 46. How much atrial pressure rises during atrial contraction (a) 2-4 (b) 4-6 (c) 6-8 (d) Does not rise at all 47. What is the end diastolic volume of blood in a normal adult heart (a) (b) (c) (d) 48. What is blood pressure (a) The pressure of blood on the heart muscle (b) The pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries and veins Hg HgHgHg P T QRS 20 mm Hg 80 mm Hg 100 mm Hg 130 mm Hg (mm Hg) 50 ml 70 ml 90 ml 110 ml

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