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TABLE 3: ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGES OF CITY LIFE ADVANTAGE MEANING DISADVANTAGE MEANING health service /helθ/ - /ˈsɜː.vɪs/ Dịch vụ y tế air/noise pollution /eər/ - /nɔɪz/ - /pəˈluː.ʃən/ Ô nhiễm không khí/ tiếng ồn easy shopping /ˈiː.zi/ - /ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ/ Dễ dàng mua sắm rush hour /rʌʃ/ /aʊər/ Giờ cao điểm green space /griːn/ - /speɪs/ Không gian xanh overcrowding /ˌəʊ.vəˈkraʊ.dɪŋ/ Quá tải attractive buildings /əˈtræk.tɪv/ - /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ Tòa nhà thiết kế thu hút traffic jam/congestion /ˈtræf.ɪk ˌdʒæm/ /kənˈdʒes.tʃən/ Tắc đường food stall /fuːd/ - /stɔːl/ quầy hàng thực phẩm heavy traffic /ˈhev.i/ - /ˈtræf.ɪk/ Giao thông đông đúc wide roads /waɪd/ - /rəʊd/ đường rộng pickpocketing /ˈpɪkˌpɒk.ɪ.tɪŋ/ Kẻ móc túi sport facilities /spɔːt/ - /fəˈsɪl.ə.ti/ Cơ sở vật chất dành cho thể thao food waste /fuːd/ - /weɪst/ Lãng phí thức ăn nightlife /ˈnaɪt.laɪf/ Cuộc sống về đêm a high crime rate /kraɪm/ /reɪt/ Tỉ lệ tội phạm cao (Table 3) Match the person’s needs to the facilities Facilities Needs 1. _____ health service a. Cody wants to work out and gain weight 2. _____ easy shopping b. Lynnie wants to hang out with friends and throw parties 3. _____ green space c. Mina loves street food and trying new dishes 4. _____ attractive buildings d. Chi wants to be outdoor and stays close to nature 5. _____ food stall e. Nga is a shopaholic. She always goes shopping twice a week. 6. _____ wide roads f. Truong has just bought a car. He wants to drive it to work 7. _____ sport facilities g. Quinnie is often sick. She is in need of medical care 8. _____ nightlife h. Miley likes taking pictures of interesting structures
-SPEAKING – EXERCISE 1. Talk about problems in your cities and how to solve them. Task 1: Make a list of the problems and solutions Problems Solutions - Dirty street - Lack of green spaces - ……. - Tell people to throw rubbish away properly - Plant more trees - ……. Task 2: Work in pairs. Practice these structures There are several problems in our city First, _______________________________________ __________________________________________ __ __________________________________________ _____ Second, _____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___ __________________________________________ ___ __________________________________________ ___ To solve these problems, the city can, ____________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________ Another solution is, ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________ By doing so, the city can become a… place, ______ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______ ___________________________________________ ___ ___________________________________________ ____
EXERCISE 1. Read the paragraph, then answer the questions. VAN PHUC SILK VILLAGE Van Phuc silk village, Van Phuc ward, Ha Dong district, about 10km southwest of Hanoi Old Quarter, Van Phuc silk village is renowned for its traditional weaving and premium quality silk products. Van Phuc Silk Village is proud to be the origin of the best silk and silk-making industry of Vietnam, which is attached to a long-lasting history of more than two thousand years. Though passing through lots of ups and downs, during the recent years, the village’s craft has enjoyed revival due to a surging demand for silk in both the domestic and foreign markets. Van Phuc silk has been known for its smooth, light weight, and elegant appearance. Especially, a traditional kind of silk called Van Silk made in Van Phuc, which makes the wearers feel cool in summer and warm in winter. Today, to satisfy various demands for silk of the market, Van Phuc silk producers have expanded their silk and garment goods like embroidered silk, wrinkled silk, double layers and more colors for silk products. Many families in Van Phuc open their own shops on the main road of the village; create a “town of silk” that sells eye-catching and high-quality silk products. Tourists may buy available nice souvenirs and clothes in the shop or select the most suitable materials to then get customized products. The sellers are very friendly and can speak a little English and French to communicate to foreign tourists. Nowadays, although the weaving has been mechanized for higher productivity, there are still simple manual looms in some houses in the village which help tourists contemplate the genuinely traditional Vietnamese way of making silk. 1. What is Van Phuc silk village renown for? → ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________. 2. What is Van Phuc silk village proud of? →__________________________________________________________________________________ _____________. 3. Is Van Phuc silk village famous for its smooth, light weight, and elegant appearance? →__________________________________________________________________________________ _____________. 4. What have Van Phuc silk producers done to satisfy various demands for silk of the market? → ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________. 5. What may tourists do in Van Phuc silk village? → ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________.
- SPEAKING PROJECT - A local speciality Task 1. Introduce the village + What is the name of the village? + Where is the village + What is the village famous for? You can use vocabulary in Table 1 – Noun Example structure In the village of [name], [ product] is one of its most well-known features. The villgae [name] is located in [place] Your answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Task 2. How can people make the tradtional craft? You can use vocabulary in table 1 – verbs and table 5,8 Example structure In order to make a [product] you will need [things] There are [number] steps in the production of [ product] The first step is ________. Then_________. Finally ____________ Your answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________

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