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1 UNIT 4: ASEAN AND VIET NAM VOCABULARY 1.Apply (for) /ə'plai/: xin việc, ứng cử 2. Celebration(n) /, seli’brei∫n/: sự kỷ niệm, lễ kỷ niệm 3. Community (n)/kə'mju:nəti/:cộng đồng 4. Cultural exchange(np): sự trao đổi văn hóa 5. Current (a) /'kʌrənt/: hiện hành, đang lưu hành 6. Eye-opening(a) /'ai,əʊpəning/: mở mang tầm mắt 7. Honour (n) /'ɒnə[r]/ danh dự  have the honour of something: được vinh dự, được đặc huệ (làm cái gì đó) 8. Issue (n)/'isju:/ vấn đề = problem 9. Leadership skill(np) /'li:də∫ip skil /: kĩ năng lãnh đạo 10. Live-stream (v) phát sóng trực tiếp 11. Politics (n) /'pɒlitiks/ chính trị 12. Promote (v) /prə'məʊt/ thúc đẩy, khuyến mại, quảng bá 13. Proposal(n) /prə'pəʊzl/ sự đề nghị  propose(v): đề xuất 14. Qualify(v) /'kwɒlifai/: đủ tiêu chuẩn, đủ khả năng 15. Region (n) /'ri:dʒən/ : vùng, miền = area (n)  regional /ri:dʒənl/ (adj.) (thuộc) khu vực, vùng  in the region of: vào khoảng 16. Relation(n) /ri'lei∫n/: mối quan hệ; mối liên quan 17. Representative(n) /repri'zentətiv/: người đại diện 18. Strengthen (v) /'streηθn/: củng cố; tăng cường 19. Support(v) /sə'pɔ:t/ ủng hộ = upheld (v) 20. Volunteer (v,n) /,vɒlən'tiə[r]/ :tình nguyện, tình nguyện viên 21. Youth (n) /ju:θ/ : tuổi trẻ, tuổi thanh niên, tuổi niên thiếu  the days of youth: thời niên thiếu 22. Interference /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ (n.) sự can thiệp 23. Maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ (v.) duy trì 24 Principle /prɪnsəpl/ (n.) nguyên tắc 25. Scholarship /ˈskɒləʃɪp/ (n.) học bổng 26. Solidarity /ˌsɒlɪ'dærəti/ (n.) sự đoàn kết 27. Stability /stəˈbɪləti/ (n.) sự ổn định 28. Internal /ɪnˈtɜ:nl/ (adj.) ở trong, bên trong 29. Motto /ˈmɒtəʊ/ (n.) khẩu hiệu, phương châm 30. Official /əˈfɪʃl/ (adj.) chính thức 31. Sponsor/'spɒnsə(n)/ (n.) nhà tài trợ 32. Vision /ˈvɪʒn/ (n.) tầm nhìn 33. Conference /'kɒnfərəns/ (n.) hội nghị 34. Constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ (n.) hiến pháp 35. Dispute /dɪ' spju:t/ (n.) cuộc tranh luận, cuộc tranh chấp 36. Bloc /blɒk/ (n.) khối 37. Graceful /ˈɡreɪsfl/ (adj.) duyên dáng, yêu kiều GRAMMAR DANH ĐỘNG TỪ GERUND (V + ING) 1. Subject of a sentence Ex: Reading the story of Kieu is interesting. 2. Complement of to Be after Subject of Thing + To Be Ex: My hobby is fishing.
