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PHARMD GURU Page 1 INTRODUCTION:  It is an investigation of finding solution to scientific and social problems, through systematic analysis.  Research is done with the help of experimental study collection of data, observation, analysis, comparison etc.  It can lead to new contributions to the existing knowledge.  Research is an important tool in all pharmaceutical and other business industries for higher growth & to improve the quality of products. DEFINITION: RESEARCH: Research is defined as a logical, scientific and systematic search for new and useful information on a specific topic. (or) It is investigation of finding solution to specific and social problems, through systematic analysis. (or) Any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. THESIS: The proposition laid down as a theme to be discussed and proved . A discussion to maintain and prove a thesis especially written or delivered by a candidate for university degree - Ph.D. OBJECTIVES: • The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. • To serve the society by solving social problems. • To overcome or solve the problems occurring in our everyday life. • To get research degree for better employment or promotion. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

PHARMD GURU Page 3 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH:  This Research is based on measurement of Quantity or amount.  This is structured or predetermined methodology.  Based on measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity.  Determination of amount by volumetric, calorimetric, or instrumental methods. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH:  Concerned with qualitative phenomena, i.e. phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind.  It is on-numerical, descriptive, and applies reasoning .the main aim is to get the meaning, feeling and situation.  The detection of compound by Physical or chemical tests is Qualitative analysis. FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH / BASIC RESEARCH:  Mainly concerned with generalization and with the formulation of a theory.  It is also called theoretical research and not concerned with solving problem of immediate interest.  Study of some natural phenomena or research related to pure science termed as basic research. ANALYTICAL RESEARCH:  Researcher has to use facts on information already available and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the material.
PHARMD GURU Page 4 RESEARCH METHODS VS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODS: Refers to the methods / techniques researcher use in performing research operations. Ex: collection of data, analysis of data . It means description, explanation, and justification of methods. It is way to solve research problem systematically and logically. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. PROCEDURAL STEPS IN RESEARCH FORMULATING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM: The best way is to discuss it with colleagues or with those having expertise in specific field. In an academic institution the researcher can take help from guide who is expert in research area. LITERATURE SURVEY: It is a collection of research publication, books and other documents related to the defined problem. It brings clarity and focus to research problem, improve methodology and broaden the knowledge. FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESIS: Hypothesis is scientifically reasonable prediction. The expected solution based on available data and tentative explanations constitute the hypothesis. It should be very specific and its role is to guide the researcher ad keep him on right track.

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