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Nội dung text speaking prediction 2025

Daily Routines story Technology Teenagers Environment laugh losing beautiful views Boredom photo Fishing Art/drawing Socializing Energy Mobile/ Cell phones Time management Dreams Cars Memory Advertisements Places to meet friends Keeping things Watches Computers or tablet Sitting Evenings Science subject Swimming favourite item at home Hats Fashion Part 2 (2025) (UPDATE 24/2/2025) + Describe something important that you lost in the past. (4/1/2025) + Describe a place with trees that you’d like to visit. (giống Describe a park) (4/1/2025) + Describe an environmental problem you country is facing (4/1/2025) + Describe a person you follow on social media. (5/1/2025) + Describe a person you know who does a job that is useful to society (5/1/2025) + Describe an occasion when you travelled by public transport and it broke down. (5/1/2025) + Describe a crowded place you have visited. (5/1/2025) + Describe a lake or river that is important to your country. (5/1/2025) + Describe an online video you have watched. (6/1/2025) + Describe a food/meal you ate at a special event. (5/1/2025) + Describe a time that you ate a foreign food. (10/1/2025)
(Describe a dish that you ate while in another country) (18.01.2025) + Describe a time when you planned a trip or journey. (10/1/2025) + Describe the room where you spend the most time in your house (10/1/2025) + Describe a science subject that you are interested in (10/1/2025) (Describe a science class you have attended (17/01/2024) + Describe your grandpa/grandma's job (10/1/2025) + Describe a positive change that you have made recently in your daily routine (10/1/2025) + Describe something you bought but you returned in the end (10/1/2025) + Describe something that surprised you and made you happy. (11/1/2025) + Describe a promise that you've made with someone (11/1/2025) + Describe a difficult decision you had to make. (11/1/2025) (Describe a decision you made that you think was right and had good results) + Describe something you did to learn a language. (11/1/2025) + Describe a discussion you had with your friend. (11/1/2025) + Describe a place in your hometown where you can go to enjoy with your family (16/1/2025) + Describe an unusual building (15/1/2025) + Describe a person that helps to protect the environment. (16/1/2025) + Describe an occasion when your family asked you for help (16/1/2025) + Describe a happy event that you organized (16/1/2025) + Describe a film you watched recently. (16/1/2025) (Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it (03/02/2024)) (Describe a horror film (10/02 (AM)) (Describe a film/movie you watched in a cinema (05/02/2025)) + Describe a time when you thought it was important to tell the truth. (16/1/2025) + Describe a time free from work or study that you enjoyed. (16/1/2025) + Describe a song you are interested in. (17.01.2015) + Describe a time you met a friend by chance. (17.01.2025) + Describe an old friend you have lost touch with and got in touch with again. (18.01.2025) + Describe a time you used your phone for something important. (16.01.2025) + Describe a person who has strong opinions. (18.01.2025) + Describe an old person who has an interesting life. (18.01.2025) + Describe a sports person or sports team you admire (16/01/2025). + Describe a person who asked you for advice (19/01/2025). + Describe a photo that you enjoy looking at (20/01/2025). + Describe a perfect house (21/01/2025). + Describe a place you recommend others to live, not your hometown. (23-24/01/2025) + Describe an ambition you have and how you achieved it. (25/01/2025) + Describe something that made you feel more confident. (25/01/2025) + Describe a holiday. (25/01/2025) + Describe a person who is full of energy. (23/01/2025) + Describe a person whom you were surprised to meet. (22/01/2025) + Describe an electronic equipment (not a smartphone) that you find useful. (22/01/2025) + Describe a place where you saw a lot of wildlife (07/02/2025) (Describe a wild animal. (25/01/2025)) + Describe a person who pursues the medical field. (25/01/2025) + Describe a prize that you received. (25/01/2025) (Describe a competition where you won a prize (06/02/2025))
+ Describe a person you want to see performing live (25/1/2025) + Describe a skill that you learned from an old person (22/1/2025 + Describe a foreign country you would like to visit? (23/1/2025) + Describe a time when you enjoyed a free day off from work or school. (23/1/2025) + Describe a place where someone invited you to go (25/1/2025) + Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event (04/02/2025) + Describe something you think is important to keep fit and stay healthy (09/02/2025) + Describe a well-known person in your country (08/02/2025) + Describe a person you know who expresses emotions clearly (06/02/2025) + Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive about some work that you did (08/02/2025) + Describe a situation when something in your house was broken and then repaired (19/2/2025) + Describe one rule at your school or company (19/2/2025) (Describe a rule that you do not like and want to change) + Describe a situation when you were late for an appointment (19/2/2025) PART 2 chi tiết phân theo nhóm (update đến 24/2/2025) 1. People ● Describe a well-known person in your country (08/02/2025) ● Describe a person you follow on social media. (5/1/2025) ● Describe a person you know who does a job that is useful to society. (5/1/2025) ● Describe your grandpa/grandma's job. (10/1/2025) ● Describe a perso.n that helps to protect the environment. (16/1/2025) ● Describe a person who has strong opinions. (18/1/2025) ● Describe a person you know who expresses emotions clearly (06/02/2025) ● Describe an old person who has an interesting life. (18/1/2025) (Describe a skill that you learned from an old person (22/1/2025) ● Describe a sports person you admire (16/01/2025). ● Describe a person who asked you for advice (19/01/2025). ● Describe a person who is full of energy. (23/01/2025) ● Describe a person whom you were surprised to meet. (22/01/2025) ● Describe a person who pursues the medical field. (25/01/2025) ● Describe a person you want to see performing live (25/1/2025) 2. Places ● Describe a place with trees that you’d like to visit. (4/1/2025) ● Describe a crowded place you have visited. (5/1/2025) ● Describe a lake or river that is important to your country. (5/1/2025) ● Describe the room where you spend the most time in your house. (10/1/2025) ● Describe a place in your hometown where you can go to enjoy with your family. (16/1/2025)

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