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WEEK 25 Preparing date: March 02 nd , 2024 PERIOD 97 Teaching date: March 04 th , 2024 UNIT 15: OUR HEALTH LESSON 1 (1, 2, 3) I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledge and skills - Understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focused on asking and answering questions about someone’s health. - Correctly use the words and phrases toothache, headache, sore throat and stomach ache and the sentence patterns What’s the matter? - I have _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s health. - Correctly use the words for health problems in Act 2 and sentence patterns What’s the matter? and I have _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s health in a freer context. - Use the words toothache, headache, sore throat and stomach ache in relation to the topic “Our health”. 2. Competences - Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about someone’s health correctly and fluently. - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks. 3. Attributes - Raise their knowledge of health. - Show pupils how to take care of themselves and prevent of common diseases. 4. The disabled: Practice reading vocab, following the teacher’s guide. II. MATERIALS - Pupil’s book: Page 30 - Audio Tracks 41, 42 - Teacher’s guide: Pages 209, 210, 211 - Website hoclieu.vn - Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 15) - Computer, projector, … III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up (5’) a. Objectives - To revise Unit 14 by asking the class to present the project from Lesson 3. b. Content - Game: “Project Presentation” c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can present about their healthy lifestyle in class fluently.
d. Organisation - Tell pupils they are going to present their healthy lifestyle in class. - Have pupils work in groups to practise their presentation. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary. - Invite a few pupils to show their healthy habits and present in front of the class. - Praise good performances. A pupil’s healthy lifestyle and a speech bubble: This is my healthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fruit. _______. 2. Presentation Activity 1-1. Listen and repeat. (7’) a. Objectives - To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focused on asking and answering questions about someone’s health. b. Content - Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts on asking and answering questions about someone’s health. d. Organisation - T elicits the new words + toothache: đau răng (Explain) + headache: đau đầu (Explain) + sore throat: đau cổ (Explain) + stomach ache: đau bụng(Explain) + feel well: cảm thấy khỏe (Explain) - T models (3 times). - T writes the words on the board. - Checking: Rub out and remember - The disabled: Practice reading vocab. Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b, and identify the characters and other details. - Listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Work in groups to practise their presentation. - Show their healthy habit circle and present in front of the class. - Ss listen and answer - Ss listen and repeat + Choral repetition (3 times). + Individual repetition (3 ss) - Ss take note - Ss look, remember and write - Pupils look at Pictures a and b, identify the characters and other details.
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen to the entire conversation several times. Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b. Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. Check their pronunciation, and give corrections and feedback where necessary. Step 5: Direct pupils’ attention to the question What’s the matter? and the answer I have a headache. Explain that they are a question and an answer about someone’s health. - Context a: Lucy’s mother: Are you OK, Lucy? Lucy: I don’t feel well. - Pupils look at the Picture a. Pupils listen to the entire conversation several times. - Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence and repeat individually and in chorus. - A few pairs come to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. - Pupils look at the question and the answer. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.
- Context b: Lucy’s mother: What’s the matter? Lucy: Ouch! I have a headache. Activity 2-2. Listen, point and say. (7’) a. Objectives - To correctly use the words and phrases toothache, headache, sore throat and stomach ache and the sentence patterns What’s the matter? - I have _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s health. b. Content Activity 2. Listen, point and say. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly use the given words and sentence patterns What’s the matter? and I have _____. to ask and answer questions about someone’s health. d. Organisation Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word toothache. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the class repeat the words and phrases a few times. Step 2: Point at the question pattern What’s the matter? Read it aloud and have pupils repeat it several times. Repeat the procedure with the answer pattern I have ___. Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording What’s the matter? - I have a toothache. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 5: Put pupils in pairs and have them practise asking and answering questions using the pictures. Invite a - Pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word toothache. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with Pictures b, c and d. Pupils repeat the words and phrases a few times. - Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions. - Pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions. - Pupils work in two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with Pictures b, c and d. - Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering questions using the pictures. A few pairs point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.

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