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Nội dung text How To Make Money Writing Emails

How To Make Money Writing Emails Introduction If you’d like to make a lot more money just by writing emails, this will be the most exciting book you’ll ever read. Here’s why: My name is Isaiah Elliott. For the past four years, I’ve been a copywriter and email marketer for some of the biggest brands on the planet... I’ve generated over $33,000,000 in sales for my clients... I’ve written email promotions that have generated over $1,000,000 in a matter of weeks... And I've done it all with nothing more than my trusty laptop and a Wi-Fi connection. But I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I was some "overnight success" story... 1
And that this all fell into my lap out of pure luck. The truth is that not too long ago, I was dead broke... I was scraping by, running my own small-time janitorial business... Scrubbing grimy filthy toilets... And mopping up other people's messes just to keep the lights on and put food on the table. But then COVID-19 took the world by storm, and that’s when everything changed. In just two short weeks, I watched as almost all of my janitorial jobs vanished into thin air. And as if that wasn't enough... My wife shared the news that she was pregnant with our first child. To say I panicked was an understatement. I had just lost the vast majority of our household income... And now I have a baby on the way to provide for?! A tiny, precious, completely dependent new life to keep clothed, fed, and sheltered. As I stared at that positive pregnancy test, I knew something HAD to change... and FAST. So immediately I went to the drawing board and started looking for ways to create an online income. 2
I’d been playing lead guitar for over 12 years, so I decided to start teaching guitar online. Within a month, I had scraped together 13 students. It was paying the bills... But I was still treading water. 13 students wasn't going to cut it. Not by a long shot. I needed much more than that to give my wife and son the life they deserve; The life I desperately wanted to provide for them. I wracked my brain day and night, thinking about every way I could make more money... And that's when I stumbled across a $1 book about digital marketing. It was just a buck, so I figured, hey why not? I had nothing to lose. I bought the book on a whim, not expecting much... Devoured it in one sitting, hanging onto every word... And the next day, I got an unexpected call from someone who worked at the very company I bought the book from. His name was Nick (Nick, if you’re reading this, you helped changed my life. Thank you). Nick asked me some questions and thought I should talk to their other guy, Kyle. Kyle was a laid-back, red-headed dude in his early 30’s. 3
So he gives me a call shortly after... And about an hour and a half later... He invites me to join their program. Now, this program wasn’t cheap. In fact, it cost more than my Honda Accord at the time. So when Kyle casually threw out the price, fully expecting me to hand over my credit card number right then and there... It took every ounce of my strength to pick my jaw up off the floor and maintain my composure. The sheer thought of investing that much money, especially in the dire financial situation I was in, seemed like the dumbest thing I could do. Yet, I knew that I needed to do something. And no matter what happened... I HAD to make it work. So I opened a new line of credit... Maxed out that credit card... And joined the program. And I’m so glad I did. Because inside the program, I was introduced to copywriting. In fact, I spent the next grueling 8 weeks hustling non-stop... Reaching out to every potential client I could find... 4

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