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1 A. VOCABULARY  New words (Từ mới) Words Type Pronunciation Meaning identify (v) /aiˈdentifai/ nhận ra, nhận dạng environmental (a) /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/ thuộc về môi trường a range of (n) /reɪndʒ/ sắp xếp, sắp xếp có thứ tự issue (n) /ˈɪs.juː/ vấn đề deforestation (n) /diːˌfɒr.ɪˈsteɪ.ʃən/ sự phá rừng endanger (v) /ɪn`deɪndʒə/ gây nguy hiểm substance (n) /ˈsʌb.stəns/ chất presentation (n) /ˌprez.ənˈteɪ.ʃən/ sự trình bày focus (n) /ˈfəʊ.kəs/ trọng tâm, trọng điểm solution (n) /səˈluː.ʃən/ sự giải quyết, dung dịch effort (n) /ˈef.ət/ nỗ lực succeed (v) /səkˈsiːd/ nối tiếp, kế tiếp, thành công habitat (n) /ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt/ môi trường sống ecosystem (n) /ˈiː.kəʊˌsɪs.təm/ hệ sinh thái climate (n) /ˈklaɪ.mət/ khí hậu , thời tiết survive (v) /səˈvaɪv/ sống sót involve (v) /ɪnˈvɒlv/ bao hàm, gồm series (n) /ˈsɪə.riːz/ loạt, dãy, chuỗi to deal with sb (v) /diːl/ đối phó với balance (n) /ˈbæl.əns/ cân bằng aspect (n) /ˈæs.pekt/ phương diện, vẻ bề ngoài average (n) /ˈæv.ər.ɪdʒ/ trung bình consequence (n) /ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns/ hậu quả polar ice (n) /ˈpəʊ.lər aɪs / băng ở địa cực emission (n) /iˈmɪʃ.ən/ sự phát ra, sự bốc ra, tỏa ra heatwave (n) /ˈhiːtˌweɪv/ sóng nhiệt, đợt kh. khí nóng loss (n) /lɒs/ sự mất mát lose - lost - lost (v) mất, thua respiratory (adj) /rɪˈspɪr.ə.tər.i/ thuộc về hô hấp lung cancer (n) /lʌŋ ˈkæn.sɚ / ung thư phổi illegally (adv) /ɪˈliː.ɡəl.i/ trái pháp luật various (adj) /ˈveəriəs/ khác nhau, nhiều thứ affect (v) /əˈfekt/ ảnh hưởng recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ tái chế rubbish (n) /ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/ rác, vật bỏ đi strict (v) /strɪkt/ ` nghiêm khắc effective (adj) /ɪˈfek.tɪv/ có tính hiệu quả recognize (v) /ˈrek.əɡ.naɪz/ công nhận, thừa nhận PART I: THEORY UNIT 9: PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT
1 to recognize sb/ sth as sth non-governmental (adj) /ˌnɒn.ɡʌv.ənˈmen.təl/ phi chính phủ submit (v) /səbˈmɪt/ đệ trình, đưa ra để xem xét assignment (n) /əˈsaɪn.mənt/ nhiệm vụ, bổn phận awareness (n) /əˈweər/ sự nhận thức expert expert at/ in sth / doing sth (n, adj) /ˈek.spɜːt/ chuyên gia, thành thạo, lão luyện territory (n) /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ lãnh thổ promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ thăng tiến supporter (n) /səˈpɔː.tər/ người ủng hộ, vật chống đỡ impact (n) /ˈɪm.pækt/ sự ảnh hưởng, sự va chạm respond (v) /rɪˈspɒnd/ phản ứng, đối phó lại field trip (n) /ˈfiːld trɪp/ chuyến đi thực tế eco-friendly (adj) /ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/ thân thiện với môi trường ecotourism (n) /ˈiːkəʊtʊərɪzəm/ du lịch sinh thái explanation (n) /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/ sự giải nghĩa, giải thích duty (n) /ˈdjuːti/ bổn phận, trách nhiệm coral reef (n) /ˈkɒrəlriːf/ rặng san hô, dải san hô hippo (n) /ˈhɪpəʊ/ con hà mã herb garden (n) /hɜːb ˈɡɑːdn/ vườn thảo mộ  Structures (Cấu trúc) No. Structures Meaning 1. die out chết dần 2. come down rơi, giảm, sa sút 3. prevent …from ngăn cản ….khỏi 4. aware of nhận thức 5. in danger bị nguy hiểm 6. focus on tập trung 7. increase in tăng 8. depend on phụ thuộc 9. balance of cân bằng 10. related to có liên quan, có quan hệ với B. GRAMMAR I. Reported speech (Câu tường thuật) A. ĐỔI NGÔI - Ngôi 1: Đổi cùng ngôi với chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính. - Ngôi 2: Đổi cùng ngôi với túc từ của mệnh đề chính. - Ngôi 3: giữ nguyên. Ngôi Chủ từ Túc từ Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu Đại từ phản thân SỐ ÍT 1 I me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself 3 he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself SỐ 1 we us our ours ourselves
