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rla co qqq:1 fttu : (i) (r r, Note : (i) (iD (iiD gRc yts) @1 ficqr - 6 gM IR;T q.T 2015 rtfuo. f{flrc q"e wfm Maxim -70 um Marks - 70 (ll rJ IrvJ {tr qaq q, i qa eo crn d t q.fr wq 3rFrqd d I q-gc €@r r <\ a d6 rcio qq{ r eio or ttssr {{qr s t ra f,o ndo q{{a z eio) or t t ce{ rirgr 19 t 27 afi !-a+o src s er6) 6r t f,en ce=I {sr za rl eo rro r.i-o c{{ s srdi or t t s{i q, ii {fllr w oii fr-f,fl qS t, oqfr z eroi qrd gm !-gc i s Grd qrA \'m !-{r i 3f{ s er6l qrd fr{ ,t ii ii 3trf,R-6 qq=r qEFr fu-qr rrq t t t-ri ct{i t 3ilqd ft} d aq1 q ,5{d q'E-l ,gq 3 zrrar t t sgr.r trgc rl qlLT dfrI' 3n-{ 3{< aFF E{d ql{} t d qsl l& sner e} ssr w {+]s nE T o1fur I d-ogder s drcr{d d s!q}-l of er5u6 q6 g, "-rr snqEsm s- snc ftqftfufl HTfd-m Frodj6t o frq] oI rqd-q of TIa-A B c:3rldms'. h=6.6xl0" j s e-I.6xI0'C. lt0-4nxI0 TrnA ft{mif, k-1.381Xld'jk' e.rs6r riLqT NA:6.02x10'inol '' 1l4neu:gxl0' Nm'c'] ru.,o o1 rjefr mn-l.67x10'kg me:9.Ixl0rlKg There are in all 30 questions in this question paper. All questions are cornpulsory. Question No. 1 to 8 carry one mark each, question No. 9 to I 8 carry two marks each, question No. I 9 to 27 carry three marks each and question 28 to 30 carry five marks each. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question oftwo marks. one question ofthree marks, and all three qr:estion offive marks each. You lrave to attempt only one ofthe gir en choices in such questiotts. Sta;t from the first question and proceed to the last. Do not waste time over a question ifyou cannot solve it. t \'l (ri) (in) (v) Use ofcalculator and mobile is not permitted. (vi) You may use the following values ofphysical constants where ever necessatl . c:3x1'dms th:6.6xi0" j. .:j.6*t0'C. H0:4 xloirTrrrA' k:l'381xld'jk N,t: 6.02x10'inol'' 1/4neu:.gx1 0' Nm'c'' m1-1.67x1O'kg m.:9. 1 x1 0''KB 26 ffi6 tntro (tr d srooe d'rr of erqdr fttili glq)s{ dffi t? What will be the power of a concave lense in Diopler olfocal length 20 cm? n- !6rr d 3d qrfldi qg{1{{6 (?rl 3rs$qo sndn sr66i d nq fafuf t Write the names of rnaj ority and minority charge carriers in n-type semiconductor. qfr d snArTi A frq sn qtl 3rtfr 6{ A qru nt s'rd frs d.li qa qd q{ T{r qqm q}r[ r what will be the effect on the force between two charges ifthe distance between thern is half ? fud .d ftgd gqds fAfrrflT e) ilfrd d s-ad ffi't qqRpro dfur t , Arrange the given Electromagnetic radiation in the descending order ofthe wavelength. Infrared Rays, Y-Rays, X-Rays, Ultra Violet Rays. prl4 fixff qrao d .fif,q tSd &f, tst f,zr qxr *r-?t qq1 sq+1 g? What is the relation betweerr Electric field and cunent density in the conductor? w {A{flc d ft{rq i+ roo de d {arrs r) cR-d fuqr qmT t gMq t sq< S-Effi cr.r td srd atfut I 1 An electron is aecelerated by 100 volt from rest. What will be the De-Broglie wavelength ofthe electron. 3{r.r+s ErRfS .rqr B? qsr ffiTilii d d[$ E] Bqq]-,T fafur I What are Eddy currents? Write any two applications ofEddy cunent. r8 1o0eV 6qf oT qo {d-rflq l.lxl0-4 t-+s,/fr0'd gqdq d? t gnr+x qrf i q@{ drfl {6r t I fln fim- (i) fd.rfm e1 qa (ii) {flrmT{ qT.f a1 fuq r An Electron of l00eV energy is moving in a circular path of in magnetic field of 1 . I X I 0-a Weber/nr2 (i) Velocity ofthe electron (iD Radiusofcircularpath. 2 Fir.rd out. TsThe rvork functionofthe surface oftheAluminum metal is 4.2eV The light ofwave length 2x10"7 m is incidence on it. Calculate. (D Threshold Wave length (ii) Marimum Kinetic energy. c, qrfrfl d €qrRa o) v, firor<< oo 3nnRrd ir{d, v, farrqr

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