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Page 1 of 31 School geography: môn Địa lý geography……………… ………………………… ………………………… I.T: môn Tin học I.T………………………… …………………………… …………………………… history: môn Lịch sử…… history…………………… …………………………. science: môn Khoa học ....... science.................................. …………….......................... Vietnamese: môn Tiếng Việt Vietnamese…………… ………………………… ………………………… ethics: môn Đạo đức ethnics....……………… …………………………… …………………………… Unit 1 Lesson 1 A. VOCABULARY B. STRUCTURES Which subject do you like? Bạn thích môn học nào? I like science. Tôi thích môn Khoa học Which subject does he like? Anh ấy thích môn học nào? He likes history. Anh ấy thích môn Lịch sử
Page 2 of 31 Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and tick. history history science geography ethics I.T Vietnamese geography science math ethics I.T Exercise 2. Complete the words and match. 3 I.T h_ sto_ y s _ _ _ n_ _ g_ _ g_ aph_ Vi_ _ n _ _ _ s_ _th_cs C. EXCERCISES
Page 3 of 31 Exercise 3. Reorder the words. 1. I / geography / like _________________________________ 2. Which/ do/ you/ subject/ like/ ? _________________________________ 3. likes/ She/ ethics _________________________________ Exercise 4. Find and circle. tulgeographynmp tesrdtiteftnmp ntmghistorynmp tfhdsciencetmp tulvietnamesemp tulsethicskconmp Exercise 5. Look and complete.   A: Which subject _______ he like? B: He______________________ A: Which subject _______ you like? B: I ______________________   A: Which subject ____________? B: I_______________________ A: Which ____________________? B: She _______________________
Page 4 of 31 Exercise 6. Correct the mistakes in each sentence. 1. Which subject does you like? __________________________________________________________. 2. He like I.T __________________________________________________________. 3. Which subject do she like?  __________________________________________________________. 4. I likes English.  __________________________________________________________. Exercise 7. Circle the odd one out. 1. A. art B. IT C. subject 2. A. music B. which C. math 3. A. science B. geography C. does 4. A. which B. he C. she 5. A. history B. ethics C. like Exercise 8. Read and complete. John: Which subject do you like? Linda: I ________________________. John : Cool. Linda: What about you? John: I __________________________ Peter: What are you doing? Tom: I’m ____________ a book about animals. Peter: What subject do you like? Tom: ___________________________ Peter: Oh, I like science, too. Exercise 9. Translate into English.  Bạn thích môn học gì? ___________________________________ Tớ thích môn Tin học ___________________________________  Bạn thích môn học gì? ___________________________________

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