1 NHIỀU 2 you you your yours yourself 3 they them their theirs themselves B. LÙI THÌ Direct speech (Câu trực tiếp) Indirect speech (Câu gián tiếp)  HTĐ V 1 / V s(es)  QKĐ V 2/ed  HTTD am/ is/ are + V -ing  QKTD was/ were + V -ing  HTHT have/ has + V 3/ed  QKHT had + V 3/ed  QKĐ V 2/ed  QKHT had + V 3/ed  QKTD was/ were + V -ing  QKHTTD had been + V -ing  will/ shall  can/ may  must  would/ should  could/ might  must/ had to  Chú ý các trường hợp không lùi thì + Động từ trích dẫn ở hiện tại/ tương lai Ex: The farmer says, “I hope it will rain tomorrow”  The farmer says (that) he hope it will rain the day after. - Không thay đổi thì dù động từ ở MĐ chính ở thì QK khi + Thời gian xác định cụ thể Ex: “I was born in 1980”  He said that he was born in 1980 + If 2, If 3 Ex: He said, “If I were you, I wouldn’t come here”  He said if he were me, he wouldn’t come there. + Mệnh đề sau “wish, as if” Ex: Mary said, “I wish I were a boy”  Mary said that she wishes she were a boy. + Diễn tả chân lí Ex: My teacher said: “The Sun rises in the East”  My teacher said the Sun rises in the East + Cấu trúc it’s (high/ about) time/ if only/ wish/ used to/ had better/ would rather/ would/ should/ could/ might/ ought to + Thì quá khứ hoàn thành (had + V 3/ed ) C. ĐỔI TRẠNG TỪ Direct speech (Câu trực tiếp) Indirect speech (Câu gián tiếp) 1. today / tonight 1. that day / that night 2. - yesterday - last night - last week - the day before yesterday 2. - the day before, the previous day - the night before, the previous night - the week before, the previous week - two days before 3. - tomorrow - tomorrow night - next week (month, …) - that day after tomorrow 3. - the day after, the next day, the following day - the night after, the next night, the following night - the week after, the following week - in two days’ time 4. - now - ago 4. - then - before 5. here 5. there 6. this 6. that 7. these 7. those 8. right now 8. at once
1 D. CẤU TRÚC CÂU GIÁN TIẾP a. Imperative (Thể mệnh lệnh) S + told/ asked + O + (not) to V-inf E.g: She said to John:” Show me your paper.”  She told John to show her his paper. Ann said to him: “Don’t wait for me if I am late.”  Ann told him not to wait for her if she was late. b. Statements (Câu trần thuật) S + said (that) + S + V S + said to + O (that) + S + V S + told + O (that) + S + V E.g: “I saw her this morning”, he said  He said that he had seen her that morning. Mary said to Bill, “I don’t like living here.”  Mary told Bill (that) she didn’t like living there. c. Questions (Câu nghi vấn) 1. Yes/ No question asked S + wanted to know + (O) + if/ whether + S + V(lùi thì) wondered E.g: “Does your brother live in London, Nam?”, she  She asked Nam if his brother lived in London. 2. Wh- question asked S + wanted to know + O + wh-question + S + V(lùi thì) wondered E.g: The boy asked me, “What time is it?”  The boy asked me what time it was. A. PHONETIC Exercise 1. Mark the stresses syllables (‘) in the words in bold. Then practise saying the sentences with a natural rhythm. 1. In some parts of the world, people can’t afford to buy food. 2. Having a shower instead of a bath reduces the amount of water we waste. 3. We produce and use twenty times more plastic today than we did fifty years ago. 4. Don’t throw away bottles because it is better to recycle them. 5. You waste energy when you leave the windows open in winter. 6. We are running out of natural resources and destroying rainforests. Exercise 2. Mark the stressed syllables (‘) in the words in bold. Then practice saying the sentences with a natural rhythm. 1. The greenhouse effect is a result of air pollution. 2. Noise pollution can increase heart rate and damage hearing. 3. Using a lot of fertilizers can reduce soil fertility. 4. Don't dump plastic or other inorganic waste in the ground and don't overuse chemical fertilizers in agriculture. 5. Air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels, engines and factories. 6. Most chemicals pollute the ground and the underground water. Exercise 3. Choose the word which has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. PART II: LANGUAGE

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