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DẠN G TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA BÀI DẠN G DANH TỪ 01 Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.) 1. Some of the newer plants in the garden died during the drought. A. heatwave B. harvest C. summer D. aridity 2. Can you give me some suggestions on what to bring to the party tonight? A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations 3. The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history. A. outcome B. continuation C. beginning D. expansion 4. How did he come from a rich kid to a street wanderer? A. veterans B. tyros C. vagabonds D. zealots 5. Many people say that he is always a good plumber. A. a person who picks plums B. a person who makes water pipes C. a person who supplies water D. a person who repairs water pipes 6. Nuclear weapons pose great threats to everyone. A. risks B. annoyances C. fears D. irritations
7. Further information is required to determine the correct answer in any given instance. A. situation B. attention C. place D. matter 8. They felt they had been treated with discourtesy which was unacceptable. A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement 9. The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings. A. heredity B. tradition C. endowment D. bequest 10. A major obstacle to finding a job is a lack of qualifications. A. impediment B. encouragement C. impetus D. assistance 11. A lot of women are victims of aesthetic bad treatment. A. mistreatment B. malpractice C. misdemeanor D. maltreatment 12. Your newly-published novel has enjoyed a great review from critics. A. viewing B. regard C. look D. opinion 13. The dog is sick. We have to take it to the vet as soon as possible. A. zoologist B. horticulturist C. veterinarian D. veteran 14. What do you call a cycle with three wheels? A. tricycle B. unicycle C. bicycle D. motorcycle 15. The United States has the most centenarians, with an estimated number of about 80,000. A. people who live to be 100 or longer B. people who are vegetarians C. people who want to be fruitarians D. people who are extraordinary 16. I could follow the main idea of their conversation. A. fist B. twist C. gist D. list 17. Freud argues that a dream is the fulfillment of a wish. A. attainment B. completion C. performance D. conclusion 18. The fact that he lost both of his arms was no impediment to his career as a professional swimmer. A. help B. impotence C. hindrance D. impossibility 19. The combustion of solid waste creates yet another environmental problem. A. ignition B. contamination C. decomposition D. reconstruction 20. Many corporations have offered retirement plans as an incentive for older workers to retire to recruit a younger workforce. A. reward B. opportunities C. encouragement D. motives 21. We’ve just had a new wool carpet fitted in our bedroom. A. artifacts B. pottery C. rugs D. textiles
22. A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up. A. accidents B. misunderstandings C. incidentals D. misfortunes 23. The ministry has come up with the augmentation of the curriculum by adding new subjects. A. increase B. necessity C. demand D. decrease 24. See animals living in their natural habitat makes me the happiest person on Earth. A. sky B. land C. forest D. home 25. The speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations. A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses 26. We now can find a wide range of gluten-free food in supermarkets. A. variety B. classification C. small number D. popularity 27. Could you have a glance at my essay and see if there are any mistakes? A. close look B. quick look C. direct look D. furtive look 28. Honesty is of the essence of any relationship. A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part 29. You will have more opportunities if you come to work in the city. A. possibilities B. advantages C. difficulties D. disadvantages 30. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favorite film. A. business B. economics C. advertisements D. contests 31. The writer is famous for writing novels about poor people having a sparkling personality. A. disaster B. composer C. character D. barnstormer 32. Without a high level of expertise in the job, he wouldn’t be able to deal with the problem. A. competence B. compost C. comprise D. competition 33. While analyzing the short story, the lecturer tried to emphasize the fundamental elements contributing to its success. A. viewpoints B. attitudes C. fields D. factors 34. The final game ended with a nil-nil draw, so they had to arrange a penalty session to decide who is the winner. A. paint B. tie C. equal D. same 35. This is the first time the team has experienced such a triumph over a much stronger team. A. opponent B. friendship C. failure D. success 36. The match ceased as the referee blew his whistle to give the visiting team a yellow card for
having committed a foul. A. champion B. game C. fair D. coach 37. Lance Armstrong, a monument of getting over illness to become a champion, eventually received a penalty for using doping. A. disadvantage B. forgiveness C. attribution D. punishment 38. The time in which a runner reaches the destination should be counted with great precision. A. manliness B. attractiveness C. forgiveness D. exactness 39. With a view to winning the match, the team took every chance to lead the score over the rival. A. teammate B. supporter C. opponent D. spectator 40. Team sports require cooperation between members; otherwise, it will be really hard to win. A. cohabitation B. codeclination C. coproduction D. coordination 41. The skipper delivered to all the team members the strategy drawn up by the coach. A. spectator B. captain C. referee D. commentator 42. There seems to be a reluctance to hold a conference on global warming with the participation of all delegates. A. presentation B. duration C. hesitation D. information 43. Two days ago, representatives from the World Bank came to Vietnam to attend a special meeting to negotiate the education budget. A. standings B. suspects C. attenders D. delegates 44. The objective of our cross-cultural club is to raise people’s awareness of recycling household waste. A. topic B. target C. problem D. matter 45. Working for this international corporation, you will have chances to work with colleagues not only in your country but in others as well. A. co-workers B. co-texts C. co-habitations D. co-defendants 46. It’s time we place sufficient concerns on conserving biological diversity so that we can save the world for our future generation. A. electricity B. variety C. similarity D. novelty 47. The meteorologist continued to check the air pressure before the storm. A. astronomer B. TV anchor C. weather forecaster D. fortune teller

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