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UNIT 2. LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE LANGUAGE FOCUS PRONUNCIATION I. Circle the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line. Then listen and repeat. Track 6 1. A. pig B. tick C. give D. find 2. A. high B. kind C. rib D. price 3. A. about B. village C. pagoda D. canal 4. A. buffalo B. natural C. capital D. camera 5. A. education B. security C. decide D. harvest II. Circle the word which has a different stress pattern in each line. Track 7 1. A. nature B. orchard C. village D. bamboo 2. A. rural B. ideal C. basic D. paddy 3. A. countryside B. neighborhood C. tradition D. resident 4. A. peaceful B. amazed C. unspoilt D. essential 5. A. hospitable B. enjoyable C. supportive D. picturesque VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR III. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. The villagers are looking forward to a bumper crop / products this year. 2. The farmers often plough / nurture the fields and leave them for a while before planting new crops. 3. Picking / Collecting apples is one of the favourite part-time jobs for those students. 4. Putting up / Building a camp is not an easy task for the kids but they managed to do it. 5. In the city, the pace / rate of life is far faster than in the countryside. IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. The ________ climate allowed the inhabitants to grow variety of fruits. A. hostile B. hospital C. hospitable D. hospitalize 2. Local people were unhappy because a / an ________ area of farming land was turned into construction site, leaving them less land for cultivation. A. vast B. picturesque C. surrounded D. unspoilt 3. Despite some ________ of living in the countryside, I find it an ideal place to escape from the city’s noise and stress. A. convenience B. convenient C. inconvenience D. inconvenient 4. The small town looks ________ in the evening sunlight. You can hardly see a person or a vehicle. A. busy B. tranquil C. relaxed D. dull
5. The area around our small town is famous for its ________ landscape. Things look old- fashioned and pretty. A. hospitable B. tranquil C. modern D. picturesque V. Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 1. I come back to my hometown (often) ________ than her. 2. You should drive (slow) ________ when you enter residential zones. 3. To pass the coming exams, we are working much (hard) ________ than ever. 4. In the countryside, people tend to wake up (early) ________ than city dwellers. 5. He knows the countryside much (well) ________ than the city since he has spent his life time here. VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. They have to wait for two weeks after they ________ pesticides to pick the produce. A. plough B. irrigate C. spay D. water 2. During the ________ time, farmers get up earlier and work harder than usual to collect the crops. A. crop B. harvest C. farming D. irrigation 3. In the countryside, you can enjoy fresh and local ________ that you may not be able to find in the city. A. produce B. crops C. harvests D. cattle 4. The inhabitants of the village live ________ now than in the past thanks to the better living conditions. A. more richly B. much wealthier C. more comfortably D. more health 5. ________ cattle is a practice of caring for roaming cattle that people started to do 10,000 years ago. A. Raising B. Herding C. Caring D. Growing 6. Drivers have to speed down to avoid crashing into a ________ of cows on the road. A. school B. swarm C. herd D. crowd 7. - Mr Ha: I’m glad you have a bumper crop this year! - Mr Nam: ________ A. Are you kidding? B. I hope so. C. I don’t’ think so. D. Thank you. 8. Traffic systems in big cities are normally ________ to follow than those in the countryside. A. more complicated B. more complicatedly C. more hardly D. hard 9. - Tom: I really love the local craft you gave me yesterday. - Mai: ________ A. Alright, it’s just a small gift. B. I’m glad you like it. C. Really? Do you really like it? D. Do you? I hope so. 10. The Smiths said goodbye to the ________ of city life and moved to live in the peaceful countryside.
A. hustle and bustle B. tranquility C. activity D. busy as a bee 11. The school is ________ located for children to come, so more children of the village go to school. A. more inconveniently B. more conveniently C. more nearly D. nearly 12. In the cities, libraries are ________ than those in the countryside, so children have more chances to observe experiments. A. poorly equipped B. well equipped C. better equipped D. badly equipped 13. The village is populated ________ than the urban areas. There are just some hundred households here. A. more densely B. less dense C. thinner D. more thinly 14. The small village in the north of the country is poor due to the ________ weather conditions. Locals can hardly grow any produce. A. favourable B. hospitable C. inhospitable D. favoured 15. We prefer living a kind of ________ way of life to the stressful city life. A. country bumpkin B. bustling C. dead as a dodo D. out of the blue SKILLS READING VII. Read the following passage about Maggie and Claudia’s opinions of countryside life in the UK, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Maggie Maggie is from Shanghai and moved to live in a village near York. The village life here is wonderful. There is a great sense of community. Neighbours often greet each other in the street and the post office is the main place of contact. It’s more relaxed and you can’t tell who has money and who hasn't. The residents of my village are hardly multi-cultural, and they seem easy going. Even if local people are curious about my background, so far no one has said anything. English people don't ask direct questions, they go around the moon to meet the sun. Children, however, are much more direct. Claudia Claudia is working in East Asia, moved to live in England. It’s more difficult to live in the countryside due to the isolation. For internationals who are used to city life like me, living in an English country village presents challenges. There aren’t so many facilities as in a city and transport links aren’t so well-developed. It can also be harder to find communities that have similar ideas and interests. (Adapted from: https://expatica.com) 1. Maggie and Claudia are ________.
A. international students B. local British C. born British D. internationals 2. According to Maggie, village life in the UK is ________. A. stressful B. full of discrimination C. full of sense of community D. full of communication 3. People in Maggie village ________. A. come from different cultures B. almost have the same culture C. are hard to communicate with D. seem difficult 4. According to Maggie, English people ________. A. are straightforward B. often beat around the bush C. often travel around the moon D. like to go to the sun 5. Which of the following is NOT true of Claudia’s case? A. She feels lonely in British village. B. She has difficulties living in the village. C. It’s easy for her to get people of same interests. D. Transport links in UK villages are not well-developed. VIII. Read the following passage and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). The countryside of England in the summer is like a large well-kept garden that stretches on forever. For centuries landowners and local people have turned every part of England into something unusual in landscapes and local cultures. The countryside of England today shows the wealth of landowners and success of people who tried to escape the luxury of city life. According to a recent survey, some 80% of Britain’s population dream of living in the countryside, while only 20% actually live there. English village communities are small and often eccentric. They are, however warm and usually welcoming. They also show the local charms of the ‘English character’. The local post office or shop is the communications hub of every village. They also have old pubs and the village pub offers an opportunity for new comers to get to know local culture. But the heart of many rural communities remains a village church. Around these churches there are many community activities, from village funfair, council meetings to flower arranging. (Source: https://expatica.com) Statements T F NG 1. The landscape and culture of England is very special. 2. More Brits live in the countryside than in the city. 3. English villages are large and modern. 4. Pubs are places for people to come to learn about the local culture. 5. The churches play an important role for English village communities.

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