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129 F{q : 3q€ l (i0 (ii, (iv) (!) (vi) 2014 dfu6 fd-sn (ffi{6) PHYStcs (Theory) fdcr (, {{r q.r q, il €a 30 9{r it 1l.ff lTr sM t (ii),{r f.q 1 t B o rd6 lEn 1 3i6 or i lYl TFqr 9 i is 6 trd6 qt4 2 3rol or i, nyr taqr is + zz ro cdo qtr s si6i .Fr i J]II qsl €Eq 2s i 30 d6 rd6 q{l s 3ioJ 4r it (iii) e5r [, i 1{Fq 'rt oE fioe r& i. oqre : 3ro] sla vfl r.r i. 3 rd61 a w lvr q 3ft s rf6i sd frf !'.+ d 3nI flFrr El€i rl-7rr- 7ir6 a- lr:" q! tgn el? f 4ir .I€ll hq ?i{ aal t? W[at is tne intasily oaelekic field and potfltial at lhe centE of a chdged hollow spherial 2 q6 d_d_{ qr (6 c-ori qi{t-.l{i i 9r ffirr gqdq d_, + dq{d ci$ Elri inrd ir gf,ffir{ qnt i s{d 6ifu i{ri t dqr c-lrtE +.n ? 1 A prolon dd an ( p,nicle ae allowed to enier one by one h a unilom magnetic field pr0mdiculely. $ftn will be the Ftio ofthen ogul[ velocities in cnold orbirs ? 3. 10 ir{ +.fi. *rEi{ 6r 96 3rTqiror{ ira 50 &dr ffrdr d gqdq dr i 30'A ot"r qt E@r t L ss$ Iq.{i lrfl c,rtr 1+_ rr dFn ? 1 A rccransdar plme ofaEr l() cn: is inclined at m msle of300 wnh msnetic neld of50 resla. whfl1 Nill be rhe flux passine tkou8! it ? 4. iqd gq61q flrr d fu, Er{r rsRifl dlffi Show a elechonaAneric wave by 6C!8. . ,rg " qroe trTr,, 1qirr4 3 2.,j qrfi d 3tEr+{6 a ll "j 4 aso iitffrr a# ara ffinr d ois ds]l crff i di.rid ffi d,fi ? 1 Rc$etive index olglas v.i.t. anis l, dd ieftacrive inder ofwater w,it. an is 4/3. Whar would be the wavetenBtn i. slas dd waltr ofliEh havins vavelcngth 480 nm, in air ? 6. 6a +€ Aqar<{ S GRd {d10. 11 scrdi qg S$ft, d qrRdr 4r aiso E c< d1i{i L Deduce m expEssion for capeitmce oaa Par.llel plate capaciior. i-ed liEs d on"r rqfr qei'q t€l q{ ftqd frffi ft€ c{ igd +, d ff* 4r Obtain m dpE$ion ror lhe inlmsitv of eleclric Iield due to 3. elecnric dipole 5t a point situoted j2. c&{r d i'{aq 6r sds dliri nln To €i) qRrsrff ni! ,1. .F+ .i Ta i r.-t ? # .Tf- or6F *- E .{?6 Elq iF-?q Deduce lne fomula for rbcal leneth ofcobbinarion oflwo ihin lenses ir cohracr. i, 6r{iir-q{ +fiq d dqr M rff Trdc nln Gifuqrdq €i+d dr qjd{d inftr} (RH = 1.1x 10h ,) , Calo ate rhe minimum ed ndiftum wxvclensL\ emifed in the Balne seri€s of hydsg€n "p.(mn (Rr - t.t , to_m-r, 13 tdEql rrfilr fu€ 3ngfti lrrq A &q +dr t d.n as+ ftrn qdq.r d ot4 {r q€ii 3rqflff qfii t ? l. which &equency rese TV broadcst rakes ptace md which melhod h used ror n( re 1i!r* i-gffi i' 'nse d ftaq or sd-q olH d.,,r oTd dqr{ d c,rnRR Si fir d aR.r s{rd r{6,r ftS qr fuo rir+ or airo qira offirn 3 s?re Cau\! .s I etec.o..an!. Mo deo,.e d e\pE.iion br in.elr \ o eteld. reld due h r1l r e \ lorC lhtrCed.r.ar8.r rirc d, noin. ne& ir. iift, ol 3n{qr 6re-S nqr ssfl **Ed o.2a fu it a,q 02 +fi/ff + gqffq *, q so qfi +6rs A Eliffq na n Eqrqr Rr .dr t olatins with dgule speed of5o (o.) gq#q Ffdi ar qfur.fc q.r (q) lRd Eoqroqo 4l Frsr qrr ArhatuE coil ola senerator N h I{](] tuns dd aEs 0.2,1 nr h 'rd'an pdsA ond 'n a i dgn. u. leto o,r,.l nb m..dtcrnrc (a) thc valueofmd,nun nagneric nux (b) peak valuc of induced mf 3 t I
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