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Objectives This book attempts to provide a unified overview of the broad field of data and computer communications. The organization of the book reflects an attempt to break this massive subject into comprehensible parts and to build, piece by piece, a survey of the state of the art. The book emphasizes basic principles and topics of fundamental importance concerning the technology and architecture of this field, as well as providing a detailed discussion of leading-edge topics. The following basic themes serve to unify the discussion: Principles: Although the scope of this book is broad, there are a number of basic principles that appear repeatedly as themes and that unify this field. Examples are multiplexing, flow control, and error control. The book high- lights these principles and contrasts their application in specific areas of tech- nology. Design Approaches: The book examines alternative approaches to meeting specific communication requirements. The discussion is bolstered with exam- ples from existing implementations. Standards: Standards have come to assume an increasingly important, indeed dominant, role in this field. An understanding of the current status and future direction of technology requires a comprehensive discussion of the role and nature of the related standards. Plan of the Text The book is divided into four parts: 1 Data Communications: This part is concerned primarily with the exchange of data between two directly-connected devices. Within thisrestricted scope, the key aspects of transmission, interfacing, link control, and multiplexing are examined. 11 Wide-Area Networks: This part examines the internal mechanisms and tech- nologies that have been developed to support voice, data, and multimedia communications over long-distance networks. The traditional technologies of packet switching and circuit switching are examined, as well as the more recent frame relay and ATM. -7. . . *
I11 Local Area Networks: This part explores the quite different technologies and architectures that have been developed for networking over shorter distances. The transmission media, topologies, and medium access control protocols that are the key ingredients of a LAN design are explored and specific standard- iz6h LAN systems examined. 1V Communications Architecture and Protocols: This part explores both the architectural principles and the mechanisms required for the exchange of data among computers, workstations, servers, and other data processing devices. Much of the material in this part relates to the TCPIIP protocol suite. In addition, the book includes an extensive glossary, a list of frequently-used acronyms, and a a bibliography. Each chapter includes problems and suggestions for further reading. The book is intended for both an academic and a professional audience. For the professional interested in this field, the book serves as a basic reference volume and is suitable for self-study. As a textbook, it can be used for a one-semester or two-semester course. It covers the material in the Computer Communication Networks course of the joint ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 1991. The chapters and parts of the book are sufficiently modular to provide a great deal of flexibility in the design of courses. The following are suggestions for course design: Fundamentals of Data Communications: Part I, Chapters 8 (circuit switch- ing), 9 (packet switching), 12 (protocols and architecture). Communications Networks: If the student has a basic background in data communications, then this course could cover Parts I1 and 111, and Appendix A. Computer Networks: If the student has a basic background in data commu- nications, then this course could cover Chapters 5 (data communication interface), 6 (data link control), and Part IV. In addition, a more streamlined course that covers the entire book is possi- ble by eliminating certain chapters that are not essential on a first reading. Chapters that could be optional are: Chapters 2 (data transmission) and 3 (trans- mission media), if the student has a basic understanding of these topics, Chapter 7 (multiplexing), Chapter 10 (frame relay), Chapter 14 bridges), and Chapter 18 (network security). INTERNET SERVICES FOR INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS There is a web page for this book that provides support for students and instruc- tors. The page includes links to relevant sites, transparency masters of figures in the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, and sign-up information for the book's internet mailing list. The mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. The web page is at http://www.shore.net/-ws/DCC5e.html. As soon as any typos or other errors are discovered, an errata list for this book will be available at http://www.shore.net/-ws/welcome.html.