Nội dung text FB 15-30 daliu katalogas DEC039-06 2012.pdf
FB 15/18/20/25/30 FB 15C/18C/20C/25C TAILIFT CO.,LTD. DEC039/06 2012 零 件 手 冊 PARTS LIST 台勵福7L系列電動堆高機 Tailift 7L Series Electric Forklift Trucks
一. I. 二. II. 三. III. 用戶欲訂購或更換零(組)件時,請務必詳細說明以下各項明細: 2.零(組)件之零件號碼及詳細名稱、數量。 3.交貨之相關需求、交貨方式及交貨地點。 用戶欲訂購或更換零(組)件時,請務必使用《台勵福之原廠零件》。 1.堆高機之機種型式、編號及製造日期。 若非使用《台勵福之原廠零件》做為更換或維修之用,則其機器發生 本零件手冊適用於台勵福(股)公司所生產7L系列之FB15~30、 故障時,將不在台勵福(股)公司之品質保證範圍內。 FB15C~25C 電動堆高機。 零件名稱、互換性、應用日期、數量、適用機型、機號等,以便用戶 做為識別及維修或更換零件時之參考依據。 編制如下:系統索引、組件索引、編號、新碼、舊碼、規格、 This part manual is Tailift Company Electric Forklift Trucks of Model 7L Series FB15~30 ton FB15C~25C ton . It is categorized as Index No., ASSY No., Part No., Old Part No., Specification, Part name, interchangeability, date of applied, quantity, suitable Model and series number ...etc. These references are relating to identify, repair and change forklift’s part information for customer. As placing for parts order and change. Please specify details of the following items. 1.Forklift model, serial number and date of manufacture. 2.Parts number, name and quantity. 3.Delivery requirements, ways and location. Be sure to use when purchasing or repairing parts. If non- are used for repair or maintenance. When the forklift failure will not be under our quality warranty. 零件手冊使用說明 INTRODUCTION
四. IV. 五. V. 六. VI. 七. VII. 舊版零件手冊已不適用於目前台勵福工業(股)公司所生產之各系列 本手冊依據中華民國101年01月後出廠編制,日後產品結構及相關 編制者經歷有限,手冊內容雖經再三校對,但疏漏繆誤之處在所難免, 零件手冊內容及說明。 堆高機,故不再使用所有舊版零件手冊做為參考依據。 零(組)件,若有設變修改時,本手冊將再版補充。 本手冊為最新版『零件手冊』,其中包含所有已設變、增修、刪改之 This latest part manual is including with all of renewing information and explanation. The old part manual is out of using reference that cannot supply any new model forklifts by Tailift products. This part manual is applied for models manufacture after January 2012. If there have any modification, we will issue a new edition. Due to, my limited experience, thought had revised repeatedly, I am afraid that might still have some errors exist. Therefore, I would really glad to get any advice and correction when you find any errors. Please don’t inhibit contact with us. 敬祈諸位同業先進不吝指正,俾再版時得以修訂,不勝感幸!
八. VIII. A:查詢零件號碼(當已知零件名稱、外觀、使用位置等) 查詢正確的零件號碼、名稱......等 A: Searching part number (When the name, shape and location of using are known.) Ø 找出『待查詢零件』在機構系統圖上之相關裝配位 置及所使用之編號 Find out the location of part installed picture and gives item No. Ø 將機構系統圖上所使用之編號對照零件明細頁即可 看到待查詢之零件號碼 Confirm serial No. in the machine drawing and know part number. 準備適用於『待查詢零件』之零件手冊及該項零件 樣品 Preparing the part sample, which you would like to know and then see “Part manual”. Ø 找出相關之機構系統圖或零件明細頁 Find out related page by illustration index or table of contents. 確認零件樣品是否與機構系統圖上相符 Identify shape of part is the same as related page or not. Ø Searching correct part number and name ...etc.