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Class : XIth Subject : CHEMISTRY Date : DPP No. : 4 1 (d) Ozone layer is permeable for infrared radiations but is does not allow the harmful UV radiations to reach on the earth 6 (c) Mesosphere is the coldest region having ―100°C temperature 9 (c) Green chemistry involves photochemistry (related to light), sonochemistry (related to sound waves) and biochemistry (related to enzymes) but it does not involve nuclear chemistry 10 (d) In electrostatic precipitator, the electrode plate is positively charged. Thus, the particulates acquire negative charge and are attracted by the negative electrode plate 12 (b) Carbon dioxide, being limiting factor, when present in small amount (ie, 0.033%), has no adverse effect but when its concentration is slightly higher than 0.033%, it has an adverse effect on our climate. Thus, in normal conditions, CO2 is not regarded as a pollutant Topic :- Environmental Chemistry Solutions

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