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UNIT 5. OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS A. Pronunciation I. Circle the word with the underlined part pronounced differently in each group. Then practice saying the words aloud. 1. A. singer B. England C. angle D. longevity 2. A. language B. opening C. convert D. animal 3. A. morning B. thinking C. union D. ornament 4. A. drink B. thank C. funny D. uncle 5. A. offering B. tradition C. young D. wrinkle II. Say the sentences aloud, paying attention to the underlined words containing the sounds /n/ and /ŋ/. 1. She wants to become a folk singer. 2. Tet is a time for family reunions and gatherings with friends. 3. They had a lion dance group perform at their daughter’s wedding. 4. The Vietnamese carefully prepare offerings for the Kitchen Gods. 5. Everyone needs to wait for the host to start eating. B. Vocabulary & Grammar I. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases. The first letters are given to you. 1. an o_____ t______ 2. a b_____ t_____ 3. a c_____ h_____ 4. a b_____ p_____
5. b_____ s_____ 6. f_____ o_____ 7. m_____ a_____ 8. f_____ g_____ II. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence. 1. In many cultures, a _______________ represents youth, beauty, and pleasure. A. blooming flower B. communal house C. bamboo pole 2. _______________ such as kumquat trees, peach blossoms, and apricot flowers are popular at Tet. A. Blooming flower B. Vegetables C. Ornamental trees 3. Traditionally, the _______________ in a village is a place for villagers to meet or worship A. festival B. market C. communal house 4. Every year, the Bulgarians hold the Surva Festival to chase away _______________. A. bad spirits B. festival goers C. martial artists 5. In many Vietnamese villages, people put up a _______________ in the yard of the communal house to welcome Tet. A. fight B. barrier C. bamboo pole 6. During Tet, the Kinh often prepare traditional _______________ such as banh chung and boiled chicken to worship their ancestors. A. decorative items B. food offerings C. spirits 7. Last year, thousands of festival _______________ participated in the Lim Festival in Tien Du District. A. comers B. goers C. movers 8. Learning _______________ can help build physical strength and improve confidence. A. martial arts B. physics C. chemistry III. Complete the text with the words from the box. break custom traditionally maintain practice traditions I think each family has their own customs and (1) _____________. For example, my uncle’s
children always spend two weeks in the countryside in summertime. Holding a party on everyone's birthday is another custom they (2) _____________. As for my family, it is becoming a (3) _____________ for us to bake a special cake on the last Sunday of each month. We also have a home cinema night every Saturday when we enjoy a film together. For my extended family, (4) _____________ we gather on the first day of the Lunar New Year. In my opinion, it is good for families to (5) _____________ their traditions. However, from time to time, they can (6) _____________ with tradition and try something new to add variety to their lives. IV. Complete each sentence with a, an, the, or ʘ (zero article). 1. I lost my wallet on _____________ last day of my stay in Paris. 2. What are some things I should know about _____________ Vietnamese table manners? 3. We often stay at home on New Year’s Eve but this year was _____________ exception. 4. My village holds an annual festival that welcomes _____________ thousands of festival goers. 5. We went to _____________ Chinese restaurant last night. V. Some of the lines in the text below have an article which is incorrectly used. If the line has a wrong article, circle it and write the correct one on the right of the line. If the line is correct, put a tick (). Line The text Correction 1 Hung King Temple Festival is one of a national public _________the________ 2 holidays of Viet Nam. The festival aims to remember and ___________________ 3 worship the Hung Kings, the first kings of a nation. It is often ____________________ _ 4 held between a first and the 10th day of the third lunar month. ____________________ _ 5 The main ceremony happens at a Hung King Temple in ____________________ _ 6 Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province. Each year, about four million ____________________ _ 7 festival goers arrive at the Phu Tho to join the festivities. ____________________ _ 8 There are over 1.400 Hung King Temples across Viet Nam, so ____________________
_ 9 whether you visit a main temple in Phu Tho or not you can ____________________ _ 10 be an part of the festivities at any place in the country. ____________________ _ C. Speaking I. Choose the most suitable response A or B to complete each of the following exchanges. 1. A: What gift should I bring to Jane’s house-warming party? B: _____________________________________ A. How about buying her an ornamental tree? B. Sorry, but I'm busy on Friday. 2. A: Minh keeps making fun of me in class. What should I do? B: _____________________________________ A. Oh dear. He’s so impolite. B. Perhaps you could try talking to him seriously. 3. A: Mai is always sending messages to me late at night. This wakes me up. B: _____________________________________ A. Don’t reply to her late messages, and she’ll soon stop sending them. B. Poor you! You must be very sleepy then. 4. A: I’m going to Summer Carnival in Ha Long next week! B: _____________________________________ A. That sounds exciting! B. It’s a good idea to bring a warm coat. 5. A: Jack wants to go somewhere for Mid-Autumn Festival. B: _____________________________________ A. Tell him to wait for a few minutes. B. He should definitely go to Hoi An. II. Elena and Minh are talking about Minh’s family. Choose A – E complete their conversation. Then practise it with a friend. Elena: Minh, does your family often spend time doing activities A. Yes. We cheer our favourite

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