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4) Lymph node assessment radioactively 11) Sigmoid volvulus clinical picture was given. They asked about the diagnosis. 12) When will the ovulation occur? 1) 36 hrs before lh surge 2) 36 hrs after lh surge 3) At lh surge 13) Mammogram frequency of age 50-74 women 14) A research had been carried out to test a sensitivity of a new test to diagnose a disease with 800 people who have the disease and 800 people who does not have the disease. Out of 800 disease having , 200 were positive for the test. 100 out of 800 disease free people got positive results. What is the sensitivity of this test? 15) An ultrasound scan was given with a gestational sac present in it. 2 weeks later the same persons USS given . This time no yolk sac was seen. (Possibly complete miscarriage) what is your management option? 1) Admit to hospital and observe 2) Laparascopy 3) Review in 4 weeks 16) A one year old infant’s mother brought the child back to hospital after 3 episodes of diarrhea. Child is getting his regular food. The same child has presented with 2 episodes of diarrhea the day before and doctor had prescribed ORS . After giving one ORS portion mother again started regular feeding and diarrhea again started. Baby looks healthy, not irritable. Skin turgor normal. No signs of dehydration. What is your advice? 1) Continue Ors for 3 months 2) Continue ors for 1 day and then again start regular feeds. 3) Start cow milk formula 17) Meningitis clinical picture was given in a child and asked about the prophylaxis that should be given to his brother. Ans: rifampin 18) 24 year old sexually active woman present with profuse green yellow foul Smelling vaginal dischare gor 2 days.on examination under microscope you gound flagellated organism. What is the diagnosis? Trichomonas 19) Candida albicans was also given as a question. 20) Neisseria gonorrhea was again mentioned in a patient’s clinical picture 21) Osteosarcoma in a child 22) Tumor lysis xd given and what you can’t see in the patient’s electrolyte levels? Ans: hypercalcemia 23) Patient with profuse diarrhea presented. What do you expect in this patient’s ABG? Met. Acidosis 24) A mother brought her child with uncontrolled asthma even with the use of LABA AND Long actinf ICS . Mother also having asthma and her inhaler technique was wrong. She told the physician that she is the one who is also applying the inhalers to child. What can you do to help this child? 1) Add steroids 2) Add leukotriene inhibitors 3) Assess the inhaler technique and correct it
25) A 25 year old nulliparous women with dysfunctional uterine bleeding presented to the gynae clinic. On USS there apperas to be a intramural fibroid of 6cm*6cm what is your management options? 1) Laparascopic myomectomy 2) Abdominal hysterectomy 3) Vaginal myomectomy 26) Heavy menstrual bleeding management in a 33 year old G1p1 mother who wishes to preserve her fertility. 1) COCP 2) Hysterectomy 27) Kawasaki disease clinical picture given. They asked about the diagnosis 28) A patient with nephrotic xd currently on steroid therapy . What is your advice regarding vaccination. 1) Can give all the vaccines 2) Give ig only 3) Give vaccines one month after completion of steroids. Ans : not sure . I put 3 though 29) Vaccines that can be given to a pregnant lady 1) Mmr 2) Varicella 3) Influenza : ans 30) A 11 year old boy presented with recurrent episodes of bedwetting. Eventhough multiple discussions and attempts with physicians were made he was unable to stop that. The child is embarassed about that. What is your treatment? 1) Alarm beds and positive reinforcements 2) Intra nasal desmopressin ( I put this answer) 31) Frontotemporal dementia is given( patient with sudden personality changes, aggressive behavior. He pauses when speaking regualrly ) 32) Right middle lobe consolidation: culture pending. What are the treatment options? 1) Tmp/sulfamethoxazole 2) Iv ceftacedime 3) Iv vancomycin 4) Pip/taz 33) Aortic stenosis 34) Aortic regurgitation 35) Unstable angina

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