2 3. After Prepositions Ex: She is interested in learning English. 4. After some verbs: Verbs + Gerund Admit , avoid appreciate, defer / delay /postpone/ put off , deny, detest/ dislike, discuss, consider, enjoy, escape, finish, give up/ quit, imagine, keep, not mind, miss , practise, suggest, prevent, can’t help, can’t stand/ can't bear, resit, resist, cease ....etc. I always avoid making noise in class. Have you finished writing the report? Anne practised playing the piano at an early age I don’t mind doing a lot of homework. He can’t stand working ten hours a day. When did you give up smoking, Bill ? 5. VERB+PREPOSITIONS + GERUND: Approve of, argue about, complain about, concentrate on, depend on, decide on, feel like, forget about, Look forward to, insist on, keep on , object to, plan on , rely on , succeed in, think about , worry about ..... I’m interested in listening to music on the radio. He’s bored with staying at home day after day. Some people are afraid of driving in rush hours. Many overweight people try to lose weight by going on a diet. Don’t forget to turn off the gas before going out 6. ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION + GERUND: Accustomed to afraid of , ashamed of, capable of, bored with ,disappointed in / with, fond of, hopeful of, intent on, interested in, opposed to, proud of, responsible for, sorry about, successful in, surprised at, tired from, tired of, worried about, be used to..... Police soon get accustomed to arresting criminals. Are you capable of completing the work within an hour? Eli Whitney is famous for inventing the cotton gin The driver was intent on passing the other car. The treasurer is responsible for keeping the books 7. After some Verbs + Object Combinations Ex: We saw the thief entering the house. Or He spent five hours doing his task. 8. In some other structures: It’s no good / use, there is no point, what’s the point of, what about, be worth, be busy, look forward to, be used to / be accustomed to / get used to, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand ...... It is no use saying that I am used to getting up early. THE INFINITIVE (TO + VERB) 1. Subject of the sentence Ex: To help her is my duty. 2. Verbs + to - Infinitive Agree, afford, appear, arrange, attempt, ask, choose, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen,, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, threaten, want, wish, would like, intend, tend , claim, desire, hope, hesitate ...etc. I decide to study engineering at University She’s expecting to get a reply from the company. Do you agree to join us for the holiday? Mary learned to swim when she was young We can’t afford to build a new house. Bob refused to lend me his car. You manage to get some tickets for the pop concert on Saturday.
3 3. Verbs + O + to - ×ninitive Want, ask, tell, request, order, beg, remind, invite, advise, warn, promise , encourage He tells me to send this letter. The teacher encouraged Lan to join English club. 4. Be/ look/ seem/ feel + ADJECTIVE + TO infinitive: Afraid, ashamed, considerate , disappointed , eager , foolish , fortunate , happy , lucky , pleased , proud, , ready , sorry , surprised , angry,prepared , glad, proud I’m afraid to drive alone at night. Were you disappointed not to win the race? The actress seems eager to go on stage. The parents are proud to have a healthy child. Citizens ought to feel lucky to be able to vote. He was not at all surprised to hear the news. I’m looking for someone qualified to type a thesis. The party is ready to serve. I'm glad to see you again. 5. After the verb TO BE Ex: We are to pass the next exam. My purpose is to win the next English competition. 6. After Noun (Infinitive of Purpose): TO / IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO + V (bare infinitive) Ex: There are lots of things to do today. Ex: He studies hard so as to pass the entrance examination. I. BARE - INFINITIVE 1. After modal verbs: can, may, must, ... EX: I must go home now. 2. After had better, would rather, do nothing but. EX: He did nothing but complain about his life. You’d better stay at home today. 3. Make Let EX: The clowns made them laugh a lot last night. II. VERB FOLLOWED BY EITHER INFINITIVE OR GERUNDS ➢ Without changing in meaning: Start, begin, continue, intend, like, love, hate, prefer It began to rain when I went to school. When did you start learning English? It began raining heavily. Does Pam continue writing to you? He intended making a film for children or It began raining when I went to school When did you start to learn English? It began to rain heavily. Does Pam continue to write to you? He intended to make a film for children. + O + V(bare-inf.)
4 ➢ VERBS + GERUND or INFINITIVE Stop doing st He stopped smoking three years ago. ( He doesn’t smoke any more now.) Stop to do st He stopped to smoke a cigarette. ( He stopped working in order to smoke ). try doing st You should try taking these tablets, ( try = thöû ) try to do st You should try to study harder. ( try = coá gaéng ) forget/ remember doing st I remember sending a postcard to my parents yesterday. He remembers meeting you when he was in France. ( He met you). forget/remember to do st Don't forget to wash the dishes. Remember to sent me a letter when you arrive in Ho Chi Minh city. ( you will send.) regret doing st She regretted not coming your birthday party. So she felt bored regret to do st I regret to inform you that you've failed your exam. need to do st You need to practise English every day.( = You have to practise English every day). need doing st =need to be done Your shirt needs washing. It smells. ( = Your shirt needs to be washed ). go on doing = to continue doing st The teacher introduced herself and went on to explain the course. go on to do The teacher told everyone to be quiet, but they just went on talking. like doing I like fishing like to do I like to do my job well. Notes: ➢ would like + to- inf; feel like + V-ing = wish for ➢ ALLOW, PERMIT, ADVISE, RECOMMEND Allow = permit V-ing + Advise = recommend O + to-inf. I permit you to go out. I permit going out ➢ See, smell, notice, observe, taste, feel, overhear, hear, watch + O + Verb: the whole process ➢ See, smell, notice, observe, taste, feel, overhear, hear, watch + O + Verb – ing: action is happening

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