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UNIT 6: LIFE IN OTHER PLANETS LESSON 1 LESSON SUMMARY VOCABULARY CD2-09 Word/Phrase Meaning Example Earth (n) /ɜːrθ/ the planet on which humans and animals live Scientist believe Earth is about 6.4 million years old. temperature (n) /ˈtemprətʃər/ the degree scale used to express how hot or cold something is The temperature on the planet is extremely high. Humans can’t live on it. gravity (n) /ˈɡrævəti/ the force that makes things fall to the ground Gravity pulls things down to the ground. Mars (n) /mɑːrz/ the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system in terms of distance People sometimes call Mars the Red Planet. Venus (n) /ˈviːnəs/ The second planet from the Sun in terms of distance Venus takes 225 Earth days to complete one rotation. space station (n) /ˈspeɪs steɪʃn/ a vehicle that researchers send into space and stays above the earth as a base for astronauts William wants to work in a space station when he grows up. oxygen (n) /ˈɒksɪdʒən/ an essential gas for people, animals and plants to survive Animals and plants need oxygen to survive. GRAMMAR Future Simple with will Usage: We can use the Future Simple to predict what we think will happen based on our own opinions and experiences. Form:
Affirmative Negative I think people will move to the Moon in a century. Humans won’t live on Venus. Yes/No questions Answers Do you think scientists will find evidence about life on other planets? Yes, I do. They will soon show the evidence./ No, I don’t. There will be no such thing. Wh- questions Answers Why will we live on the Moon in the future? Where will humans live in the future? How will we communicate with each other on Mars? Because Earth will become overcrowded. Humans will live on space stations. We will contact each other with a very special radio receiver. PRONUNCIATION Intonation for opinion and interest words - CD2-10 In a sentence, intonation falls on the words that express interest or opinions and we often pronounce them longer than the others. That’s interesting! That sounds great!  That’s terrible!  PRACTICE Pronunciation Circle the word that has a stress pattern different from the others. 1. A. disaster B. century C. history D. energy 2. A. oxygen B. volunteer C. gravity D. hospital 3. A. library B. dialog C. interest D. afternoon 4. A. performance B. engineer C. importance D. agreement 5. A. diamond B. badminton C. definition D. management Vocabulary a. Match the descriptions to the words from Lesson Summary. Write them on the lines. 1. This is the place where people and animals live. _________________ 2. This shows how hot or cold a place or thing is. _________________ 3. It is the fourth planet from the Sun by distance. _________________ 4. The survival of both people and animals depends on this gas. _________________ 5. Researchers use this large spacecraft as a place to live and work in space. _________________
b. Complete the sentences using the words in the boxes. temperature gravity space station oxygen Venus 6. Like humans, plants and animals live on _________________. 7. The _________________ can fall below zero degrees Celsius in winter. 8. Venus has the same _________________ as Earth. 9. Every 225 Earth days, _________________ completes one orbit around the Sun. 10. Astronauts stay in a _________________ when they are in space. Grammar a. Circle the correct options. 1. __________ believe there will be life on Venus in the future? A. Will you B. Did you C. Do you D. Can you 2. __________ we live on Venus in the future? A. Do B. Will C. Did D. Are 3. What will we do when Earth __________ overcrowded? A. is B. are C. were D. will be 4. It __________ safe for humans to live on the moon because there is not enough oxygen. A. was B. wasn’t C. aren’t D. won’t be 5. Researchers __________ still in search of life on Mars. They hope they will find evidence of life there. A. is B. are C. was D. were b. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms of the Future Simple. 6. _________________ (you/take) a trip to space in the future? 7. I think there _________________ (be) life on Mars in two hundred years. 8. In the near future, researchers _________________ (build) more space stations. 9. Do you think other planets _________________ (have) houses and buildings in the future? 10. I think people _________________ (not/live) on Earth because they will live on Venus soon. Reading a. Read the text about life in space. Match the paragraphs to the information. LIFE IN SPACE A. The first astronauts to come into space only went up for short trips to see what it was Like. Astronauts may now spend weeks or even months living and working in space. They live in a large spacecraft that they often call a space station, which circles or travels around Earth. The astronauts on
board spend their days doing scientific studies such as examining the effects of space on the human body and the growth of plants. They also keep the space station running in the right way. B. Living in space for a long time will affect an astronaut's body. Many astronauts get space sicknesses, such as a cold head, stuffy nose or puffy face, shortly after entering space. That is because there is not enough gravity in space. Astronauts will have to exercise to stop their muscles from becoming weak. They also need to monitor their bodies to ensure good health and research the effects of space travel on the human body. Besides doing their jobs, astronauts do the same activities back on Earth. For example, they will eat their meals, sleep, relax and enjoy themselves. C. Eating food in space is a real challenge. In space, everything will become weightless and start to float away. For instance, food will not stay on a plate, and drinks will drift away from a glass. For that reason, people will have to put them in some special packages, so the astronauts will be able to eat the food directly from the packages. For each space travel, astronauts will bring freeze-dried food. The food will become soft and sticky after the astronauts add water and heat them. They have fresh food delivery from Earth, too. 1.  Having difficulty in eating 2.  Doing exercise to keep the body strong 3.  The same daily activities even in space 4.  Keeping the machine working perfectly 5.  Doing some research on the impact of space on humans and plants b. Read the text again. Answer each question with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. 6. Where will an astronaut live while in space? ______________ 7. What will an astronaut experience soon after going into space? ______________ 8. What will an astronaut need to do to avoid weak muscles? ______________ 9. What type of food will astronauts carry when going into space? ______________ 10. Where do astronauts receive a supply of fresh food? ______________ Speaking Ask and answer the questions about life in the future. - Do you think people will move to Mars? - No, I don’t - Why? - Because Mars doesn't have enough water for US to drink. - Do you think people will leave Earth?

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